Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Diplomacy and more Diplomacy

06 Apr 2018N.R.Crosby
Alpha Pack Elder N.R.Crosby sits behind his desk in his office at Yurchikhin Ring, another round of meetings and communiques done. What a list of contacts Giselle McGee had lined up for him today.

His days schedule that she downloaded to his Data Pad  was extensive.
  1. Meet with Wing Commander Coot of the Minuteman
  2. Galactic Relay meeting with Federal Liberal Command Staff
  3. Contact President drsYell of the Independent Democratic Coalition about the situation regarding the Khasiri Liberals.
  4. Fly over in the WWV White Cheetah and meet with Director Durinck of Olympus Trading Corp about establishing a new facility for the Pups Den after having to closed down the facility out at Al' Din Enterprise in LTT 12723.
  5. Inspect repairs on Romanenko Survey the Hai-Malistso latest acquisition after the Election they won in LTT 3686 on the 6th.
  6. Meet with Ambassadors from both Latam Space Force and Leviathan Scout Regiment at their Embassies
  7. Travel down to Wayola and inspect the construction of the Embassy for the Husky's Rescue Service

and last but not least which he still hadn't done meet with Vice President Elton Bowman

about the Pact that Purple legal and Movement for 41 Lambda Hydrae Future were attempting to sign an agreement the Hai-Malistso  directly oppose.

Man he needed a drink and a nice ride on Flaming Legs

When was the last time he got to enjoy a little R & R, after the explosion that rocked the Hai-Malistso Administrative Center. He felt like he has been pulling double shifts, and in most cases he has. At least 2 times within the last weeks he has fallen asleep on his couch in the office, only to be awaken by his beloved wife Daisy.

Just then Rosalie Taylor

Giselle McGee assistant walks in and say's,  "The shuttle is ready to take you to Laird Hub".

Crosby looks up,

and says to Rosalie, "Alright lets get this one last item done with shall we and then can I go home?"

Rosalie fixes a smirk on her face and say's, "Well I think Giselle had hope you look over that statistical analysis for this months Strategic Review ."

Crosby just shakes his head as he is walking out of the office and says to Rosalie, "The Old Battle Ax is going to be the death of me someday."
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