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- Vestige Herald - Spearhead Charter Repels Federal Invasion - January 4th 3305

04 Jan 2019Eardley
Spearhead Charter Repels Federal Invasion
January 4th - 3304

The war in Manktas has been resolved with a resounding victory for Spearhead Charter, defeating Manktas Partners' bid to reclaim control of the capital system of the Vestige. Over the course of the war, Farragut Battle Cruisers were seen system wide, forming the flagships of multiple Federal Navy sorties sent into the system to support the corporate aggressors.

The conflict was centred around the Manktas Defence Network, a series of Gateway stations which form a blockade around the system's Nav Beacon, giving the controller the power to determine entry to the system. On the onset of the war, Manktas Partners controlled 2 of the 3 Gateways. While previously this would not have been sufficient to operate the Defence Network, their newly built installation enabled the level of coordination required to operate the network using only two Gateways. This allowed Manktas Partners to permit entry for any number of allied vessels, while denying entry to larger fleets of Spearhead Charter supporters. 

The Federation's strategy was focused on two aspects: firstly, controlling entry to the system using the Manktas Defence Network; and secondly, attempting to take control of Fast Ring, the system's capital city, with fleets led by Farragut flagships. Offensives by the Spearhead Charter Royal Guard against the assault fleets at Fast Ring held back their attacks, relieving the siege of Fast Ring and preventing damage to the station. Civilians of the system, renowned for their martial prowess, were led by Police Forces to defend other cities controlled by Spearhead; battles around Capek Enterprise ensued, and Yolen City was defended after a three day conflict between federal outriders. This allowed the forces of the Spearhead Charter Navy to focus on Griffith Gateway, blockading the port and denying Manktas Partners control of the Defence Network. By this act, entry to Manktas was opened to the Alliance Joint Navy, as well as other allies of Spearhead, transforming a successful defence into a coordinated offensive which resulted in SCN troops taking control of Griffith Gateway.

This victory stands to bolster the faith of citizens of the Vestige in Spearhead Charter's ability to lead, after weeks of uncertainty in the wake of terrorism at the hand of Xeria's Wrath. It is now expected that the Royal Election will take place very soon; while representatives are yet to be chosen, some individuals have their intentions to stand for council positions clear. It is well known by now that Lady Lyria Eardley has ambitions to follow in her father's footsteps, and will seek support to take the throne. So far none have declared their intentions to oppose her for the throne, though many suspect that Sir Markus Carreck, a long standing advisor to the late High Lord Jakken Eardley and the lords of the Imperial Vestige before him, may vie for this position. His faith to the Vestige is clear, however many doubt his will to continue support for Spearhead Charter's constitution due to the support he showed to Queen Xeria during her rule of the Vestige; some fear that he may instead choose to legitimise Xeria's Wrath. Lieutenant Savoy, Knight of San Yulpa, is expected to retain his status as representative of the system he holds castellan of, though it is unknown whether he will stand to use this support to win the vote of Manktas. And still, many others remain likely candidates for representative positions. Fleet Admiral Iapeto continues to support the transition period, and has begun coordinating security for local votes.

The Vestige Herald will return as the Royal Election evolves.
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