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- Vestige Herald - Civilians Rescued as High Lord retires from Spearhead Command - May 20th 3305

20 May 2019Eardley
Civilians Rescued High Lord retires from Spearhead Command
May 20th 3305
Hyades Sector LD-S C4-28 5A [Ibold Settlement; Xeria's Wrath Facility], Manktas [Jiushao Depot]

The SCRG has succeeded in a military operation to liberate Spearhead Charter civilians, captured by Xeria's Wrath in their assault on Jiushao Depot. The hostages were pressed into forced labour, manufacturing weapons, armour and countless warships for the terrorist organisation. Earlier today hospitals and triage wards were readied in Fast Ring, to the alarm of the uninformed public; in order to ensure the success of the stealth operation, nothing was revealed to the masses until security forces cleared the way for three Royal Guard piloted warships. Of the 238 civilians initially taken hostage, only 178 returned to their homes. 11 were killed during the escape from the facility, and a further 4 died from wounds recieved during their captivity. Records from the Xeria's Wrath base account for the deceased. Many died from starvation and abuse, while later 32 courageous souls were lost in a desperate attempt to rise up against their captors; dozens more were involved in the fight, but were beaten into submission, while the ringleaders were executed.

The High Lord of the Vestige herself, Lyria Eardley, took part in the operation on behalf of Fleet Admiral Savoy, as his Executive Officer, though the assault was led by Advanced Recon Officer Lieutenant Talon Robigo, known as RaptorMonkey. The base itself was located by one of his recon operatives, Lieutenant August McKenna, also involved in the assault. Her Majesty piloted the SCV Arbitrator, the Imperial Cutter which dove straight into the heart of the battle to provide transportation for the rescued civilians, performing bombing runs with mines and missiles, and infiltrating the base on the ground with RaptorMonkey while McKenna pounded the fortress' defences from the air. On returning to Manktas, she and the other SCRG pilots maintained their momentum, escorting the sick and wounded to doctors ready to recieve them. Once they were safe, she boarded the Arbitrator, ignoring swarming journalists, and descended to Jiushao Depot, where she gave the following speech.

"Citizens! It is with great pleasure that I announce we have succeeded in a pivotal operation against Xeria's Wrath, through which we have rescued a great many of those captured months ago during my coronation. I vowed to you that I would bring them home to their friends and families, and I, along with the Royal Guard and Spearhead Charter Intelligence have done all I can to achieve that goal. Yet it is with great sadness that I admit we could not save them all. Xeria's Wrath abused our people to no end, pressing them into work with no food nor water, comfort nor warmth. Most of those killed, however, died trying to save their fellows. They rose up against their captors, and fought until they could fight no more. Those closest to the souls we lost have been contacted, and we will be providing all the support we can to the families devastated by their losses.

"I regret to announce that this has been my last operation as part of the leadership of the SCRG. I will be retiring from active duty, and will instead shift my focus towards politics and diplomacy. I am truly honoured to have worked alongside my fellow pilots; I will continue to work with the Royal Guard, and will always be ready to fight when the Vestige needs me. I have every confidence in the SCRG's new leadership. It is time now for me to prioritise my role as High Lord of the Vestige, to work to ensure the prosperity and growth of our culture, and to ensure we are victorious in our fight against Xeria's Wrath. And we will be victorious. Every step of the way, they were ahead of us, because they appeared from nothing, from the ashes of a long dead dictator. Many doubted that we could turn the fight around. But we have. We have destroyed their manufacturing plant, and we now know their secrets. If they ever show their traitorous faces in the Vestige again, we can, and we will, destroy them."

- Her Majesty Lyria I Eardley, High Lord of the Vestige, Lord Manktas, SCRG Veteran Pilot

Other sources from the government, as well as Fleet Admiral Savoy, have confirmed Her Majesty's resignation, however the Admiral reassured journalists that Commander Eardley will continue serving with the SCRG as a combat pilot and specialist.
Footage from the battle, recorded by the High Lord's ship, has now been released. It can be viewed here.
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