Logbook entry

From flight school to "paradise"

07 Jul 2017Phelbore
I've seen some things, and done some things, I figure I ought to start writing them down.
Have you ever gotten your canopy blown out two jumps from a friendly system and slid through the slot with seconds before your life support ran out?  Me neither, missed it by a minute and had to ride the escape pod home, not my proudest moment.

I suppose I'll start at the beginning, my brother got his license long before me and kept telling me about all the money he was making on the edge of the bubble.  I did the only thing I could when faced with sibling rivalry of that caliber: sold everything, bought a ticket to LHS 3447 to get my pilot's license and first ship.  Flight school was rough, I didn't seem to have a knack for it like others, but I made it and bought a beat up old shitwinder.  I did some jobs for local factions, data couriering mostly, then sold that POS to buy an Adder.

I moved cargo around for some people, made a few hundred thousand and called my brother to boast.  He bragged about the couple million he had made that day, then flew out to escort me to his home.  On the way back, he took me through the brown dwarf and T Tauri fields of Trianguli.  After refueling me a couple times, we arrived at his "paradise", a couple systems run by a corrupt law firm.

The first thing we do?  Refit for bounty hunting, but no stores nearby have decent selection.  I do the best I can and discover that he flies an Eagle "because it's cheap".  Shoulda been my first hint, but I stuck around to discover that although he'd make a few million in bounties, he'd spend a few million on insurance deductables.  Then he tries to get me to smuggle guns and drugs into the station, but I don't shit where  I sleep, so I take regular cargo jobs for just enough to keep the ship running until I can get a Type-6 and move on.  I regret selling that Adder... even if it was just one of the four insurance bought me in that hellhole...
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