Logbook entry

Hunting and Passengers

09 Jul 2017Phelbore
There I was, back in an Adder, doing some bounty hunting.  It's honest work, the pay's not bad, but it's stressful.  I was bouncing from system to system, nowhere felt like home.  I even spent some time in combat zones trying to make more money, but an Adder'll do about as well in a war as an Eagle'll do running cargo... so back to bounty hunting for me.

I didn't make a lot of money, I didn't take down any infamous criminals, hell, I don't even have a heroic deed to my name from this period.  It was just go out, hope I found someone who was worth something, blast them and move on.  Time was wearing on me, and the stress was so bad I took a wrong turn on a station...

And found myself in a passenger lounge!  Now, seeing my wings, they shuffled me straight to the job board.  Now, I figured I needed a change of pace, so why the hell not?  Gotta be easier than hunting.  I made some excuse, took off at a dead run and had my ship refit with some bunks, even had it chromed to catch the eye!

A few days (and a brand new flight suit, appearances, ya know) I picked up my first passenger, a rich tourist, this should be cake!  Well, it wasn't until we were undocking that he mentioned he was wanted here, I'd have to sneak him out and back in!  I about spaced him there, but he waved more money my way, and hell, I didn't call this place home...  Off we went, sneaking out of the station and off to the first stop.  Well, it turns out crime lords are a demanding type, "Oh, go here too!  Stop and pick me up some toys, oh, you'll have to sneak in and out of there too.", but he kept waving more money each time I reached for that "blow canopy" button...  Aside from his constant nagging and a little hull damage on landing, it wasn't that bad, still better than hunting, I could get used to this, even if the pay wasn't as good... I'd probably live long enough to spend it.
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