Logbook entry


22 Jul 2017Phelbore
Back at Vinge, business was normal.  Running passengers and prisoners to their destinations.  There were no wars on, so I guess Lovaroju Solutions figured out they could turn a profit taking prisoners from other systems, holding them until there were enough to make a bulk trip worthwhile, then ship them off to Matthews.  I'm just pissed I didn't think of it first...

A while later, my brother showed up in a brand new FDL, bought with the proceeds of his tourist liner experiment.  We went to go stir up trouble in Ixbalan.  Now, I couldn't tell you why I don't like that place, I just don't.  I won't tell you what was done there either, just know trouble was involved, and his FDL is a work of art that complements Dancing Daggers perfectly.
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︎3 Shiny!
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