Logbook entry

New Home in Tchehen

02 Aug 2017Phelbore
My brother and I decided to find a station we could both call home and move there for a while.  After a short amount of searching, Tchehen fit the bill.  The place is a mining system run by a thriving corporation with a well tolerated underground.  We settled in quite nicely, and there was a Federal faction next door.  The more I hear about the Thargoids attacking Federation ships, the more I want to see Earth before they blow it up...  So I ran off to work on getting a permit to Sol when it happened, I made a small mistake...

I got a bounty in my new home system.  I had been angering some factions a couple jumps away, working for the Federal faction I was trying to get to like me, and someone interdicted me in Tchehen.  Well, it happens, I assumed it was a pirate since I'm normally on the right side of the law.  I only realized after I killed him he was a clean bounty hunter.  It'd take a while for them to forget about that, so I headed back to Vinge Hub to start work on my next project...  A flagship.

Well, I was greeted like the old friend I am (I was only gone a couple weeks), but it seems the prisoner transport game is all dried up.  I'm not one to let that stop me though, so I quickly had my Type-9 shipped back to Vinge and took it over to Senocidi to get it fit with cells.  See, although the prisoner trade has dried up, Matthews Keep got a reputation for being brutal.  I called up the Warden over there and made a deal with him... tourists.  I ran a new tourist liner, cells and all "The Authentic Matthews Keep Experience" we called it.  He pays me a fee to deliver them, drops them in cells for a few days, then sends them back.  Well, that was the deal, but I haven't had any come back yet.  It doesn't bother me much, I'm well on my way to a perfectly equipped Beluga, fresh off the line.  I've been talking to the factory, they'll make it to order and ship it straight to me, for a fee, of course.

Now, you may be asking what kind of fool orders a Beluga as a flagship.  Well, I made my money on "passengers", even if most of them were unwilling.  I may not sleep well because of it, but if I'm going to be tossing and turning all night, I may as well do it in comfort!  I sometimes wish I could undo it all, live out the rest of my life in that boring office job, but I don't think I could stand it, not after what I've seen and how much I can make.  I make more in one job than I'd make in 10 years there.  We all make our choices and have to live with them, at least I'll live with mine in luxury!
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