Logbook entry

FDL Acquisition

05 Aug 2017Phelbore
I woke up with a throbbing head in an unfamiliar (but nice) cabin with no memory of the previous night, that never ends well...  I crept around the ship quietly, hoping not to alert anyone to my presence until I found the cockpit.  It sure looked like my hangar, but most of my ships were missing, just Dancing Daggers, a Type-9, Keelback and Orca left.  Oh, and a note on the pilot's seat:

You're not going to remember this, so I'm writing it down, you met a guy who suggested that an all Saud Kruger fleet would let you fly in style!  He even had a limited edition Saud Kruger Fer-de-Lance for sale!  I cleared out your bank account and sold him most of your ships, but isn't it  gorgeous?  You're welcome!

     Drunk me

PS. You still need a Dolphin though.

PPS. I sold him all your painkillers.

Drunk me's an asshole.  Hope it's a decent ship, after all, a Saud Kruger fleet does sound nice...
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︎3 Shiny!
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