Logbook entry

War in Tchehen

12 Sep 2017Phelbore
Well, it took a month, but I finally had a good excuse to get those angry flight controllers off my back. Once war broke out, all I had to do was make a couple calls and get someone above them to order them to drop it so I could fight. He still made me pay back the 200 credits, the bastard. After running some guns to shake off the dust, I took flight in the Fer-de-Lance and put down nearly 100 opposing ships before the day was through. I don't have any good stories out of it, unfortunately. As far as war goes, it was really fairly routine.

After that, it was time to start running passengers around on sightseeing tours to start raking in the money. It seems I've gotten a reputation for being able to take passengers to see the galaxy without the galaxy seeing them, so I was able to charge a small fortune to quite a few wanted individuals who wanted to stretch their legs and break the cabin fever hiding from the authorities so often results in. One woman had a very strange destination. Most of these folks want to see a list of places inside the bubble, but this woman wanted me to take her well past the Pleiades (in addition to a number of spots inside the bubble). Well, I charged her quite a bit for it, even though it was only 11 jumps in my Orca. She seemed happy with the price, and 300 light years is trivial for someone like me. She says she'll recommend me to her friends, so maybe I'll get some more interesting jobs in the future.

I think it's time I start looking for some crew. The Beluga's a big ship, it can hold a lot of people, and besides, having someone around to keep me out of trouble when I'm drinking wouldn't hurt.
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