Cmdr Martind Forlon
Special agent / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette MF-13
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Logbook entry

Expedition 001 - Unlocking Palin, Day 01

12 Nov 2016Martind Forlon
I enjoyed my spare time in the bar at Greeboski's Outpost in Phiagre system like usual, but something was little different. Difference was, that I finally decided realise idea which occupied my mind for quite some time already. That idea was about leaving the bubble and go exploring for some time. Final gentle push which persuaded me "give it a go" was information, which I received during one of my visits in Qwent Research Base in Sirius system, about mysterious person named Professor Palin. A guy with a reputation of the best engineer for the ship engines. I left the station bar and headed to my ship, entered the cockpit and sat down into pilot chair. Console on the left has showed latest technical reports and also one private message. Friend from an nearby Atfero system sent me information about few passengers which want visit places distant only few thousand ly, and which are offering generous payment for safe and secure transport. My ship Dark Queen was refuelled and rearmed, my fellow crew member Deborah Weber arrived into ship cockpit and reported that the fighters bay is fully operational. It was a right time to announce ship departure to the Greebo station control.

Visit in Atfero was this time really short one, two passengers group waited on my arrival and they arrived on board only few minutes after we docked at Wales City. First "stop" was only 1.8k ly far and we arrived to there in less as two hours ... it was also not too much out from the bubble, so systems which we passed were mostly already explored. Tourist spot, HIP 75762 Visitor beacon, offered very nice view on an partly snowy planet and I "jumped" for a moment into one from our armed fighters for enjoy space views.

Second destination was 6k ly away and in first day we reached system somewhere half way to it. Dark Queen was rather heavily equipped with maximum jump range slightly above 32ly and fully armed, both scanners, hangar with 2xSRV, fighter hangar and 7A fuel scoop.

Further journey was also teaching, appeared more and more never before visited (or not yet claimed as visited) systems and we also spent some time flying inside small, but really nice looking Veil West nebula.

First day I decided end on planet located on low orbit of the ringed gas giant, where were also repaired all small damages to ship systems coming mostly from heat. During two jumps on our journey we started ship's FSD engines too close to sun and in second case I decided use one from our three heat sinks ... when looking back I had feel that it was a mistake, but it is my first longer trip into black, so small mistakes are unavoidable.

Journey will be continued ...

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