Cmdr Martind Forlon
Special agent / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette MF-13
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Logbook entry

System Jera

02 Aug 2017Martind Forlon

Recent history: On January 9, 3302 (2016), a small faction called The Sovereign Justice Collective (SJC) expanded into this highly populated star system. No one paid much attention, motion of the small factions in-between systems were very common that days. Mighty corporation Jera Holding controlled three (all big) from four orbital stations and they had more as less under control also also two surface starports on second and third planet in this system. Fourth space station was unimportant small industrial outpost Mitchell Orbital controlled by Jera Social Democrats. On 11th March happened something unexpected, Social Democrats have lost control of their outpost in armed conflict lasting for entire week. New owners of the Mitchell became the SJC, which was an dictatorship led by Chancellor Zahra Arias. The Jera Holding top representative Vice President Brad Lucas celebrated, he was very pleased due his personal grudge with the Democrats. They got, as he thought, exactly what they deserved ... most of their resources has vanished in armed conflict and they started slow falling into the abyss of history. At that time he had absolutely no idea, what have the future prepared for him and his company. The gods had to laugh loudly, universe love irony ...

Week ago: Numerous combat wings were entering into supercruise out of Moore Dock and heading to the two nearby conflict zones. Armed conflict between SJC and Jera Purple Fortune (JPF) about Rechtin Gateway planetary port raged for few days already. The losing JPF in the last desperate attempt have asked for empire fleet support, but they have asked for help too late. Dominance of the SJC on the battlefields was too strong, and the result for this conflict was already given. Tomorrow will be all orbital and planetary stations in the Jera system under SJC control. Jera system is about to start new age of prosperity, boom state is expected ...

In meantime at Firsoff Observatory: Vice President Amos McDaniel of the Jera Purple Fortune Inc. corporation was standing outdoors in this small planetary settlement which was still owned by the JPF and he and one other man were watching the sun rise. They had long heavy discussion already and paused for a moment to enjoy rising sun rays. Only few hours ago they must in a hurry fled from Rechtin Gateway, both knew that Chancellor Zahra Arias of the SJC asked for theirs capture, and on the planet surface were already deployed SJC marines to search for them. That second man was once the boss of Jera, it was Vice President Brad Lucas of the Jera Holding. Jera Holding was not a power for quite some time already, have passed more as year from time when they have lost theirs last orbital station Coney Port in war with SJC (25th June 3302). Later they lost also both planetary stations, first in war with SJC at 31th May 3303 and in June in Election with JPF. They have tried opposing the SJC openly and also undercover, but every theirs attempt ended with defeat. These frustrated men were now staying here in this small abandoned settlement and were thinking what to do next. Both knew that they have now only one choice, and it is to ask for peace. They hated SJC as strongly as it was only possible, but there was not any other way out. "Let's enjoy your victory Zahra, but we will be watching your moves carefully and one day ...".

What they didn't know was, that there was present also someone else highly interested with their discussion. Tall man with reddish hair in camouflage suit stored his long-range recording device and while he was still hidden behind the sand dune he headed to his ASP ship kept out of sight.

Present time, Rechtin Gateway: Small black ASP with the usual shapes have landed on the landing pad No. 5 and immediately entered the service hangar. Three hours later was that same ASP exported by the hangar lift up, but random observer would swear it is different ship. Ship hull was shining in the sun with the new golden paint and the ship shapes were modified. Cmdr Forlon sitting in ship cockpit has smiled, general Clemont from the SJC was very pleased with the records he has delivered and payment for this job was very generous. It was more than enough to buy ship shape changes, and there were also other benefits hidden below the surface. Working for SJC was like always dangerous, but it was also very well paid business. Forlon has briefly look at ship's computer with messages waiting in line and opened the last one signed with the SJC mark. "Interesting", he thought, it looks like I can have some new job in the LTT 9104 system.

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