Cmdr Martind Forlon
Special agent / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette MF-13
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Logbook entry


03 Feb 2020Martind Forlon
It were four very busy days spent mostly in combat zones of the HIP 98621 system in cockpit of my Anaconda Dark Queen. My trusty buddy Deborah had her personal pleasure to pilot her beloved guardian Trident, but she needed some relax as well. We therefore decided to visit local bar in newly acquired surface settlement Ziemianski Prospect and drink there few beers ... it was quite a big surprise that once we entered we found there not only numerous other pilots but also legions's barman Bob. How he get there and mainly why was quite a mystery, but our mood rised up by 100% instantly and we suddenly felt like in a home. Beers were coming in big numbers shortly ... and we enjoyed a pleasant company and beautiful views from the bar windows to the local Sun and the nearby planet on the horizon.

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