Cmdr Martind Forlon
Special agent / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette MF-13
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Logbook entry


20 Jan 2016Martind Forlon
Archon Delaine space, Arawere and surrounding systems - 3302/01/18

Doctors from medical facility at Grzimek Dock did wonders and I was again able sit into my ship cockpit. In Arawere still continued support for criminals hunting and my job there was not finished yet. Who knows, maybe a time will come for repay some old debts (or make some new ones ). My ship left super-cruise and entered Low-RES. Heat signature was below detectable limit and I closely checked situation. Everything looked normal and was started scan ships in nearby. One from "wanted" ship was destroyed, when suddenly from my six came fire. Great, just great ... wanted commander in cobra. My reflexes were still somehow rusted and small target on start successfully avoided most of my fire. But this not lasted too long and in the end attacker decided to flee. Difference in ship's top speed was not too high, but existed and he was able successfully use it in his favour and escaped.

Hunting successfully continued, but my guns ammo slowly depletes. Was needed visit some from nearby systems with station containing the restocking. Chosen was Grzimek Dock in Jadimo, they knows me well already. I have just approached to the station, when my ships scanner showed another ship. Hold on! Quick scan revealed an RoA pilot in Hauler ... he was obviously relocating. I pushed com button and send him a smile, his ship would be cracked in seconds, but it is not my style. I continued to the station entrance and he safely high-waked. Who knows, if I knew, what will happen later, I could decide otherwise.

I was once again at Grzimek, when com displayed a warning from my friend. He only barely survived in escape pod after he fought one RoA pilot in Arawere deep space and another one joined that fight. His warning had come in the right time, once I left landing pad, I saw two suspicious ships signatures outside the station. Another two RoA pilots were waiting ... but not this time guys! I have learned the lesson last time, and a try to fight alone against the two experienced pilots in strong ships is certainly not a way how to survive. Silent running was activated, chaff released and I pushed pilot lever into crazy evading manoeuvres. Hyperspace jump was initiated with only a 30% hull damaged and ambush ended with failure.

After this I decided to wait little with return to Arawere and checked the system where I was. To my surprise I found very nice Haz-RES location and few millions $ paid by local government were a nice bonus. Later I set course leading through Arawere, for recon, and jumped in. Surrounding space was full of commanders, but they all were part of Adle's Armada ... surprisingly no one criminal around . Further operating in space was therefore much smoother, and I was almost ready to finish my run and go sleep. But day had still ready few surprises for me ... near Nav beacon suddenly started interdiction which I decided to resist. It was going much longer as normally, but in the end I was interdicted by two pilots in Imperial Couriers. Fight with these small agile ships really needs concentration. I first started flee, then turned back and fight and finally highwaked when hull damage crossed 50%. I was still thinking about "the need" for more combat training, when on my way to dock in Mudrus system came another interdiction ... someone in FDL. Enough is enough!!! ... I escaped and called for help. With repaired and rearmed ship and two more wing members we started patrol in system, but this time no one showed up. Almost sleeping I piloted my ship to Bonestell Platform and fall asleep in cockpit as soon as was my ship safely parked in station hangar.
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