Logbook entry

Wing Adrian and Whitegirl

03 Mar 2018Macjim
3 Mar 3304   LHS 215  ASPx

16:55  0856rt
- Tried to sell the ASPx but inadvertently sold the Cobra, unstripped.
- So I sold the ASP and transfered a Cobra in form another system.  Upgraded the modules.
- Multicrewed up with Finlayuth on an Exploration Multi , and tarvelled to Fuelum.
- made $250k for the sale of data, but both of us got zero credits for the multi-crew
- Also friended Phoronix

- Traveled to Bhare where the ASpx is stored
- Delivered some coffee to Pacheco Obital, Friended CMDR Dezigner

Accepted Delivery Mission

19:10 11;10rt
MC killing pirates with Whitegirl  - he agreed to let me occupy the seat.

Wing Missions with Kowgan & Whitegirl.  Sourced some Reactive Armor and then Performance Enhancers and delivered them to Bhare.  I was unable to purchace either but the other CMDRs were.  I was also unable to pull by ASPx out of storage.

Accepted another delivery mission for performance enhancers.  Was able to access ASPx and purchase commodities

Abbreviations;  MC:Multi-crew, ASPx:Asp Explorer
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