Logbook entry

Shui Wei Sector

10 Mar 2018Macjim
10  Mar 3304 - Wolliem Vision - Fuelum

Tried to reach some local CMDRs on comms.  Receive some text replies but no one wanted to cooperate.  CMDR Sarius Aeronault was referring to something that they had to take care of. .  CMDR Easy Glider, Tough_Galoot and Doc Lentz were local.

Multi crew hunting - CMDR Paparis - kicked me after 3 minutes

Made an effort to text with Tough_Galoot but he said that he had just returned from Sagittarius A and was recovering from space madness.

I checked the mission board and Jet Creative & Co had a bunch of wing contracts of boom deliveries of unique cargo to Yimanbin.  It seem that in one run to the system with 115t on food cartridges would pay about about $700k.  But I do not have the cargo space in the Cobra.  I contracted a deliver of my ASPx her to Wollheim.

Bought a fuel scoop for $715,591 CR, put it in my scanner slot (size 4).  Put the  the Advanced Discovery Scanner in the size 2 slot.  

I jumped to Shui Wei Sector KN-S B4-6  and gathered some data on the planets.  Landed on Planet 6 5 A  an ice world
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