Logbook entry

Ziwen Gao Explorer and Kilburno at Olker Civil War

15 Mar 2018Macjim
15 Mar 3304

02:44hr  Tanaka Hub, Bilonesses Sys

I'm resting in the station.  Keeping an eye on the contacts, comms link and reading.

MC exploring with Ziwen Gao and CMDR C-B, and in Hope (Anaconda) on the Neutron highway.  We are nearer to the galactic center, I have never seen such density of stars.  My field of view is filled with lights.
Ziwen used to be a bounty hunter/miner in 3302 but now is a trader explorer.  He hasn't updated INARA in years.  He is an Elite Admiral for the Federation.  He has housed 4 SRVs and two fighters in his ship.  He has two 'A' class Field Maintenance units, in a size 5 and 4 bay, as well both; fuel transfer, and repair, limpet controllers (with 10 limpets) and a robust 7A fuel scoop.  The jump range is 50LY  but we are getting 198LY off of the neutron stars. 
We are headed to Colonia.  Ziwen says it is like a small bubble.
Colonia, formerly known as EOL PROU RS-T D3-94, is a system approximately 22,000 Light Years outside of human space, in the midst of the Colonia Nebula of the Colonia Region. It is the current location of Jaques Station, making it one of the most remote star systems from SOL with a space station. A permanent planetary outpost, Colonia Hub, was later constructed, marking the beginning of human colonization of the Colonia Nebula.
I am enthusiastic about seeing a Nebula.  I've been near one before.  But Ziwen says that Colonia is not a Nebula but just an area of space.


My tele-presence has disconnected twice now.
reconnected in time to land on planet, in a system with no services, and Ziwen went to sleep.  Said he had to get up early and would reconnect me to MC tomorrow.

Met Kilburrno when I popped out in to a debris site.  I had just scanned scrambled data.   Point of Origin unknown.  Scanned a personal data item.  Kilburno Telepresented  in MC, chatted for while and then he left to get his own ship so can wing up.  
Polung is a neat system with about 3 dozen objects
Met up at Cregglezone starport in Wolf 397, independant.  Kilburno says it is a good system to upgrade missles.  He knows an engineer here.  Tod Mcquinn.    There is a  nearby Agr Inustrial system, Olker, in civil war.   We chose to fight for the dictators in the system and try and help them put down a little uprising.

Landing at Dorsey Port, in Olker, we looked for some wing contracts but were unable to find anything suitable.  We intend, or are hoping, to fight  for the Nationalist of Olker against the Olker Exchange , Olker Crimson Brothers and Olker Resistance.  But  there are no combat wing missions in the system.  Only hunting style assassinations in other systems.  We take a few delivery missions for the nationalist to build our reputation.   We head out to Ross 189 and complete he deliveries but are unable to build enough rep to get offered anything worthwhile as a wing.  So we choose to hunt in one of the conflict zones for the Nationalists.  I take damage quickly and return to Dorsey after a short attempt at combat.

Kilburno docked with me at Dorsey Port and he got some sleep.

I took on a couple boom delivery missions.  For Olker General Solutions (took it by mistake thinking it was for the Nationalists)

Goeppert-Mayer Base - Ross 911 - 10 Units Mineral oil
Binet Port - 89 Leonis - Data

Goeppert-Mayer Base - Ross 911
Completed the delivery but it's weird, there are missions available here from any faction.  The controlling faction Wolf 406 Transport & Co is in lock-down.

Completed the mission - docked at Binet Port - 89 Leonis
I have a Claim that I am unable to access that shows in Transaction on the Nav Panel,
but I'm guessing that if I dock at a port where the Labour of G Scorpii operates I will be able to collect the rewards at the Missions Office.  kail says that I may be able to cash in at an Alliance Mission Board office.
Test to see if we make more money selling a ship remotely or transferring the ship to here at Dorsey Port, Olker,  and then selling the modules before selling the ship.
Sidewinder # 1  
Sell remote ship = 874,723
Transfer fee = 10,821Natio
Transfer time = 32 min

Sidewinder # 2
Sell remote ship = 894,915
Transfer fee = 1,323
Transfer time = 32 min
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