Logbook entry

Olker Unrest

16 Mar 2018Macjim
16 Mar 3304

19:55hr  Hovgaard City

The conflict in Olker is complicated.
There are 4 factions fighting each other.
The Olker Resistance (OR) 12% is openly combating The Nationalists of Olker (NoA) 23%.
The Resistance is a small independent democracy, has very little influence and owns no stations or bases anywhere.  They might be forced out of Olker or simply cease to exist.  The Nationalist own both of the ports in Olker but nothing anywhere else.  There is a planetary base in the system, Nobel, that is owned by the Feds, but the Nationalists (NOO) hold the reins with control of Dorsey Port and Hovgaard City.   I have wondered if the Feds, Olker General Solutions or 89 Leonis Republic Party (89s), are behind the unrest.  Could they be fueling the discontent of the Resistance?  If the conflict reduces the NOO's influence the Feds could possibly become the controlling faction.  The 89 Republicans are currently at war in another system so I'm not sure if they could support a war here, but they are strong in their home system, owning 6 bases/docks. The 89s have less influence, 18%, than the other Feds here.

Olker Crimson Brothers 1% are fighting the Olker Exchange 2%
The Crimson Bros are pirates and the Exchange is a business, with neither faction, owning anything in any system.  Both only exist in Olker. They should not be a concern and pose little threat.  Although if I work with the Exchange it may help rid the system of pirates.

  1. There is an option to build reputation with the NoA and the 89s then work for whoever pays the most.
  2. Or work for Olker General Solutions, as they have the most influence. 33.4%  But the  stations may be inaccessible if  I offend the NOO. Although we should still be able to use the Feds's base on A4a

I discussed the situation with Kail and I think that he might be prepared to help.  He suggested, sarcastically, that a dictator is still a dictator.  I don't think he wants to be involved in the politics.

Adrian seemed opposed to dictators and allegiances other that the Alliance.  He also said he would help with a conflict that I may be involved in.  I don't think his heart would be into causing grief for the Alliance.  The only Alliance faction in Olker, Wolf 397, has only 10% influence and controls nothing here.  They have considerable holdings with a presence in 9 systems and own 5 facilities.  Seems that helping the Wolves could be just the cause to rally him.  But the we would be on our own as the Wolves have no facilities at Olker for refitting and repair.  They are offering a Wing mission to deliver 906 tons of Appliances to 63 Chi Leons, but the arrival point, Ehrlich, is 220k LS out.  It would take about 4 trips in a Type 7 Transporter, modded for trade.  The contract has a $500k penalty for failure.  Reward is high,

15 Mar 3044

17:42 Binet Port

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