She was a naturalThe Imperial Cutter is a large and heavy ship that eats a lot of distance as it slows down. On top of that the Mettle's grade 5 engineered dirty thrusters, with experimental drag drives, causes an additional drift to contend with. All that said Ayla...
Ayla's OpalsSpent some time mining Void Opals with Commander D. Dastardly. I discovered, 1.6 billion credits later, that mining Void Opals can be a bit more lucrative than pirating Low Temperature Diamonds, and slightly more Zenful. After our mining venture I somehow...
What a morning today wasWhat a morning today was. Arrived in LHS 1541 at around 1600 hours yesterday. The system is agricultural and under anarchy so I figured it would serve well for some LTD takeaways. Noted when checking my navigation tab that there were two MEGASHIPS...