CMDR LOG 16441143307 The ExhaustionI have been mining for the past few hours with CMDR Mc.G he's a really upstanding guy, anyway we've gotten around 400 platinum total it's pretty easy, but I'm exhausted, I may take a break for a bit, escape to the beautiful horizons of hirani A-2.
CMDR LOG 20031123307 The MarriageMy eyes pool with tears as I see on the Local comms, the words of marriage, it is truly a sight to behold, this could be the Romeo and Juliet of our galaxy, oh wait, the groom has stated that he is unsure about the marriage, oh well that lasted long....
CMDR Log 12551113307 The Type 9It's so cold so alone, knowing that Mc.G has abandoned me for real life, i'm not sure how I'll even finish this cargo run alone, I can feel the low maneuverability of the type 9 constraining my every move, trading, Mc.G said we'd make a buck, all we did...