(N.I.S. News) Wir sind das Mittelmaß"Wir sind das Mittelmaß!" 500 Angehörige der New Dawn Bewegeung legen die Arbeit nieder und verursachen schwere Verwerfungen im Raumverkehr und soziale Unruhen Lucy Chen Rashid orbital Am Morgen des heutigen Tages, zu Beginn der sogenannten...
(N.I.S. News) Dumm + Ehrgeizig = Chefaldermann"Dumm und Ehrgeizig wird Chefalderman" Kastellan Mahomes bezieht im Interview Stellung und findet deutliche Worte für Operation Snoopy, den Sonnenzorn und Aldermann Jörg Neurich Lucy Chen L: Guten Tag Kastellan Mahomes, es freut mich...
(N.I.S. News) Noirich oder Noi-nich?Noirich oder Noi-nich? Polarisierende Rede torpediert die konstituierende Alderman Vollversammlung. Lucy Chen Rashid Orbital. „Ich sehe kein Licht!“ So begann Jörg Noirich, frisch gewählter Chefalderman seine Antrittsrede bei der heutigen Vollversammlung,...
Brief and den Sonnenzorn OrdenGrüße, Lord-Protector Syrael! Ich stieß mehr durch zu Zufall als alles Andere auf eure kleine Staffel, und mir gefiehl, was ich sah. Ich befinde mich derzeit als "contractor" in einem eher lockeren Arbeitsverhältnis mit meiner aktuellen...
Letter to "Mouse"Dear esteemed cmdr. Pseudowoodoo, I am delighted that you would consider my humble person useful in your current predicament, and I feel honored that would trust me with such a personal matter. Upon the arrival of a tiny advance of 500M credits I...
Machs gut, mein Freund (Goodbye my friend)Two days ago I unexpectedly lost a good friend and important mentor. He died of a heart attack at 52. To comemorate his passing, I took the lyrcis of the German song "Machs gut, mein Freund" by Peter Maffay, which is originally about a man...
Personal log, Stardate 8-7-3308start audiolog Well, here I am. It's been 4 weeks since the Dyavansana incident, and I'm still free. I was sure the Greybird just dropped me off there to twist the knife before carrying me on to Purgatory, but no, not a peep from this cursed ship. ...
personal log, stardate 3-6-3308- starting audiolog Docked at Dyavansana. makes no sense. Should be on route to Purgatory. *nggg* Must be their old tricks again, ARGHHH, fuck that hurt. Give freedom take freedom, give pleasure, take pleasure, won´t fall for it this ti- OUUUCH, dammit. ...
Letters to Lucilla #2: Mecum omnes plangiteMy dearest Lucilla, this morning, the trap finally slammed shut. And what an expert trap it was! If my insides weren´t currently hurtling towards SagA at lightspeed, I´d gush with sheer admiration for the evil genius behind it. What a truly marvelous...
Letter to Lucilla #1: The Ghost of Cussings PastMy dearest Lucilla, it´s been a while, since I´ve written to you, and you´re probably having a million questions right now. Let me answer the big three first: Yes, I am alive (kinda..) Yes, this is indeed me, and not just some sick joke (I wish..) ...