Community goals

Support the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign

Deliver Earth-like World exploration data

Tier 2/5
255,198/800,000 (31.90%)
30 Sep 2021, 7:00am

An initiative to gather data on potential tourist destinations has been launched by shipbuilding corporation Saud Kruger.

The manufacturer of luxury passenger ships aims to identify Earth-like worlds that would be suitable for holiday trips. These will be run by its subsidiary, Astrogator Tours.

CEO Stanislav Kruger announced the campaign to the press:

"We are keen to acquire data on Earth-like worlds, to assess their suitability as destinations for future holidaymakers seeking the adventure of a lifetime. However, all exploration data is valuable and will earn generous payments."

"In addition, our marketing department is keen to receive images of eye-catching sights found within unpopulated systems containing earth like worlds, to spot the most potentially exciting additions to the Astrogator Tours catalogue."

Contributing pilots are invited to deliver exploration data to Youll Port in the Vistaenis system. They can also submit their most compelling images by the 30th of September. By the 28th of October, the most suitable locations will receive tourist beacons and where appropriate credit the commander for their submission.

Although Saud Kruger is paying handsomely for all exploration data, it is the data on Earth-like worlds that will really progress the research, with data from mapped Earth-like worlds being three times as useful.

Depending on the tier reached, Saud Kruger will offer reductions on the entire range of Saud Kruger ships as well as luxury passenger cabins from the 1st of October 3307 lasting one week.
Tier 1 will provide a 10% discount. Each additional tier will provide a further 5% discount up to a maximum of 30%.
There will also be a livery discount on Dolphin, Orca and Beluga Liner paint jobs at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% based on the tier reached over the same period.

If Tier 1 is reached:
The top 75% of contributors will receive a class 3 Business Cabin.
The top 50% of contributors will also receive class 5 First Class Cabin.
The top 25% of contributors will also receive a Dolphin in Prestige Yellow.
The top 10% of contributors will also receive an Orca in Prestige Yellow.
The top 10 contributors will also receive a Beluga Liner in Prestige Yellow.

These rewards will be in place by the end of Friday the 1st of October.

This initiative will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the initiative will end immediately.

Fight for the Haithis Purple Dynamic Group

Hand in Combat bonds

Tier 3/5
41,926,953,771/80,000,000,000 (52.41%)
16 Sep 2021, 6:59am

The Kumo Council has declared war on the Haithis Purple Dynamic Group for the latter's role in supporting Neomedical Industries.

The pharmaceutical corporation's recent campaign in the Haithis system enabled the mass production of onionhead gamma strain, scheduled to be available as a medicinal product from Alliance and independent markets. The drug is currently distributed in a handful of anarchy systems by the Kumo Crew syndicate.

CEO Olwyn Kendrick broadcast a call for help:

"This terrifying attack by the galaxy's most vicious pirates may pressure investors to withdraw, causing the entire project to collapse. If so, the vital materials that pilots delivered will be wasted. To prevent this, we urgently require support for our corporate partners against these criminals."

The Haithis Purple Dynamic Group intends to ensure the scheduled distribution of onionhead gamma strain as a medicinal commodity from Alliance and independent markets. It has offered rewards to pilots who help fend off the pirate assault.

Combat bonds can be delivered to Crippen Port in the Haithis system.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 16th of September 3307.

Fight for the Kumo Council

Hand in Combat bonds

Tier 0/5
3,747,173,482/80,000,000,000 (4.68%)
16 Sep 2021, 6:00am

The Kumo Council has declared war on the Haithis Purple Dynamic Group for the latter's role in supporting Neomedical Industries.

The pharmaceutical corporation's recent campaign in the Haithis system enabled the mass production of onionhead gamma strain, scheduled to be available as a medicinal product from Alliance and independent markets. The drug is currently distributed in a handful of anarchy systems by the Kumo Crew syndicate.

As hostilities erupted in the Haithis system, Archon Delaine broadcast a message for Neomedical Industries:

"Did you truly believe you could steal from us and survive unscathed? Now your allies will pay for your greed with their blood."

The Kumo Council intends to prevent the scheduled distribution of onionhead gamma strain as a medicinal commodity from Alliance and independent markets. Success would keep onionhead gamma strain's supply limited to anarchy systems selected by the Kumo Crew.

Pilots supporting this effort can deliver combat bonds to The Mictlan megaship in the Haithis system.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 16th of September 3307.

Protect Deliveries for Neomedical Industries

Hand in Bounty Vouchers​

Tier 2/5
34,269,573,292/80,000,000,000 (42.84%)
09 Sep 2021, 7:10am

Neomedical Industries has requested deliveries to produce onionhead gamma strain for Alliance and independent systems.

The new variant of the popular psychedelic drug is currently sold in a handful of independent systems by the Kumo Crew syndicate. The IHO has confirmed that the product does have many medical applications.

Olwyn Kendrick, CEO of Neomedical Industries, outlined the initiative:

"Our goal is to gather sufficient resources for the manufacture of onionhead gamma strain as a medicinal treatment. Target markets will include both independent and Alliance systems, should enough commodities be delivered."

"Security experts have advised that criminal elements may try to disrupt this project. Therefore we are offering bounty vouchers on all wanted ships to protect these deliveries. Reimbursements will be arranged by our corporate partner, Haithis Purple Dynamic Group."

To help protect Neomedical Industries's initiative, hand in Bounty Vouchers at Crippen Port in the Haithis system.

As well as credits, the following rewards are on offer:

The top 75% of contributors will receive the Onionhead 1 decal.
The top 50% of contributors will also receive the Onionhead 2 decal.
The top 25% of contributors will also receive the Onionhead 3 decal.
The top 10% of contributors will also receive the Cobra Mk III Onionhead skin.

The campaign begins on the 2nd of September 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Support Neomedical Industries Onionhead Project

Deliver Polymers, H.E. Suits and Robotics

Tier 3/5
21,837,602/44,800,000 (48.74%)
09 Sep 2021, 6:59am

Neomedical Industries has requested deliveries to produce onionhead gamma strain for Alliance and independent systems.

The new variant of the popular psychedelic drug is currently sold in a handful of independent systems by the Kumo Crew syndicate. The IHO has confirmed that the product does have many medical applications.

Olwyn Kendrick, CEO of Neomedical Industries, outlined the initiative:

"Our goal is to gather sufficient resources for the manufacture of onionhead gamma strain as a medicinal treatment. Target markets will include both independent and Alliance systems, should enough commodities be delivered."

"We request that that pilots transport H.E suits, polymers and robotics to Crippen Port in the Haithis system. Reimbursements will be arranged by our corporate partner, Haithis Purple Dynamic Group."

Should Tier 1 be reached, Neomedical Industries will have enough resources to make this medically certified onionhead gamma strain available at approximately 10% of independent industrial economies.
At Tier 2, it will extend to 15% of independent industrial economies.
At Tier 3, it will include 15% of industrial economies in Alliance systems.
At Tier 4, it will extend to 20% for both Alliance and independent industrial economies.
At Tier 5, it will extend to 25% for both Alliance and independent industrial economies.

Should everything go smoothly, Neomedical Industries expects to bring the onionhead gamma strain to market on the 17th of September 3307.

As well as credits, the following rewards are on offer:

The top 75% of contributors will receive the Onionhead 1 decal.
The top 50% of contributors will also receive the Onionhead 2 decal.
The top 25% of contributors will also receive the Onionhead 3 decal.
The top 10% of contributors will also receive the Cobra Mk III Onionhead skin.

The campaign begins on the 2nd of September 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Inara tracks overall progress, your contributions and estimates tier boundaries. Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara.

You can also discuss goals on Frontier forum.