Community goals

Support Torval-Mastopolos Mining Campaign

Tier 3/5
849,164/1,600,000 (53.07%)
26 Aug 2021, 7:05am

Torval-Mastopolos Mining and Wreaken Construction have requested deliveries of mined resources to the LTT 198 system.

LTT 198 State Ltd, its controlling faction, will only allow one of the rival corporations to remain permanently. The company with the most successful campaign will establish a new starport in the permit-controlled system, which is scheduled to enter operation on the 2nd of September 3307.

Senator Zemina Torval, who has sole control of the Mastopolos Mining subsidiary, announced:

"My company is working on an experimental mining laser with increased range. To achieve this, shipments of coltan, gallite, praseodymium and silver must be delivered in sufficient numbers to the megaship Pride of Bitterwood in LTT 198."

LTT 198 State Ltd will provide all contributors to these initiatives with temporary system permits lasting one week.

If Tier 1 is reached, the top 10% of participants will receive a fully engineered class 1 rating D mining laser with long range. The module will be placed in storage at the Pride of Bitterwood in EGM 559 by Friday the 27th of August 3307.

Should Torval-Mastopolos Mining be victorious the top 75% of participants will receive the module along with permanent permit access to LTT 198.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday the 26th of August 3307. If one faction meets its objectives earlier than planned, the initiatives will end immediately.

Support Wreaken Corporation Mining Campaign

Tier 2/5
354,236/1,600,000 (22.14%)
26 Aug 2021, 6:58am

Torval-Mastopolos Mining and Wreaken Construction have requested deliveries of mined resources to the LTT 198 system.

LTT 198 State Ltd, its controlling faction, will only allow one of the rival corporations to remain permanently. The company with the most successful campaign will establish a new starport in the permit-controlled system, which is scheduled to enter operation on the 2nd of September 3307.

Emmerich Koenig, CEO of Wreaken Construction, outlined his company's initiative:

"We will pay handsomely for deliveries of coltan, gallite, praseodymium and silver to the megaship Tobias's Gift in the LTT 198 system."

LTT 198 State Ltd will provide all contributors to these initiatives with temporary system permits lasting one week.

If Tier 1 is reached, the top 10% of participants will receive a fully engineered class 1 rating D abrasion blaster with long range. The module will be placed in storage at Tobias's Gift in EGM 559 by Friday the 27th of August 3307.

Should Wreaken Construction be victorious the top 75% of participants will receive the module along with permanent permit access to LTT 198.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday the 26th of August 3307. If one faction meets its objectives earlier than planned, the initiatives will end immediately.

Fight for the Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah'Sine

Hand in Combat Bonds

Tier 1/5
25,585,044,018/120,000,000,000 (21.32%)
19 Aug 2021, 6:58am

The Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah'Sine has declared war against the Marlinism Reformation Party in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system.

Political relations degenerated into open combat following the NMLA's recent attacks, with Acting First Minister Amrita Ross's efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution proving unsuccessful.

A new megaship, Freedom's Voice, has entered service. It is acting as the operational base for the forces of the Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah'Sine.

Minister Octavia Volkov announced in parliament:

"Aaron Whyte and his collaborators are directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. I will not rest until they are defeated and brought to justice."

The Alliance, Empire and Federation have informed the Marlinist Consulate that they consider this conflict to be a strictly internal matter.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday the 19th of August 3307. If one faction meets its objectives earlier than planned, the initiatives will end immediately.

Fight for the Marlinism Reformation Party

Hand in Combat Bonds

Tier 0/5
1,302,710,998/120,000,000,000 (1.09%)
19 Aug 2021, 6:00am

The Exiled Marlinist Assembly of Baltah'Sine has declared war against the Marlinism Reformation Party in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system.

Political relations degenerated into open combat following the NMLA's recent attacks, with Acting First Minister Amrita Ross's efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution proving unsuccessful.

Supporters of the Marlinism Reformation Party are gathering at the Steel Majesty megaship. This was formerly used by the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid to flee from their home system.

Minister Aaron Whyte sent this message from his private vessel:

"Volkov's unlawful strike is a violation of our colonies' charter. We call upon all true Marlinists to defend us from this illegal act of aggression."

The Alliance, Empire and Federation have informed the Marlinist Consulate that they consider this conflict to be a strictly internal matter.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday the 19th of August 3307. If one faction meets its objectives earlier than planned, the initiatives will end immediately.

Fight for New Kuwembaa Labour's Independence

Hand in Combat Bonds

Tier 3/8
43,289,232,595/96,000,000,000 (45.09%)
12 Aug 2021, 7:00am

The Federation is fighting to prevent further factions from declaring independence in the Kuwembaa system.

New Kuwembaa Labour has broken ties with the Federation in protest against the government's civil surveillance programme. Governor Sonal Mishra, the leader of New Kuwembaa Labour, has requested assistance from the galactic community:

"The Federal Accord is no longer fit for purpose. We require support to make a stand against this violation of our constitutional rights."

Three other Federal factions - Selkana Labour, United HIP 108095 Values Party and Mutumu Future - are considering becoming independent entities, depending on the result of the Kuwembaa conflict. These factions currently control 28 systems in total.

New Kuwembaa Labour has offered credit rewards to any pilots willing to help secure its independence by handing in Combat Bonds at Gagnan Port in the Kuwembaa system.

Should New Kuwembaa Labour match tiers with Li Chotep for Equality, its independence will be confirmed.
Should New Kuwembaa Labour end one tier ahead of Li Chotep for Equality, then Selkana Labour will declare independence.
Should New Kuwembaa Labour end two tiers ahead of Li Chotep for Equality, then United HIP 108095 Values Party will also declare independence.
Should New Kuwembaa Labour end three tiers ahead of Li Chotep for Equality, then Mutumu Future will also declare independence.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 12th of August 3307.
Inara tracks overall progress, your contributions and estimates tier boundaries. Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara.

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