Community goals

Fight for the Federation against New Kuwembaa Labour's Independence

Hand in Combat Bonds

Tier 0/8
6,245,833,930/96,000,000,000 (6.51%)
12 Aug 2021, 6:00am

The Federation is fighting to prevent further factions from declaring independence in the Kuwembaa system.

New Kuwembaa Labour has broken ties with the Federation in protest against the government's civil surveillance programme. Li Chotep for Equality, a local Federal faction, has been tasked to degrade the rebelling faction's military strength.
President Zachary Hudson made a brief public announcement:

"I call upon all Federal auxiliaries to aid in this conflict. The reputation of the Federation will not be so easily tarnished by these unlawful separatists."

Two recently seceded factions – the Coalition of Uteran and Gluscap Labour – are considering rejoining the Federation, depending on the result of the Kuwembaa conflict.

Li Chotep for Equality, in partnership with the Federation, has offered credit rewards to any pilots willing to help crush this rebellion by handing in Combat Bonds at the megaship Fortress Liberty in the Kuwembaa system.

Should Li Chotep for Equality match tiers with New Kuwembaa Labour, it will remain independent but no other factions will secede from the Federation.
Should Li Chotep for Equality end one tier ahead of New Kuwembaa Labour, it will return to being a Federal faction and no other factions will secede from the Federation.
Should Li Chotep for Equality end two tiers ahead of New Kuwembaa Labour, it will return to being a Federal faction and the Coalition of Uteran will return to the Federation.
Should Li Chotep for Equality end three tiers ahead of New Kuwembaa Labour, it will return to being a Federal faction and the Coalition of Uteran and Gluscap Labour will return to the Federation.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 12th of August 3307.

Deliver Goods to help Outfit Far God Megaships

Tier 3/5
14,397,562/30,000,000 (47.99%)
29 Jul 2021, 7:14am

The Pleiades Concordat has requested deliveries to support the Far God cult in the Panjabell system.

Members of the secretive Thargoid-worshipping sect have gathered in huge numbers, and are preparing to outfit one or more megaships for religious purposes.

Although the cult has no official spokespeople, local newsfeeds carried a brief message from one of its senior members, known only as the First Herald of the Fifty-Eighth Chapter:

"The faithful have hidden in the shadows for too long. Now is the time to reach out and welcome the Far God, with the support of our friends in the Pleiades Concordat."

"The first megaship, the Testament, will be a missionary vessel to spread the word to all humankind. If we are blessed enough to obtain commodities for more megaships, these will be sent on a pilgrimage into deep space to commune with the Far God."

Far God believers are generally accepted to be non-threatening, albeit controversial due to their reverence of the Thargoids. Some newsfeeds reported public disgust that the cultists should be active at a time when Thargoid forces recently attacked several systems.

The Pleiades Concordat has requested that pilots deliver auto fabricators, emergency power cells and insulating membrane to Moore Hub in the Panjabell system.

Each completed tier will ensure the outfitting of one megaship that will commence operation on the 5th of August 3307.

Should this delivery initiative reach the first tier:
The top 75% will receive the Xeno Ally Reach the Stars decal.
The top 50% will additionally receive the Xeno Ally Handshake Decal.
The top 25% will additionally receive the Xeno Ally Triforce Decal.

The initiative begins on the 22nd of July 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Protect the Initiative to Outfit Far God Megaships

Hand in Bounty Vouchers​

Tier 1/5
24,275,171,262/120,000,000,000 (20.23%)
29 Jul 2021, 6:59am

The Pleiades Concordat has requested deliveries to support the Far God cult in the Panjabell system.

Members of the secretive Thargoid-worshipping sect have gathered in huge numbers, and are preparing to outfit one or more megaships for religious purposes.

Although the cult has no official spokespeople, local newsfeeds carried a brief message from one of its senior members, known only as the First Herald of the Fifty-Eighth Chapter:

"The faithful have hidden in the shadows for too long. Now is the time to reach out and welcome the Far God, with the support of our friends in the Pleiades Concordat."

"The first megaship, the Testament, will be a missionary vessel to spread the word to all humankind. If we are blessed enough to obtain commodities for more megaships, these will be sent on a pilgrimage into deep space to commune with the Far God."

Far God believers are generally accepted to be non-threatening, albeit controversial due to their reverence of the Thargoids. As the cultists are routinely targeted by anti-xeno extremists, the Pleiades Concordat has placed bounties on all wanted ships to protect deliveries.

To help protect the Far God initiative, hand in Bounty Vouchers at Moore Hub in the Panjabell system.

Should this protection initiative reach the first tier:
The top 75% will receive the Xeno Ally Reach the Stars decal.
The top 50% will additionally receive the Xeno Ally Handshake Decal.
The top 25% will additionally receive the Xeno Ally Triforce Decal.

The initiative begins on the 22nd of July 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Support Kayode Tau and exclude NMLA representation

Hand in Anomalous Bulk Scan Data and Unusual Encrypted Files

Tier 4/5
29,680,109/48,000,000 (61.83%)
22 Jul 2021, 7:11am

Rival candidates have requested deliveries of data to help secure their bids to lead the Marlinist Consulate.

The Marlinist Colonies are voting for who will be elected as their prime consul. This influential role will diplomatically represent all Marlinists and make broad decisions on their behalf.

The first candidate is Verity Dexter from the Marlinism Reformation Party, which is acting as the NMLA political wing. She has the support of Senator Lorcan Scordato to be made an Imperial patron:

"I am in a unique position to finally provide our people with a voice in the Imperial Senate, and to speak for Neo-Marlinists. As prime consul, I will negotiate a permanent peace with the NMLA."

The second candidate, Kayode Tau of the Free Marlinist Movement, is focused on sustaining the Marlinist Colonies:

"Neo-Marlinism and terrorism have no place within our republican ideals. I will strive to keep our systems independent, and to protect the rights of peaceful Marlinists everywhere."

In order to support Kayode Tau and exclude NMLA representation, he has requested deliveries of anomalous bulk scan data and unusual encrypted files to Tilman Point in the Hyades Sector Ro-P B6-6 system.

The Alliance, Empire and Federation have recognised the Marlinist Consulate as an ambassadorial body, and agreed that the election of its prime consul is a strictly internal matter.

The initiative begins on the 15th of July 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, this campaign will end immediately.
Should both initiatives be completed to the same tier, the one with the highest contribution will be designated the victor.

Support Verity Dexter to secure NMLA representation

Deliver Anomalous Bulk Scan Data and Unusual Encrypted Files

Tier 0/5
620,097/48,000,000 (1.29%)
22 Jul 2021, 6:00am

Rival candidates have requested deliveries of data to help secure their bids to lead the Marlinist Consulate.

The Marlinist Colonies are voting for who will be elected as their prime consul. This influential role will diplomatically represent all Marlinists and make broad decisions on their behalf.

The first candidate is Verity Dexter from the Marlinism Reformation Party, which is acting as the NMLA political wing. She has the support of Senator Lorcan Scordato to be made an Imperial patron:

"I am in a unique position to finally provide our people with a voice in the Imperial Senate, and to speak for Neo-Marlinists. As prime consul, I will negotiate a permanent peace with the NMLA."

The second candidate, Kayode Tau of the Free Marlinist Movement, is focused on sustaining the Marlinist Colonies:

"Neo-Marlinism and terrorism have no place within our republican ideals. I will strive to keep our systems independent, and to protect the rights of peaceful Marlinists everywhere."

In order to support Verity Dexter and secure NMLA representation, she has requested deliveries of anomalous bulk scan data and unusual encrypted files to Stillman Hub in the HIP 22550 system.

The Alliance, Empire and Federation have recognised the Marlinist Consulate as an ambassadorial body, and agreed that the election of its prime consul is a strictly internal matter.

The initiative begins on the 15th of July 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, this campaign will end immediately.
Should both initiatives be completed to the same tier, the one with the highest contribution will be designated the victor.
Inara tracks overall progress, your contributions and estimates tier boundaries. Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara.

You can also discuss goals on Frontier forum.