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Hadrian Duval Seeks Reintegration with the Empire

Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has recovered from an assassination attempt and signalled a new direction for Nova Imperium.

Princess Aisling Duval provided advanced medical care for Imperator Duval after a near-fatal attack by NMLA assassins. Following a period of discussion, she told the media:

“At this time of crisis we need allies more than ever, and my cousin’s royal heritage should not be denied. I have therefore formally requested sovereign consent for him to be accepted into the Imperial Family as Prince Hadrian.”

Hadrian Duval broadcast this message from Dyson City:

“I owe my life to Aisling, but life without purpose means nothing, and the Duvals’ purpose has always been to protect the Empire. I seek to adopt my birthright and help defend our traditional ways of life.”

“However, many of us see disturbing parallels between the brutal purge of Nova Imperium’s followers in 3305 and the current crusade against the Marlinists. I call upon those in power not to repeat this mistake – the NMLA is the common enemy we must unite against.”

Many senators publicly agreed that the Empire must heal past divisions to focus on the Neo-Marlinist threat. Others have voiced concerns at the repercussions of Emperor Hengist’s illegitimate grandson becoming an heir to the throne. As yet, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has not responded.

Terrorist Hit Squad Targets Hadrian Duval

Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has been severely wounded in an assassination attempt by Neo-Marlinist extremists.

The attack took place at Dyson City in the Paresa system, headquarters of the isolationist organisation Nova Imperium. A small team of armed intruders broke into the command deck and opened fire. Three people were killed and four injured, including Hadrian Duval, before his Praetorian Guard eliminated the assassins.

The NMLA has claimed responsibility. On propaganda channels, the paramilitary group vows to “sever every head of the Duval hydra”, and calls for all citizens to rise up and demand democracy.

Praetor Leo Magnus, Nova Imperium’s head of security, gave this statement to Vox Galactica:

“The Imperator is in a critical condition but receiving our finest medical care. I am personally overseeing an investigation into how the NMLA infiltrated our starport and bypassed security checks.”

“Such attacks are as sickening as they are cowardly, and Nova Imperium stands firmly against these terrorists.”

Hadrian Duval is the illegitimate grandson of Emperor Hengist. His father, the late Commander Hector Jansen, was the result of a secret liaison with a household slave. Although disowned by the Imperial Family, Hadrian claims to be a rightful heir to the throne.

Obituary: Prince Harold Duval

The Imperial Herald has published an obituary of Prince Harold Duval, who was assassinated by NMLA terrorists.

“Born in 3230 to Emperor Hengist, Harold Duval reacted against his father’s puritan lifestyle by filling his days with partying and debauchery, becoming the black sheep of the Duval family.”

“It was probably accidental that Harold had a child with entertainer Imogen Gabrielini, but they married shortly before her narcotics-related death. His daughter, Princess Aisling Duval, has always spoken warmly of her loving father.”

“Emperor Hengist eventually decreed that his son was not fit for the throne, despite being his only heir. Harold never contested this, perhaps relieved to allow half-sister Arissa Lavigny-Duval to take his place.”

“In recent years Harold became a recluse on Capitol, suffering ill-health from a lifetime of excesses. But a father’s protective instinct motivated him to travel to Aisling’s home system after it was attacked. Tragically, despite always renouncing power, merely being a Duval made him a target to those same republican terrorists.”

“As the Empire mourns Prince Harold, suspicions arise that the NMLA were aided by inside knowledge of his ship’s itinerary and security, throwing an uneasy shadow over the legacy of this eccentric, endearing man.”

Prince Harold Duval Assassinated

Prince Harold Duval is dead after a targeted assassination attempt by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army.

The Empire has imposed a media blackout on these events, and no official statement has been made. However, independent journalist Gwendolyn Nash published this on-the-scene report for Vox Galactica:

“From interviewing multiple sources, we gather that a single assassin managed to infiltrate Harold Duval’s personal transport. He was killed by shipboard guards but not before shooting the Prince at close range.”

“The NMLA claimed responsibility for this attack in its latest propaganda broadcast, which referred to the Duval family as ‘imperialist parasites’. The extremist group also demanded that ‘Marlinists everywhere must rise up and demand a democratic Republic’.”

“Harold Duval was famously declared unfit for the throne by Emperor Hengist, and has been out of the public eye ever since. He rarely left Capitol but was making an unpublicised journey to visit his daughter Aisling Duval, presumably in response to the recent terrorist attack in the Cemiess system.”

“It remains unknown how the NMLA knew of the Prince’s itinerary, or managed to breach security on his ship.”

Aisling Duval Contacts Hadrian Duval

Princess Aisling Duval has revealed that she recently visited Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval, leader of the isolationist group Nova Imperium.

The Imperial Herald published her statement:

“For some time, I have regretted my initial dismissal of Hadrian. Had I known that Arissa intended to carry out such a brutal purge of his followers, my approach would have been different.”

“Although he has been labelled an enemy of the Empire, I found myself unable to ignore this new member of the Duval family, and so requested a meeting in the Paresa system.”

“Another reason to make contact was to verify his claim to be Emperor Hengist's grandson. All the genetic tests were conclusive – Hadrian is indeed my cousin by blood.”

“We have now opened a dialogue to see if there can ever be common ground between us. Perhaps together we can heal divisions within the Empire.”

Flashpoint for Nova Imperium

Political journalist Cassia Carvalho has reported on the current conflict with isolationist group Nova Imperium:

“In recent weeks, Nova Imperium has become a genuine political force. Tensions have now erupted into open conflict in the Paresa system, with Imperial Navy auxiliaries attempting to destroy Nova Imperium’s fleet.”

“In return, Imperator Mordanticus has called on the galactic community to fight for Emperor Hengist’s long-lost grandson Hadrian Duval to be recognised as an heir to the throne.”

“Whether this is a one-off battle or the beginning of an Imperial civil war, the outcome of the Battle of Paresa will influence the future of the Empire.”

An Heir to the Imperial Throne?

Imperial senators supporting the isolationist group Nova Imperium have demanded that Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval acknowledge its figurehead, Hadrian Augustus Duval.

Senator Eloise Winterstone proclaimed to the Senate:

“The Imperial family must officially recognise Hadrian Duval as one of its own. Given that the Emperor has no children, such an act would secure the future of the Duval bloodline.”

Chancellor Anders Blaine replied:

“Our official position is that Nova Imperium is a fringe organisation with no right to determine policy. We have no more to say on the matter.”

Political journalist Cassia Carvalho wrote in The Imperial Herald:

“With the possibility of civil war increasing, the suggestion that Arissa accept Hengist Duval’s grandson as an heir feels like a reasonable compromise. Her lack of response so far has led to accusations of weakness, with many calling on her to step down and for Hadrian Duval to be instated as sovereign ruler.”

Aisling Duval Rejects Nova Imperium

Princess Aisling Duval has publicly rejected the isolationist group Nova Imperium and its figurehead, Hadrian Duval:

“These extremists cause only division. Hadrian may well be the grandson of Hengist Duval, but that hardly makes him suited to the throne. Arissa has been silent for too long – she must act quickly to resolve this volatile situation.”

Senator Zemina Torval responded:

“Much to my surprise, I find myself in agreement with Princess Duval. The notion of an independent pilot becoming ruler of the Empire is preposterous. I am confident that the Emperor will respond accordingly.”

Despite this united front, Senator Pal Vespasian stated:

“Many senators are willing to recognise Hadrian Duval as Emperor-in-waiting. Nova Imperium is now a legitimate political movement with several million supporters. The only way the Empire will survive is by accepting the Imperator’s proposals.”