Galnet archive

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

A new networked system named the Codex has been released to the galactic community.

The Codex is a joint initiative from the Pilots Federation and Universal Cartographics, which announced that the system had been automatically uploaded to all vessels registered with the Pilots Federation.

Two new ships marketed towards independent pilots have been released. The Mamba, from Zorgon Petersen, is reputedly one of the fastest ships in production, while the Krait Phantom, manufactured by Faulcon DeLacy, has been envisaged as a multi-role vessel.

Hadrian Augustus Duval, the long-lost grandson of Emperor Hengist Duval, has broadcast a message to the Empire in which he emphasised his humble background and stressed that he had lived an ordinary life. He concluded with the words: “I’ve seen how diminished the Empire has become, and I know that new leadership is sorely needed.”

Meanwhile, the Interstellar Health Organisation has delivered a preliminary report on the nanomedicines recently developed by Vitadyne Labs. The report states that Vitadyne’s nanomeds are more sophisticated and reliable than any existing product, and that Vitadyne’s data regarding healing, disease treatment and extension of longevity has been verified.

In other news, conflict has erupted between two factions in the Wally Bei system. Hostilities were triggered after the Wally Bei Technical claimed to have discovered stolen food shipments aboard their rival’s transport vessels. This was denied in an official response by Traditional Wally Bei Constitution Party. Military leaders from both factions have issued calls to independent combat pilots, offering rewards for their support.

Finally, an initiative to deliver rare commodities to an esoteric cult in the Zlota system has concluded. Barnabas Cole, leader of the Children of Tothos, submitted a handwritten message to the media that read: “By helping us, you free yourselves. You will feel the light of our testament fill you, just as it fills the heavens.”

And those are the main stories this week.

Hadrian Duval Addresses the Empire

Hadrian Augustus Duval, the long-lost grandson of Emperor Hengist Duval, has broadcast a message to the Empire:

“I am no wealthy senator from an entitled family, but someone who has lived an ordinary life. Someone who understands the hardships faced by many Imperial citizens.”

“As Hadrian Jansen, I was a poor child with no family other than my father. Together we scraped a living as independent traders. He never spoke of his past – not even when he died two years ago. That was when I inherited his ship and became a Commander myself.”

“When Imperator Mordanticus informed me of my heritage, I knew I had to accept my identity as a Duval. I’ve seen how diminished the Empire has become, and I know that new leadership is sorely needed.”

“I ask you to honour the legacy of the Duval bloodline. With Nova Imperium, let’s save the Empire we love.”

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

Two corporations have merged to form one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the galaxy. Allied Medical Industries has united with Neosalve Inc. to create Neomedical Industries, which will sell drugs, equipment and services to both Alliance and independent systems.

Independent company Vitadyne Labs has developed new pharmaceuticals that use nanoscale materials to repair cell damage on a molecular level. The company claims the nanomeds can heal injury in a fraction of the normal time, and even slow the ageing process. The Interstellar Health Organisation is reviewing the new medicines.

Nova Imperium has revealed its choice for Emperor – an eighteen year old man named Hadrian Augustus Duval. The group claims that Duval is the grandson of former emperor Hengist Duval, and that he has a legitimate claim to the Imperial throne. The group’s leader, Imperator Mordanticus, has called for Hadrian to replace Arissa Lavigny-Duval.

Journalist Gethin Okonkwo has commented on the Far God outposts found in the Etain system, saying that the logs recovered from the outposts illustrated how the faith attracted people from varied backgrounds. Okonkwo also said that the book he is writing with Dr Alfred Ulyanov would reveal much about the Far God religion.

An obscure cult based in the Zlota system has requested a range of rare items for an arcane ceremony. A handwritten statement from Barnabas Cole, leader of a group named the Children of Tothos, elaborated on the nature of the ceremony. Zlota Federal Holdings, which is thought to have some connection to the cult, is overseeing the initiative.

Finally, a goodwill initiative from the Achilles Corporation has concluded. Chairman Gus Weaver of Achilles confirmed that the company had acquired enough commodities to manufacture replacements for the robots destroyed in the wake of the spy robot scandal. He also reminded consumers that the surveillance program at the heart of the scandal was safely deleted by the company’s latest coreware update.

And those are the main stories this week.

Nova Imperium Unveils Figurehead

Isolationist group Nova Imperium has revealed its choice for Emperor – an eighteen year old man named Hadrian Augustus Duval.

The group’s leader, Imperator Mordanticus, broadcast this message:

“It is incumbent upon me to reveal that Hengist Duval fathered not one but two illegitimate children in his younger days. A few years before meeting Florence Lavigny, he had a brief affair with a slave in the Imperial household. When Hengist’s father discovered this, the matter was hushed up and the slave dismissed. The slave’s son went on to sire a child of his own: Hadrian Duval, grandson of Emperor Hengist Duval. Hadrian was unaware of this until we located him and genetically confirmed his lineage.”

“Arissa Lavigny-Duval is a weak Emperor who must be removed. We call for Hadrian Duval to be recognised as the true heir to the throne!”

The Imperial Herald’s political journalist Cassia Carvalho observed:

“This announcement has shaken the Empire to its very foundations. Having Hadrian as a figurehead has rallied those hardliners more comfortable with the idea of a male Emperor. With a single stroke, Nova Imperium has gained considerable credibility and massively increased its support.”

Freelance Report: Game of Shadows

Various media outlets throughout inhabited space received an anonymous communiqué this morning. "The galactic community is in peril," the message began. "They just don't know it yet."

The transmission asserts a connection between Core Dynamics, the destruction of the Antares and Starship One, the Emperor's Dawn insurgency, and setbacks in Unknown Artefact research. It also claims that the deaths of Federal Vice-President Nigel Smeaton, Sean Richards, Arnold Lowe, Susan Monroe, Elaine Boyd, Emperor Hengist Duval and the disappearances of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey and Professor Ishmael Palin are similarly connected.

The message concluded: "Many of those who have tried to connect these seemingly disparate events have been silenced, along with their sources. That is why I have chosen to remain anonymous. So far, only pawns have been revealed in this shadowy game. We must discover the king."

Neither the Federation nor the Empire has chosen to comment on the transmission.

Commander Corrigendum

Gutamaya Shipyards Announces the Imperial Fighter

In September, Gutamaya Shipyards released a new version of the enduringly popular Eagle. This month, the company has announced the launch of a new fighter designed specifically for the CQC Championship – the Imperial Fighter. Gutamaya has said that the small, manoeuvrable vessel will be ideally suited to close-quarters dogfights, and more than capable of going toe-to-toe with other CQC fighters.

As befits a ship created with the CQC Championship in mind, the Imperial Fighter offers a delicate balance of defence, firepower and manoeuvrability. The ship is more agile than the F63 Condor, which offers a similar spread of features, although it lacks the Condor's speed and hull strength. In terms of firepower, the Imperial Fighter matches the Condor with two small hardpoints.

The Imperial Fighter's specifications are not the only important factor, however. According the ship's designer, Pascal Roux, the vessel was created as a tribute to the late Emperor, Hengist Duval. In an interview with the Imperial Herald, Roux said: "What I admired most about the Emperor was his balance of elegance and strength, and the fighter represents my attempt to reflect those qualities."

The Imperial Fighter is due to be released for use in the CQC Championships in December, and will go on general sale in early 3302.

Senate Declares Arissa Lavigny-Duval Emperor

Standing on the steps of the Senate building, Chancellor Anders Blaine announced the Senate's decision on the succession. In a historic selection, and as a result of a clear majority vote, Arissa Lavigny-Duval will be the next ruler of the Empire. She will be the first female leader of the Empire since Marlin Duval founded the original colony on Achenar in the 23rd Century, although she will carry the title 'Emperor' rather than 'Empress'. Such an appointment would have been impossible prior to the reign of Hengist Duval due to an ancient decree that all Imperial rulers be male, but a ruling passed by the late Emperor early in his reign did away with this generations-old tradition.

The news has been almost universally celebrated, and even Princess Aisling Duval offered her support for the appointment. The celebrations are likely to continue until the coronation ceremony in a week's time.

Not everyone agrees with the Senate's decision, however. In a statement, Emperor's Dawn declared the selection of Arissa Lavigny-Duval "a desecration of the traditions of the Empire". The organisation has vowed not to allow the ceremony to happen.

Emperor's Dawn: What does it stand for?

Since news of Emperor's Dawn first emerged, there has been extensive speculation about the group's agenda. That the organisation wants to destabilise the Imperial power base seems highly likely, given that it was almost certainly responsible for the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval, but the specifics of its ambitions have remained unclear.

Propaganda material disseminated by Emperor's Dawn has been thoroughly examined, but the generalities it contains, and the vague promises of returning Imperial society to 'traditional values', have done little to illuminate the group's philosophy. Some commentators have suggested that the organisation may be deliberately avoiding making an explicit statement for fear of discouraging potential recruits. After all, if you are intentionally vague about what you stand for, people may assume you stand for the same things they do.

All this has changed, however, with the recovery of an internal Emperor's Dawn statement, released by an individual claiming to be a former member of the organisation. The following text is taken verbatim from the document:

"The Empire has become irrevocably decadent, and stands at a vast remove from the noble ideals that birthed it. In anticipation of its inevitable collapse, we, Emperor's Dawn, Heralds of the New Imperial Age, have compiled the following edicts, to be delivered to the Empire at an appropriate time. We demand that Emperor's Dawn be free to determine the appointment of a new Emperor, that the corrupt and amoral Imperial Senate be immediately disbanded, and that the equivocation and leniency that has neutered the Imperial military be stamped out, to be replaced with a philosophy of total martial conviction."

The identity of the individual who provided the information is not known, but it is understood that Imperial security experts believe the material to be genuine. The office of Senator Denton Patreus responded to the release of the document with a brief statement:

"This information does not change the Senator's position regarding Emperor's Dawn. It is an enemy of the Empire, and it will be destroyed."