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Deliver Resources for Extraction Missile Manufacture

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Aegis has requested materials to construct sub-surface extraction missiles that recover imprisoned humans from the Titans.

Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, announced:

“Using blueprints provided by Sirius Corporation, engineering teams have worked around the clock to modify sub-surface displacement munitions. These adaptations enable the projectiles to breach sections of the Titans’ hulls and jettison the bio-storage capsules embedded within.”

“We could spend the next few months in a testing cycle, and ideally that would be the case – but lives are at risk and we can’t be sure how much time our missing have. Therefore, we have approved mass production of these sub-surface extraction missiles. Industrial materials are urgently needed to establish assembly centres, so that we can distribute them as rapidly as possible.”

Princess Aisling Duval, who is coordinating the Empire’s involvement with Aegis, transmitted a personal message:

“My heart goes out to the families and friends of the millions unaccounted for following the Thargoid invasions. But I urge you all to hold onto the hope of seeing your loved ones again. With this breakthrough, we finally have a chance to rescue some of those poor souls. Nobody doubts that this will be dangerous, and yet if this war has proved anything, it’s that we can rise to any challenge when we work together.”

Aegis has requested shipments of CMM composites, neofabric insulation and osmium, to be delivered to Springer Gateway in the Senlu system. To protect transports, bounty vouchers for all wanted ships in the system will be redeemed by the Green Party of Senlu.

Aegis Resolves to Free Abductees from Titans

With human life-signs now confirmed beneath the hulls of the Thargoid Titans, the urgency to mount a rescue mission has intensified.

Many pilots equipped with the updated pulse wave xeno scanner detected signals that match living humans on every Titan mothership. As a result, Aegis has prioritised finding a way to recover the abducted. A potential solution has emerged, reportedly via a low-ranking engineer within Sirius Corporation.

Director Ivano Colombera, the Empire’s scientific liaison to Aegis, explained:

“Li Yong-Rui has shared Sirius Corporation’s projects to counter Thargoid abductions, and this has accelerated our work. Among their research was a blueprint that repurposes sub-surface displacement missiles – a commonly used mining tool – to breach Thargoid vessels and expose captured escape pods.”

“These missiles were originally designed to extract mineral deposits from within asteroids without causing its destruction. Our consensus is that with some modifications, they could be deployed to target the human storage chambers within the Titan and retrieve the captives safely.”

Aden Tanner discussed the approach with cautious optimism:

“This could be the non-lethal rescue method we've been searching for. However, these missiles are intended for minerals not people, and Thargoid technology is poorly understood. We must ensure that we won't inadvertently harm those we’re trying to save, and prevent an aggressive reaction from the Titans themselves if possible.”

Aegis confirmed that it has begun manufacturing prototype sub-surface missiles capable of penetrating the Titans’ outer hulls. Further developments are expected to be announced shortly.

Aegis Releases Upgraded Xeno Scanner

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A pulse wave xeno scanner upgrade that can detect human life signs on Thargoid Titans is now available.

Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, announced the campaign’s successful conclusion:

“The upgraded pulse wave xeno scanner will isolate human life signs aboard the Titan motherships. If Seo Jin-ae is correct that some of our missing populations are being stored by the Thargoids, this could be the most important technological breakthrough in the war. I’m deeply grateful to all those who helped make it a reality.”

“Aegis is already trialling potential methods to rescue abductees, providing they can be located. I have also accepted Li Yong-Rui’s invitation to discuss the recovery methods already explored by Sirius Corporation, following majority approval from our superpower delegates.”

Former Federal admiral and current Aegis military strategist Aden Tanner discussed the practicalities of locating human captives:

“I want to remind pilots of how dangerous this task will be. Ships must be equipped with caustic sink launchers to survive within the corrosive Maelstroms, as well as Thargoid pulse neutralisers to breach the Titan’s defensive barrier.Flying close to the surface of the Titans is no easy feat, plus there is an ever-present risk of attack by patrolling Thargoid vessels. But I know how determined many of you are to find these poor souls. Every human identified is a potential life saved the moment we have the tools to do so.”

In advance of the pulse wave scanner upgrade, Aegis hosted a campaign in the Rabh system which aimed to resupply low-stock commodities for the broader humanitarian efforts. Independent pilots managed to deliver quantities of neofabric insulation, polymers and thallium. While the eventual total received was lower than anticipated, current stocks should now be sufficient while a permanent supply chain is established.

CD-51 1447 Imperial Society is now rewarding contributors to Aegis’s initiative at Muller Terminal in the Rabh system. Pilots who protected deliveries by destroying wanted ships can also now redeem bounty vouchers.

Upgraded Xeno Scanner Requires Resources

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Aegis aims to provide an update to the pulse wave xeno scanner that can locate captive humans on Thargoid Titans.

Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Alliance’s scientific liaison to Aegis, informed the media about the project:

“Information provided by Seo Jin-ae suggests that people abducted by the Thargoids are being kept alive aboard the Titan motherships inside ‘pods’. This theory makes sense - since Thargoid atmospheres are toxic to humans, any captives are surely sealed in an environment that meets their respiratory and nutritional needs.”

“The pulse wave xeno scanner has been modified by Allied, Federal and Imperial technicians, working in concert using Aegis’s communications protocols. The module’s electromagnetic pulse technology aims to identify these pods by detecting several key markers generated by living humans.”

“A broader effort to prepare for humanitarian rescue efforts is underway, but we have encountered a shortage of neofabric insulation, polymers and thallium. Shipments of these materials are urgently required to support the crews onboard rescue megaships in its vital work.”

Contributors are asked to transport these commodities to Muller Terminal in the Rabh system. The CD-51 1447 Imperial Society has agreed to coordinate the enterprise on behalf of Aegis, and will protect deliveries by redeeming bounty vouchers for all wanted ships in the system.

Rescue Megaships Scheduled to Redeploy

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The eleven megaships coordinating evacuation efforts from Thargoid-invaded systems are set to move over the next few weeks.

Military analysis of the current front line has highlighted that the distance between active conflict areas and the megaships can be decreased with an acceptably low degree of risk. Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, part of the Imperial delegation to Aegis, offered this comment:

“Shortening the distance between systems which require humanitarian support and the megaships responsible for coordinating that support is important. Until now we have urged caution to maintain their current safe positions, since these vessels are obvious targets for Thargoid attack. But as our brave pilots continue to regain territory and push the alien forces back, we feel confident that this is the right decision.”

From September 7th, the following megaships will temporarily cease offering new mission contracts. They will redeploy to new locations on September 14th, with missions offered once again:

Rescue Ship Foerster

Rescue Ship Hutner

Rescue Ship Seacole

Rescue Ship Yoshida

Allied Solace

From September 14th, the following megaships will temporarily cease offering new mission contracts. They will redeploy to new locations on September 21st, with missions offered once again:

Rescue Ship Bertschinger

Rescue Ship Cavell

Rescue Ship Cornwallis

Rescue Ship Kisseih

Imperial Sanctum

Federal Haven

Any ships or modules stored on the rescue megaships will be transported safely to the new location.

Materials Received to Construct Duval Statues

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A campaign by a minor Imperial Family member to deliver precious materials to Laedla has concluded.

The shipments of gold, jadeite and platinum will be used to construct statues of Duval family members, to be erected in public spaces in planetary cities across the Empire.

The project is the brainchild of Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval, who announced:

“I am deeply grateful to all the pilots who mined or transported the resources we required. Work has already begun to forge them into beautiful works of art, commemorating past Emperors and other noble holders of the Duval name.”

“It is my honour to confirm the first two statues will be of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, located in the palace’s central plaza on Capitol, and of Lady Florence Lavigny, placed within the main square of Topaz’s capital city alongside the memorial sculpture of Emperor Hengist.”

Laedla Empire Assembly is now offering payment to those who delivered the required materials to Kummer Acropolis in the Laedla system. Bounty vouchers for all wanted ships destroyed within the system will also be redeemed.

Deliveries Requested to Commemorate Duval Family

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Shipments of precious materials are needed in the Laedla system to build statues honouring the House of Duval.

Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval made a public announcement to launch the initiative:

“We are all relieved that our beloved Imperial Mother is on the path to recovery. In such times, we must remember how much all citizens owe to the Duval dynasty, whose thousand-year reign has brought peace and prosperity to trillions.”

“In honour of Her Majesty the Emperor and all those who came before her, I am arranging for mighty statues to adorn the public plazas of many Imperial worlds. Using the finest quality gold, jadeite and platinum, we will construct impressive monuments to the architects of our glorious Empire.”

The Imperial Herald published a related piece by royal correspondent Gudrun Vestergaard:

“Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval is the son of Prince Baylor Duval, one of Emperor Hesketh’s brothers, who married into the House of Lombardo nearly a century ago. This offshoot branch of the Imperial Family are survivors of the mass assassinations perpetrated by the NMLA, as a result of which their prominence among the nobility has risen.”

“Emperor Arissa has given the statues her personal blessing, but the mood within the palace is mixed. Some view Archduke Otto as having delusions of grandeur. Others consider him an opportunist looking to ingratiate himself with more prominent family members. But perhaps this is a simple gesture in good faith – a swift response to Florence Lavigny’s request for unity within the royal family.”

The required resources can be delivered to Kummer Acropolis in the Laedla system. Laedla Empire Assembly, which is providing logistical support and security for the project, will redeem bounty vouchers for wanted ships in the system.

Duvals Rally Around Imperial Mother

Lady Florence Lavigny is recuperating from a serious illness, but the experience has prompted her to call for changes within the Imperial Family.

Official sources confirmed that the Imperial Mother remains under constant medical supervision at her home on Topaz, following a successful surgical procedure. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has now returned to the Imperial Palace on Capitol, and is being regularly updated about her mother’s condition.

Countess Guinevere Lavigny, cousin to the Emperor and niece of Lady Lavigny, also visited Topaz. She told a local reporter:

“My aunt is now able to communicate properly for short periods, and is dwelling on the past a great deal. She talks about wanting to bring together our entire family, and resolving minor disagreements which have lingered for too long. This is something that my brother Lucius and I have always felt is long overdue, so I hope she gets her wish.”

The Imperial Herald’s royal correspondent Gudrun Vestergaard speculated:

“Uniquely, Florence Lavigny has earned the respect of everyone connected to the Imperial Family over the past decade. She alone could heal the rifts between Emperor Arissa, Princess Aisling and Hadrian Duval, which have become more pronounced in recent months. Minor members of the Empire’s ruling dynasty might also find their fortunes changed by the Imperial Mother’s plans.”

“It’s worth remembering that the details of Lady Lavigny’s illness were never made public. Are her calls for unity prompted by thoughts of mortality? Perhaps time is of the essence if she seeks to make lasting changes to the House of Duval.”