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Alien Abduction Evidence Increases

Newsfeeds and ICE-casts have reacted to Aegis’s theory that the Thargoids have purposefully captured tens of millions of living humans.

Eyewitness testimonies provided by independent pilots have given credence to this theory. Citizens’ Chronicle featured the following account from Imperial auxiliary Commander Luca Redondo:

“It was a sickening sight, watching Scythes hunt down survivors. A part of me wanted to start blasting the escape pods rather than let those poor people be eaten, or experimented on, or whatever the hell the Thargoids want them for. There was nothing my squadron could do to save them, not without risking the refugees we were carrying. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping well for a long time.”

Many reporters have interviewed people still waiting to hear from those who once lived in Thargoid-occupied systems. Vox Galactica has published several such stories:

“My ex-husband took our kids to visit his family last November, just before the Maelstroms arrived. Their last message was so happy, telling me their adventures, promising to call me tomorrow. But there was no tomorrow. Just static from the entire system. Every day since then I’ve contacted the refugee centres, repeating their names over and over. It’s my whole life now. There’s nothing else.”

An editorial in The Federal Free Press called for greater pressure to be placed on Aegis and the authorities:

“It’s outrageous that this was kept out of the public domain for so long, with the Thargoids taking prisoners for months. Why was this suppressed by those in power? We owe it to those millions of people to do everything we can to rescue them.”

An alternative viewpoint was outlined by Timothy Culver, a prominent xeno-peace activist, on his ICE-cast channel:

“Humans have been capturing and experimenting on Thargoids since we first encountered them, so we certainly don’t occupy the moral high ground. But I also believe that they are primarily seeking to understand us. I urge everyone to study Commander Rakowski’s recent report, which proves that not every Thargoid vessel sees us as an enemy.”

Thargoid Scythes Undertake ‘Human Harvest’

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A new type of Thargoid vessel is hyperdicting human ships and capturing living passengers.

Aegis has designated the hunter-class alien ship as a ‘Scythe’. Aden Tanner released an assessment of its capabilities:

“This Thargoid vessel has been designed not just for combat, but to hyperdict ships and extract human beings from them. Our observations of its tactics suggesting that abduction is its primary purpose.”

“A Scythe’s initial attack mirrors that of its Glaive cousin, by attempting to disable frame shift drives and deplete shields. It then launches a unique strike to makes passenger cabins and cargo holds uninhabitable. The resulting escape pods are rapidly drawn onboard onto the Scythe intact.”

Further observations were made by Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, the Empire’s military liaison to Aegis:

"Due to their modus operandi, it now seems likely that the Dedicant’s population was forced to abandon the megaship and subsequently abducted en masse by these vessels.”

“The Thargoids have been capturing escape pods for years, but now it seems to have become a strategic priority. Perhaps they view ‘harvesting’ us in the same way as obtaining meta-alloys from barnacle sites. We can only imagine what unpleasant intentions they have for living human specimens.”

The Fate of the Dedicant

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The lost megaship Dedicant has been located in HIP 19600, with signs of Thargoid attack and all inhabitants missing.

The Dedicant was being prepared by Federal authorities to deport imprisoned members of the Order of the Far God when it unexpectedly jumped into hyperspace. Pilots who helped decipher its fragmented distress call were informed of the recent discovery by the Imperial Navy.

Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency issued a statement:

“We can confirm that the Dedicant has been discovered adrift in the HIP 19600 system. There is evidence that the Thargoids penetrated the hull in multiple locations, and thousands of escape pods were launched. Unusually, there are no bodies onboard and we have not been able to locate any of the escape pods. The whereabouts of all three FIA security teams and over 8,000 Far God cultists cannot be determined.”

“A series of personal logs, portraying some harrowing experiences, are helping us to piece together what happened during the Dedicant’s disappearance. We are liaising with military intelligence to learn more.”

In related news, Aegis made an announcement on all public channels:

“Independent observers have detected a new type of Thargoid vessel operating within the Maelstroms. Little is known of their capabilities as yet. They have been provisionally classified as a ‘hunter’ due to their size, which is similar to the Glaive.”

“Aegis has only corroborated sightings of these ships in close proximity to the Thargoid Titans. However, we have received reports that they may be active elsewhere. Pilots are advised to exercise maximum caution if they encounter these vessels.”

Dedicant Quest Yields Results

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The missing megaship Dedicant is close to being located after fragments of its distress call were tracked down.

The scrambled messages were discovered on comms beacons in the LP 714-58, Wuniez, Olurung and Kwakimo systems. Combined decryption efforts eventually led to another beacon in the HIP 19912 system, where the Dedicant’s original transmission was revealed:











Vice Admiral Amir Rafiq of the Imperial Navy provided an update:

“Imperial Intelligence specialists are currently analysing the comms beacon in HIP 19912 to trace the message to its point of origin. We have orders not to commence any joint operations with the Federation, but I am authorised to make our findings public.”

Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency told the media:

“We appreciate the assistance from the Empire , and from all the independent pilots who helped find this distress call. It has confirmed our theory that the prisoners managed to regain control of their former vessel, using various modifications made to its internal systems.”

“FIA security teams are standing by to launch a rescue mission as and when the Dedicant’s location is pinpointed. They will retake the megaship by force if necessary and detain all Far God cultists onboard.”

The Hunt for the Dedicant

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Traces of a distress call from the Dedicant megaship have been detected in the LP 714-58 system.

Vice Admiral Amir Rafiq, a spokesperson for the Imperial Navy, broadcast an announcement on all public channels:

“An Imperial scout ship travelling through LP 714-58 has intercepted several fragmentary signals. Their identifying markers confirmed that they originated from the Dedicant. We believe there has been an encryption error in the system’s communication beacons, which prevented the distress call from being rerouted to its intended destination in the Federation.”

“Officially, the Imperial Navy no longer performs joint operations with our Federal counterparts. Nor do we involve ourselves in the activities of the illegal Far God cult. Nevertheless, we are sharing this information as a humanitarian gesture. Our hope is that this may aid a rescue mission for those trapped aboard the lost megaship.”

The Dedicant made an unscheduled hyperspace jump from the Popontia system on the 15th of June, while imprisoned members of the Order of the Far God were being transferred onboard to be relocated in the Alliance.

Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency released a statement:

“It is unexpected to receive any kind of assistance from the Empire, but on this occasion we are grateful. Three security teams, comprised of 50 agents each, are currently on the Dedicant along with over 8,000 cultists. This is the first indication that the megaship remains intact and that our people are calling for help.”

“FIA specialists are en route to the LP 714-58 system. However, deciphering interstellar comms signals is a difficult and time-consuming task. We would appreciate any assistance from independent pilots if they are able to detect any further messages.”

Imperial Mother in Medical Emergency

Lady Florence Lavigny, the mother of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, has been placed under medical supervision following a sudden illness.

An official statement was released by the Imperial Palace:

“The Imperial Mother, Lady Florence Lavigny, has suffered an unexpected medical emergency. She is being cared for by a specialist team at her Lake Parisot estate on the planet Topaz . Details of her illness are not being shared at this time.”

“Her Majesty the Emperor has cancelled all appointments and travelled to be at her mother’s side. The latest report states that Lady Lavigny has undergone surgical treatment and is in a poor but stable condition. We know that all citizens will join us in wishing the best for this prominent member of the Imperial Family.”

Royal correspondent Gudrun Vestergaard provided some background to the story:

“The Duvals always ensure that each Emperor’s parents are afforded the greatest respect, not to mention the finest medical care. Although the Imperial Mother’s ailment remains unspecified, not many fear it to be fatal at this early stage.”

“Though Lady Lavigny’s engagement to the late Emperor Hengist Duval brought the highest of profiles, she has typically sought to avoid the spotlight. Despite this, she has repeatedly been in the eye of a media storm. In 3250, her husband Prince Aristide de Lavigny met with a mysterious accident that was never fully explained. Decades later, it was revealed that their daughter Arissa had been sired by Emperor Hengist. Upon being selected by the Senate in 3301, Arissa adopted the new surname of Lavigny-Duval to reflect her previously unknown royal heritage.”

“Princess Aisling Duval, Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval, Countess Guinevere Lavigny and many other Imperial Family members have all sent their hopes for a rapid recovery. A similar message came from Hadrian Augustus Duval, in an apparent attempt to rebuild bridges after his recent public spat with the Emperor. As the descendant of another of Hengist’s affairs, perhaps Hadrian feels more of a kinship with Florence Lavigny than most others in the Duval dynasty.”

Aegis Receives Titan Materials for Xeno-Research

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Aegis and Azimuth Biotech have concluded rival campaigns to deliver tissue samples harvested from the Thargoid Titans.

Titan tissue samples were obtained from the surfaces of the Thargoid capital ships using research limpets and brought back to human space by daring pilots.

Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Allied scientific liaison to Aegis, delivered a congratulatory message:

“It takes a special kind of pilot to travel through the Maelstroms and fly across the surfaces of these enormous motherships, but it seems such courage is not in short supply. The samples we received will undergo scientific testing by Allied, Federal and Imperial specialists. We are confident that they will shed light on the Titans’ capabilities and the technologies used in their construction.”

A parallel campaign by Azimuth Biotech also received deliveries of Titan-based materials, but the number of shipments were notably fewer than those provided to Aegis. Observers have labelled this outcome as encouraging for Aegis’s reputation, with the tri-superpower initiative failing to attract contributors away from private corporate interests in the past.

Pilots who contributed on behalf of Aegis can collect their rewards from Wiberg Station in the Kioskurber system. Supporters of Azimuth Biotech can do likewise from Stebler City in the Djeriman system.

The Emperor’s Ire

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has responded to criticism from Hadrian Duval regarding her decision to contribute to Aegis.

During a public address at the opening of a naval research and development complex on Achenar, the Emperor stated:

“For the avoidance of doubt, my decree to halt interaction with the Alliance and the Federation remains in effect. Whatever advancements in weaponry or defence are made at these impressive facilities, they will be used exclusively by the Imperial Navy to protect Imperial citizens.”

“Aegis’s status as an independent agency makes it a legal exception under the Cornelius-Lasky Convention. Only a small fraction of the Empire’s military expenditure is being devoted to Aegis’s anti-xeno forces.”

“As for Hadrian Duval, some may recall when his Nova Imperium extremists once threatened to trigger widescale civil unrest. I chose to spare him from the fate of his co-conspirators, something Princess Aisling argued for with the same passion as she showed for the Aegis project. Unless Hadrian wishes to test my ‘weak spirit’ further, I strongly advise him to keep such thoughts private in future.”

The altercation between Duvals triggered some debate in the Senate, with Senator Petra Torval arguing that the Emperor clearly viewed Hadrian Duval as an ‘enemy of the Empire’. The matter was settled by a statement from Chancellor Anders Blaine:

“The Treaty of Paresa binds all former members of Nova Imperium as subjects of the throne. Her Majesty has delivered a reminder that Hadrian Duval is not officially a prince of the royal family, but is nevertheless considered a loyal ally for as long as it pleases the Emperor.”