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Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner Now Available

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

An initiative in Rabh has enabled Aegis to begin manufacturing a module that gathers data about the Titans.

Deliveries of ceramic composites, polymers, gallium and indium were immediately put to use mass-producing the pulse wave xeno scanner. Distribution is underway and rescue ships have already begun stocking the module.

Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, released a statement:

“The Thargoid Titans represent not only the greatest threat to humanity, but also the greatest scientific opportunity in a generation. Learning more about these enormous constructs could be crucial to our understanding of the Thargoid species, which I still believe is the only path to ending the war.”

“A coalition of Allied, Federal and Imperial technicians worked around the clock to modify Professor Palin’s xeno scanner using pulse wave technology. Thanks to the dedication of independent pilots in providing resources, the new module has been made available in excellent time.”

“Aegis has a keen interest in all information that can be gleaned about the Titans. I sincerely hope that the data we acquire will add to our scant knowledge about the Thargoids and lead to further discoveries.”

Rewards are now available at Muller Terminal in the Rabh system for all those who transported supplies for this project.

Hadrian Duval Remarks on ‘Weak Emperor’

An interview with Hadrian Augustus Duval has caused ripples in Imperial society for his direct criticism of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.

Speaking to Paresa News Network, the former Nova Imperium leader discussed the Empire’s commitment to Aegis:

“I have always known that the Empire is stronger alone, especially when protecting our people from the Thargoid hordes. Supposedly, Emperor Arissa felt the same – until a visit from Princess Aisling turned her head. Suddenly her principles were cast aside, and our valuable resources pledged to more foreign military projects.”

“I can only wonder when the Emperor became so easily swayed. Was it during her year in captivity? Did all that time in suspended animation drain her resolve? We cannot afford to allow the Empire to be governed by someone with a weak spirit. Our citizens deserve a strong, determined ruler.”

Gudrun Vestergaard, royal correspondent for The Imperial Herald, commented:

“The anticipated friction between the Duval cousins has now become a reality. Hadrian clearly took great offence at how swiftly Aisling engineered an exception to the Empire’s isolationist policies. But openly denigrating Her Majesty is a dangerous game, especially from the young revolutionary who once attempted to usurp her throne.”

“Meanwhile, Princess Aisling has thrown herself into the role of overseeing the Imperial contribution to Aegis. Court insiders claim that she spends much of her time with military experts, absorbing information about the Thargoid conflict. Regularly communications with her opposite numbers in the Alliance and Federation have become part of the daily routine. Some still see this as a high-profile PR exercise on her part, but others wonder if Aisling might become the wartime leader the Empire needs. Skeptics who believe she lacks the strategic talents necessary to succeed may yet find themselves surprised by her apparent enthusiasm for Aegis’s work.”

Head of Aegis Makes Public Address

Professor Alba Tesreau has broadcast a formal statement discussing the past, present and future of Aegis.

Independent journalist Allan Mantle reported on the declaration for Vox Galactica:

“The tremendous escalation of the Thargoid war makes Aegis more open to scrutiny than ever. By delivering a personal message to the public, Professor Tesreau exhibits the transparency and accountability that the agency previously lacked. Indeed, it’s to her credit that the mistakes of the past are not glossed over.”

“Some will also consider it noble that Tesreau avoids mentioning how she opposed the superpowers shutting down Aegis in favour of working with Azimuth Biotech. Others will recognise her moral high ground as mere politics. The Allied, Federal and Imperial coordinators for Aegis are all duly applauded, a tip of the hat to those who helped her resurrect the organisation.”

“Recent Thargoid discoveries are mentioned, with two having been formally classified since her speech was recorded: the Glaive-class hunters that pursue human ships, and the Revenant-class drones patrolling settlements in conquered systems. Naturally, Aegis’s top priority are the Thargoid motherships, which Tesreau formally assigns the designation of ‘Titan’. The statement reveals that work is underway to modify Professor Palin’s xeno scanner to gather data on these alien capital ships.”

Princess Aisling Duval also delivered a statement:

“I have nothing but praise for Professor Tesreau’s leadership of Aegis. She has transformed a once-failing initiative into the vanguard of humanity’s defence. I am impressed and inspired by her tireless determination, which is why I sought the position of Imperial representative in the organisation. My discussions with Tesreau have convinced me that the new iteration of Aegis has addressed the concerns I once held over its strategic direction.”

“I also want to take this opportunity to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice when resisting the Thargoids’ military might. These courageous souls will never be forgotten. We all still have much work to do to protect those we care for.”

Pilots will find the Aegis Statement waiting in their ship's inbox service.

Into the Maelstroms

Aegis has confirmed that the first ships equipped with Thargoid pulse neutralisers have entered the inner regions of the Maelstroms.

The new module provides a temporary shield against the electromagnetic pulse that is generated when ships reach a certain point within the Maelstroms. Until now, this has prevented all attempts to identify what Thargoid constructs may exist within the caustic clouds.

Rear Admiral Daniel Parry, the Federal Navy’s liaison to Aegis, reported:

“Armed ships crewed by military and xenology specialists have now been sent into each Maelstrom. These pathfinder missions will attempt to gather as much tactical and environmental data as possible.”

“We have also received information from Commanders who returned intact from the Maelstroms’ core areas. We are unable to authenticate these accounts at present, but they are being collated and analysed. The Allied, Federal and Imperial high commands will authorise an official report in due course.”

A secondary statement was provided by Commodore Emil Varga, the Alliance’s military liaison:

“If the preliminary data obtained by independent pilots is accurate, one common factor is that they encountered a significant Thargoid presence. Aegis warns all pilots that they enter the Maelstroms at their own risk, and should prepare for combat situations.”

“All of the eight systems containing Maelstroms are still affected by the same anti-Guardian field that was first witnessed in HIP 22460. Therefore, weapons based on Guardian technology will not function and should be replaced with other anti-xeno armaments.”

Seo Jin-ae: ‘The Thargoids Know We’re Coming’

A warning about entering the Maelstroms has been offered by Seo Jin-ae, whose unique cortical implant offers glimpses into the Thargoid hive mind.

Aden Tanner, who is currently working with Aegis, released a personal statement:

“Seo Jin-ae approached me in a state of distress shortly after the first tests of the Thargoid pulse neutraliser. She claimed that, as the probes passed through Taranis’s energy wave, she perceived a change among the Thargoid voices. ‘Like being woken up by insect bites,’ was how she described the sensation.”

“‘The Thargoids aren’t as oblivious to our tests as it sometimes seems,’ she told me. I pressed her for more details, but there was only one thing she was convinced about: ‘They understand we’ve found a way to push deeper into the Maelstrom. They know we’re coming.’”

“Now, this might mean nothing at all, and it’s not verifiable data. But it prompted Professor Tesreau to pass on Seo’s concerns to the superpowers. Likewise, I feel a sense of duty to share this with the galactic community. Any pilots who plan to explore the Maelstrom cores should not assume that they’ll have the element of surprise.”

Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, the Empire’s military liaison to Aegis, commented:

“I have personally reviewed all recent tactical reports, but found no evidence of any changes in the Thargoids’ behaviour or strategy. We are proceeding with our plans to mass-produce the Thargoid pulse neutraliser and send crewed ships into the Maelstroms. Tanner’s concern is noted, however, and we urge extreme caution in these early expeditions.”

Thargoid War Update: April 3309

Jade Sanderlyn’s latest report on the Thargoid invasion of the core systems has been published on Vox Galactica.

“Taking the broad view of the conflict does little to lift the spirits. Thargoid fleets now occupy well over a thousand systems, nearly 200 of which were once populated. Several million people have been killed or wounded by bombardments and caustic attacks. Colossal numbers have fled their homes as refugees. Some sources estimate that well over ten billion people have been directly affected by the war, but the misery and hardship it has caused is immeasurable.”

“As sobering as that sounds, the situation would be much worse were it not for enormous efforts by anti-xeno squadrons and independent ships, which continue to push back against the Thargoid fleets. Every day, thousands of pilots risk their lives in battle, rescuing civilians or delivering supplies. Dozens of systems have been reclaimed from the Thargoids, and there are signs that the alien expansion is gradually slowing against such resistance.”

“For a while it looked as if more traditional warfare between factions was about to bring further devastation, when Federal and Imperial proxies clashed in the Tavgi and Pichch systems. But in fact, these skirmishes helped to demonstrate how the Empire and Federation are prioritising the Thargoid threat above their centuries-long rivalry.”

“Aegis continues to focus its efforts on practical solutions. The recently announced Thargoid pulse neutraliser is an attempt to bypass the defensive barrier within the inner region of the Maelstroms. If this succeeds, what might be found lurking at their hearts? Newsfeeds are proposing destroying the Maelstroms entirely to halt the never-ending swarms of Thargoid vessels, but few experts believe this can be achieved with existing military resources.”

“As for Azimuth Biotech, without the genius of Salvation they seem unable to contribute meaningfully, despite still claiming to be the leading anti-xeno specialists. There are rumours that CEO Torben Rademaker has been in contact with several weapons and industrial manufacturers, presumably with a view to building corporate links.”

“The last five months have been one of the most devastating periods of human history. But we are also witnessing resilience and courage on truly heroic levels, and we’re not beaten yet. This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

Convoy Tragedy Halts Superpower Conflict

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Empire and the Federation have resolved the conflict in Pichch after the accidental loss of anti-xeno supply ships.

Freelance correspondent Karleen Troy reported on events for Vox Galactica:

“Pichch is a key location to redirect front-line resources to systems facing invasion around Maelstrom Leigong. In recent days, these vital deliveries have been severely delayed by the internecine conflict. But disaster struck when an entire convoy carrying anti-xeno weaponry was destroyed by Imperial-aligned ships, which mistakenly identified them as local Federal resupply vessels.”

“Once news of the incident spread, leaders of Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum stated that they had received orders to broker an immediate ceasefire. The conflict was heading towards a Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum victory, so the sudden peace is likely a relief to Gauluujja Exchange.”

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a personal declaration regarding the situation:

“We permit Imperial-aligned factions a degree of autonomy, on the understanding that they do not jeopardise the Empire’s strategic goals. Undermining human resistance against the Thargoid invasion cannot be tolerated. I therefore command the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum to negotiate a ceasefire with their Federal neighbours at once.”

A similar statement was delivered by President Zachary Hudson:

“This tragic situation could and should have been avoided. Pichch is a Federal system, and we have a responsibility to sustain the flow of anti-xeno resources throughout that region. We cannot allow small-scale quarrels to derail our efforts. I have informed Gauluujja Exchange that they must arrange a peaceful resolution to their current conflict.”

Both the Federal and Imperial factions have agreed to honour their commitments to those who supported their operations, with rewards available at Tiptree Port.

The Mystery of the Mars Assassin

The suspected ‘Imperial assassin’ who shot Caine-Massey CEO Johann Fleischer has been cleared of any connection to the Empire.

Executive Agent Viola Trask of the Federal Intelligence Agency gave a statement to the media:

“Our investigation has verified that the man we have in custody is a professional mercenary named Kieran Rayne , a native of the Alpha Caeli system. For over a decade, he has operated as a freelance contract killer using multiple false identities. The motive for the killing is not yet clear.”

“Despite early indications, there is no evidence that Rayne was hired by Torval Mining Ltd to eliminate Mr Fleischer. The mission was arranged anonymously via an unregistered comms network that we are unable to access. The Imperial-issue weapon and security equipment that he used were provided to him specifically for this task. This seems to be a deliberate choice to foster the impression that the assassination was ordered by elements within the Empire.”

“It has not gone unnoticed that the evidence implicating an Imperial Intelligence agent was ‘too good to be true’. I’d like to stress that the FIA was fully aware of this possibility. It is unfortunate that Caine-Massey executives deployed their security forces in Tavgi before our investigation was complete.”

Congress has accepted the report and stated that no further action will be taken. It is expected that once the FIA’s questioning is complete, Rayne will face a life sentence in a maximum-security prison.

Philippa Barlow-Lyons, the new CEO of Caine-Massey, addressed this development during an address to the corporation’s employees:

“I know that nobody can ever replace Johann, who meant so much to us all. In his memory, I aim to run things exactly as he would have wanted. We have no choice but to accept the results of the investigation and formally withdraw our accusation against Zemina Torval and her family. I concede that grief may have gotten the better of me in recent days. But in my heart, I know that one day the truth will be laid bare, and the guilty will face Federal justice.”