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A Week in Powerplay

It's time for another weekly report on the struggles of the foremost political powers in the galaxy. With ongoing hostilities throughout inhabited space, who has benefitted from the chaos, and who has lost favour?

Arissa Lavigny-Duval has mustered enough resources to continue expansion despite her focus on the Imperial offensive against the Kumo Crew. Arissa claimed HIP 32812 and Phracani almost entirely unopposed. At the same time, hostile wings have continued to undermine her territory, and while their efforts were largely contained, this disruption helped to push Lavigny-Duval into turmoil.

Aisling Duval claims the #1 spot in galactic rankings this week, after another round of rapid expansion. While Aisling's supporters succeeded in securing her systems against enemy incursions, the effort to claim HIP 95256 was stopped in a surprise opposition push that is variously blamed on either Mahon's pilots or other Imperials.

Zachary Hudson has for several weeks experienced severe efforts to undermine his control, but his supporters have consistently succeeded in fortification. However, while Hudson claimed two new systems, this week the President's enemies successfully undermined Hanggardi, pushing the administration into turmoil.

Felicia Winters saw her efforts to claim HDS 1065 and Potamoi fail, as Federal space continues to see heavy, regular infiltration by hostile Commanders. At the same time, the Shadow President managed to expand her influence to three new systems, and to counter undermining efforts by the means of well-coordinated fortification.

Zemina Torval saw another drop in support this week, reflected in the successful enemy undermining of Tanghpon and the failure of her expansion attempts into HIP 23824 and Mandhrithar. At the same time, remaining Torval associates made good use of their now-limited resources, securing Jamariges and shoring up vulnerable border systems.

Denton Patreus has had his supporters focus their efforts on just one system this week, expanding into Vaka and abandoning attempts elsewhere. This is likely due to many combat pilots pledged to the Senator focusing on the offensive against the Kumo Crew, which continues to take the pressure off Patreus' once-threatened systems.

Edmund Mahon expanded quickly this past week, just as he has for the last month. This allowed him to greatly expand his influence and climb the galactic rankings, but it presents the Alliance politician with a new problem. With Mahon's territory so spread out, fortification efforts are becoming increasingly difficult, and several systems have fallen into chaos following heavy undermining.

Li Yong-Rui has seen a growth both in territory and enemy action similar to Edmund Mahon's and with similar results. A combination of rapid expansion and increased undermining by hostile wings has thrown some of the Sirius Gov’s systems into a state of turmoil. While the situation is not as severe as for Mahon, thanks to extensive fortification, Li Yong-Rui’s troubles as a symptom of the same issues, an increasingly large territory policed by a stretched security force.

Archon Delaine put up a stern defence against the combined Imperial offensive into the Pegasi Sector for the past two weeks, but the first cracks have shown in the pirate crew's fortifications. Half a dozen of Archon's systems, including He Xians and San Muss, have been successfully undermined by Empire-aligned wings. While the pirate crew remains resolute in the face of the massive assault, securing two more systems this week, the pressure seems to only be increasing.

Pranav Antal successfully expanded into HIP 116213 after several failed attempts in the past. Speaking about the system a month ago, the Simguru called the planned new commune "an enlightened defence against the uncivilised horde". This provocative expansion was possible by the peace Utopia continues to see, with their space considered to be, in the recent weeks, one of the safest places in the galaxy, thanks to the relatively small organisation's non-threatening attitude towards its neighbours.

Commander Cadoc

The Unfettering of the Pegasi Sector

The Kumo Crew has been known to brand free citizens as slaves and ferry them to an uncertain fate in their capital system, Harma. The Imperial blockade of Harma and the surrounding systems has intercepted thousands of these slaves, many of whom are emaciated, deeply bruised, and otherwise afflicted.

One fresh graduate of the Imperial Naval Academy had this to say regarding his observations:

"10 years ago my family had a slave. It wasn't until he paid his debts and returned to his family that I learned he was not my brother. My father told me on that day to remember Peter, my “older brother,” because I too may become indebted, or sponsor a slave like my "brother." That is Imperial Slavery. This... this slavery must be destroyed."

Philanthropic representatives of Sirius Corp. have extended humanitarian services by returning the slaves, liberated by the Imperial fleet, to their homes and families.

Imperial Citizenship Offered to the citizens of the Pegasi Sector

Today, Senator Lavigny-Duval addressed the major population centres of the Pegasi Sector in an open broadcast:

"Citizens of the Pegasi sector, the Empire has deployed a substantial fleet to the Pegasi Sector to liberate the Imperial citizens that have been occupied by the Kumo Crew. Our campaign is ongoing and successful. However, we recognize that many of you receiving this broadcast are not Imperial citizens. Roughly 125 billion residents of the Pegasi Sector are in fact members of the Federation. Billions more are not aligned with any superpower.

I ask you to consider what you will do when the Kumo Crew is overthrown. Will you remain exposed to the next tyrant who wishes to fill the power vacuum? Will you continue sending trillions of credits on a one-way journey to Sol? Would you prefer the protection and justice we offer all Imperial citizens? Ambassadors stand ready to assist any among you who desire Imperial citizenship."

The broadcast sparked heated debates among local governments throughout the Pegasi sector. Outrage at the audacity of the Senator’s remarks is being tempered by widespread grassroots support.

A Week in Powerplay

It's time for another weekly report on the struggles of the foremost political powers in the galaxy. With ongoing hostilities throughout inhabited space, who has benefitted from the chaos, and who has lost favour?

Arissa Lavigny-Duval has consolidated her existing power base this week and prepared for future expansion. Faced with no new systems to claim for Lavigny-Duval, her supporters directed her efforts to massively fortifying her systems and partaking in the Imperial offensive against Archon Delaine, set to continue for the foreseeable future.

Aisling Duval still expands her power-base at a rapid and consistent pace, claiming several new systems and the support of another Commander group, The 13th Legion. As quick as Aisling's rise to power has been, her efforts to expand towards Federation space have been blunted once more, when Winters' pilots halted her attempt to claim Ax Yac Baru.

Zachary Hudson managed to expand his influence into two new systems this week, despite seeing continued, massive challenges to his power through his controlled space. With a focus on fortifying his existing systems and relatively little attention given to expansion, Hudson might have issues claiming new systems in the coming weeks.

Felicia Winters continues to have supporters secure her space, with focused fortification stopping all attempts to seriously undermine her control of her systems. Her expansion continues to see mixed success, with several systems claimed but others successful opposed - most notably the attempt to claim Lugh.

Zemina Torval has seen a substantial drop in support this week, likely due to significant commercial concerns withdrawing financial support for the Senator's operations. Fortunately for Torval, this calamity coincided with a significant drop in enemy activity against her systems, allowing her to successfully fortify and expand despite her reduced following.

Denton Patreus is the big beneficiary of the combined Imperial offensive into the Pegasi sector. While he only enjoys modest levels of Commander support, he is able to continue to shore up and expand his sphere and influence, now that the Kumo Crew no longer puts pressure on his space.

Edmund Mahon rapidly expands his powerbase, claiming an amazing ten more systems this week. This quick growth brings Mahon's sphere of influence closer to that of several other groups, potentially exposing him to increased enemy activity in the future weeks, and spreading out his forces.

Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Gov continues to see his corporate government expand its influence at a very quick rate, pushing further towards both Federation space, and the territory of Archon Delaine, Pranav Antal and Edmund Mahon. While generally Sirius Gov sees little opposition to their expansion attempts, their attempt to claim Chounjemait this week has been stopped, presumably by Mahon's pilots.

Archon Delaine has seen his Kumo Crew weather the Imperial offensive with surprising fortitude. Despite massive enemy incursions, the pirate lord has claimed three more systems this week, albeit none of them Imperial. Due to Imperial attacks being focused on their border systems, the Kumo Crew was able to focus their fortification in a few areas and weather the storm, at least for now.

Pranav Antal continues to see the benefits of diplomacy and the Utopia's safe strategic position, seeing little in way of hostile activity. While only a small number of Commanders support the Utopian project, they were able to claim another system for the Simguru and to fortify their key systems against enemy incursions.

CMDR Cadoc

Naval Academy Graduates join "Operation Davy Jones" in the Pegasi Sector

Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the prestigious Naval Academy of Achenar, Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval announced her campaign to liberate the 5.6 billion Imperial citizens scattered throughout the Pegasi sector.

"I wish to extend my personal congratulations for your commitment to personal excellence and to the Empire. As you begin your career in the Imperial Navy, I would draw your attention to a cause that has been neglected far too long. Nearly 6 billion Imperial Citizens are currently subject to the lawless Kumo Crew. An elite Imperial vanguard has engaged the forces of Archon Delaine in what we call "Operation Davy Jones." I invite all graduates who would uphold Imperial order to join the fleet and liberate the Pegasi sector. We will not abandon our people! We will bring these pirates to justice!"

Cheers echoed through the auditorium as the Senator concluded her remarks. An astounding 73% of the 10,000 graduates joined the Imperial armada bound for the Pegasi sector.

Latest Powerplay Column

Another week has passed, and the great and powerful of the galaxy continue to vie for power and influence. Who has prospered? Who has struggled? Read on to find out.

Arissa Lavigny-Duval continued to expand at a rapid pace despite the fact that having her forces stretched thin and has lost the systems of Nunus and Varka. With little actual enemy activity, it's this over-expansion that spells trouble for the Senator’s future plans.

Aisling Duval continues to see huge levels of Commander support, and very little hostile action within her space. She continues to expand her influence at a staggering rate. However, in a first such failure to date, her supporters' attempt to expand into Sounti has been countered by Federal pilots.

Zachary Hudson continues to see extremely heavy enemy activity in the systems under his control, although countered by strong fortification. Hudson has attempted to secure four more systems this week, located within his current territory or in uncontested space.

Felicia Winters again had her pledged supporters successfully secure her sphere of influence in the despite massive incursions by hostile fleets. On the expansion front, Winters' results are more mixed, with Lambla and Carnoeck secured, but attempts to expand towards Imperial space firmly countered.

Zemina Torval continues to see a lot of enemy opposition to her expansion, particularly in the areas bordering Federation space. As a result, three of her expansion attempts have failed. However, Zemina Torval's influence has spread to several other systems, and her borders are well-fortified.

Denton Patreus is no longer in as dire straits as he was two cycles ago, having managed to secure and fortify most of his claimed space. His space continues to see significant hostile action, mainly in border systems. As a result, several of his expansion attempts have failed, although the Senator has managed to secure four new systems.

Edmund Mahon continued to shore up and expand his power base this cycle. While Mahon has seen extremely high levels of hostile activity in the strategically placed Bonitou, outside forces have not managed to compromise the security of his systems or stop his ambitious expansion attempts.

Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Gov is building a power-base in an area of inhabited space just as fine or better than Edmund Mahon's. While Akkadia and 39 Tauri, bordering the Federation, have seen high levels of hostile activity, overall this corporation continues to push its borders with little trouble.

Archon Delaine, the leader of the Kumo Crew has been subject to an Imperial counter-offensive this cycle. While the attempts to undermine his systems have been resisted, the pirate conglomerate's growth has been stopped this week. An aggressive expansion attempt into Cuchua, in Patreus space, and another into Matlehi have both been firmly countered.

Pranav Antal and his Utopia continue to have relatively modest political influence, slowly expanding in face of only minor enemy action and steadily shoring up the organisation's current borders. The exception is the Federation system of Ewah, where focused enemy response stopped the Utopian forces.

CMDR Cadoc

United Imperial Offensive into Pegasi Sector

Apathy toward the Kumo Crew’s activities on the fringes of Federation space was replaced by the full wrath of Senators Patreus and Lavigny-Duval as the Imperial system of Cuchua came under attack this week.

A high ranking officer of Lavigny’s Legion offered the following words as the Legion deployed to assist Patreus’ forces in Cuchua:

"We ask all who are loyal to Princess Arissa to join with us in bringing Imperial justice to these barbarians that think us weak like the Federation.”

The call has been heeded by pilots in every major Imperial power.

The expeditionary forces launched a two-pronged attack, spearheaded by the Velites Squadron of Lavigny’s Legion, targeting Kumo ships in Cuchua and Harma. The operations, code named “Charybdis” and “Davy Jones,” have led to the downing of hundreds of pirate vessels and dozens of Kumo Commanders. Imperial casualties have been minimal, but the fighting continues.

Peace and Prosperity through Production

The Utopians unveiled their plans to fight back against the pirates of the Pegasi sector today, at a meeting held aboard Yolen Hub in HIP 116213.

Simguru Pranav Antal was met with wild cheers from the gathered crowds as he spoke about the sector’s recent spate of conflicts with the Kumo Crew, the resultant economic downturn and Utopia’s plans for turning all of that around.

Outside the station’s no-fire zone, followers of the Simguru demonstrated the effectiveness of Utopian technology when a wing of ships equipped with Enforcer Cannons shredded an Anaconda in under a minute. A clear message to anyone who thinks the Utopians will let their communes be pillaged simply because their overall philosophy leans towards peace.