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Thargoids Raid Nebula Colony

The human enclave within the California Nebula has reported multiple attacks from Thargoid forces.

Systems such as California Sector CQ-Y c5 and HIP 18077 have experienced direct assaults by large numbers of Thargoid vessels. Megaships in the area have also been attacked and left in disrepair, with surviving crews activating distress signals.

Harrison Gladstone, a spokesperson for Turner Research Group which oversees Allied operations in the region, gave a statement to Vox Galactica:

“We’re accustomed to the Thargoid encounters in the California nebula, but this time their aggression caught everyone by surprise. Research teams have been recalled from the region’s barnacle sites. It’s just become too dangerous to send our people out there.”

Colonisation of the California Nebula took place in 3302 and focused primarily on harvesting meta-alloys from Thargoid barnacle sites. Although the enclave was initially established by the Alliance, the Kumo Crew’s expansion into the area last year brought tension.

The Tau Ceti Journal reported that these latest attacks may directly impact the meta-alloy market. Some Federal corporations, which directly purchase this material from the Alliance, have warned that fresh sources of meta-alloys could be required to prevent commercial instability.

Azimuth’s Plan Elicits Further Reactions

Prominent figures on the political stage have commented on Salvation’s anti-xeno operation in the HIP 22460 system. Key points from each are collated below.

Archon Delaine: “My opinion on the Thargoids remains the same: burn them all! As I stated at the Galactic Summit, the Kumo nation stands ready to help wipe out these alien scum.”

Yuri Grom: “I trust Salvation as little as I trust the Federation. What guarantee do we have that this Proteus Wave will not be turned against human targets, once the Thargoids are dealt with?”

Senator Zemina Torval: “Azimuth Biotech has emerged as a strategically significant corporation. I’ve advised the Imperial Senate to establish long-term commercial links that are mutually beneficial.”

Hadrian Augustus Duval: “The Thargoids are a genuine threat. Yet I hope that our military collaboration with the Alliance and the Federation is a temporary measure only. The Empire must develop the strength to stand alone.”

First Minister Octavia Volkov: “Thargoid attack is an ever-present danger for the Marlinist Colonies. We are observing events closely. Personally I do not view Azimuth as a trustworthy ally.”

Ambassador Jasmina Halsey: “I’m pleased to see the Federation working closely with the Alliance, but disappointed that it is limited to anti-xeno matters. Whatever happens in HIP 22460, we should grasp this opportunity to increase diplomatic as well as military cooperation.”

The Plot to Depose Archon Delaine

Further information has emerged regarding Vidar Trask’s failed attempt to take control of the Kumo Crew syndicate.

The latest findings were reported by The Pegasi Sentinel:

“The few survivors from Trask’s shattered army have revealed that over a thousand fighters were supplied by the Blue Viper Club dredger clan. Kay Volantyne, one of its leaders, is now confirmed to have masterminded the coup alongside Trask.”

“Their motivations were as different as their backgrounds. Trask rose to power beside Archon Delaine but became frustrated under his rule, believing that he could reorganise the Kumo Crew along more efficient lines. Volantyne aimed to provide her nomadic tribe with permanent homes, to be financed by trafficking onionhead gamma strain and protected by the syndicate’s might.”

“We have also learned that the standard of living on the Blue Viper Club dredger has markedly improved in recent months. This was in accordance with the terms of the alliance that Volantyne brokered between the clan and the Kumo Crew.”

“According to engineers at Kumo City starport, the dredger’s modernised hyperdrive enables it to make jumps more frequently and over greater distances. This means it could now be almost anywhere within a several hundred light year radius, which may frustrate Delaine’s vow to hunt down Volantyne and exact revenge for her betrayal.”

Kumo Crew Crushes Rebellion

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Forces involved in an attempted coup on Archon Delaine’s syndicate have been soundly defeated in the HIP 10792 system.

Vidar Trask, formerly an arch-corsair in the Kumo Crew syndicate, was declared dead when his private vessel was destroyed during the conflict. The few surviving ships in the Trask Death Corsairs have now abandoned his cause.

Reports from The Pegasi Sentinel and Vox Galactica newsfeeds have shed more light on the insurrection. Over the past few years, Trask secretly gathered followers while acting as Archon Delaine’s trusted advisor. Funded by successful gambling at Jokers’ Deck events, he bought the loyalty of many independent criminal groups to bolster his forces.

It has also been revealed that Trask’s previously unidentified mercenaries were members of the Blue Viper Club dredger clan. This suggests that his partner in the coup attempt was indeed Arch-Corsair Kay Volantyne, who originally hailed from the nomadic tribe. She was last seen returning to the dredger before it jumped to an unknown destination.

Archon Delaine, who is still recovering from last week’s assassination attempt, proclaimed:

“I will hunt down and slaughter every single one of Volantyne’s treacherous clan for their betrayal of my trust. That rusting hulk will find no refuge in this galaxy!”

Pilots who supported the Kumo Council faction can now collect rewards from Crimson Exchange in HIP 10792.

Piratical Dredger Clan Departs

The Blue Viper Club dredger clan has unexpectedly severed ties with the Kumo Crew, which is currently battling an attempted rebellion.

No explanations or itinerary were provided when the nomadic tribe’s dredger jumped from the Pegasi Sector PN-T c3-14 system to an unknown destination.

The Blue Viper Club formed a partnership with the Kumo Crew syndicate in July 3307, when it provided a new narcotic crop that later became known as onionhead gamma strain.

The Pegasi Sentinel published the following exclusive:

“We have obtained proof that Arch-Corsair Kay Volantyne is still alive, despite rumours that she had been murdered by Vidar Trask. Our undercover reporter recorded Volantyne and her personal retinue boarding a shuttle at Kumo City starport, which docked with the Blue Viper Club’s dredger a few hours before its departure.”

“Volantyne was born on that vessel, and acted as the primary liaison between the spacefaring clan and the Kumo Crew. It seems that she has now abandoned her position to rejoin her people, instead of taking part in the fight against Trask’s followers.”

“This raises a disturbing question: were Trask and Volantyne working together to depose Archon Delaine? Last October they both attended a secret event held by the Jokers’ Deck gambling circle, famed for permitting stakes reaching billions of credits. Did their winnings provide the financial backing for a joint coup?”

Archon Delaine Seeks to Destroy Pirate Rebels

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Kumo Crew syndicate has engaged in open warfare on the pirate insurrectionists gathered in the HIP 10792 system.

A recent coup attempt led by Arch-Corsair Vidar Trask, formerly one of the senior members of the Kumo Council, has failed. His forces were unable to eliminate Delaine and take control of the criminal organisation.

The rebels’ vessels have concentrated in HIP 10792. Trask is commanding a coalition of loyalists, independent pirate gangs and as-yet unidentified mercenaries, collectively calling themselves the Trask Death Corsairs.

Despite suffering from some visible wounds as a result of the assassination attempt, Archon Delaine broadcast this message:

“Trask has betrayed all of us, and for that I want him crushed! I will pay well to wipe out every single traitor who fights in his name.”

The Kumo Council faction will reward all independent pilots supporting its operation against the Trask Death Corsairs in the HIP 10792 system, which is being orchestrated from Crimson Exchange.

Pirate Rebels Coup Attempt Fails

An insurrection led by Arch-Corsair Vidar Trask has failed to gain control of the Kumo Crew syndicate.

Vox Galactica featured a report by freelance correspondent Karleen Troy:

“As might be expected, it’s hard to obtain official data when conflict breaks out within a criminal organisation. But all the information I’ve gathered points to the same conclusion: Vidar Trask’s coup attempt has failed.”

“What is surprising, however, is how close he initially came to dethroning Archon Delaine. The Kumo Crew were almost overwhelmed by the sheer number of fighters following Trask’s banner. I’m told that nearly half of the rebelling forces have yet to be identified, and are suspected to be mercenaries.”

“A second mystery is that Arch-Corsair Kay Volantyne, another senior member of the Kumo Council, has been declared missing. The Pegasi Sentinel newsfeed believes that she was killed by Trask personally. The newest inner circle member, Callan Salamanca, is leading Delaine’s counter-attack against the insurrectionists.”

“Most of the surviving rebels have now retreated to HIP 10792 and are attempting to drive out the Kumo Council faction in that system. Eyewitness reports regarding the ongoing firefights suggest that Delaine is in no mood to forgive his would-be usurpers.”

Archon Delaine Faces Pirate Rebellion

A power struggle is raging within the Kumo Crew following a coordinated effort to overthrow the syndicate’s leader, Archon Delaine.

The Pegasi Sentinel newsfeed delivered this exclusive report:

“What at first seemed to be merely another attempt to assassinate Delaine turned out to be a far greater threat. Simultaneous attacks across the organisation revealed that this was actually the first strike in a full-blown coup.”

“The rebellion is being led by Arch-Corsair Vidar Trask, a senior member of the Kumo Council. He has declared that the syndicate is stagnating under Delaine’s ‘tired brand of barbarism’, and that new leadership will bring greater glories and riches.”

“Fierce combat has ignited in the Kumo Crew’s key areas as both sides battle for resources. Trask’s loyalists are being aided by a motley collection of pirate gangs as well as thousands of unidentified fighters, suggesting that he has hired mercenaries to bolster his forces.”

“Archon Delaine, whose guards barely managed to shield him from the assassins, has ordered that the insurrection must be stamped out at any cost. He also vowed an explicitly violent revenge upon Vidar Trask, who has been one of his closest aides for many years.”