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Superpowers Respond to New Onionhead

The Alliance, Empire and Federation have clarified their official positions regarding the emergence of onionhead gamma strain.

All variants of the popular psychedelic drug remain illegal within Federal space. Ambassador Jasmina Halsey, who was president in 3300 when the ruling was made, announced:

“I am pleased that my decision to outlaw onionhead stands. I still maintain that it leads to experimentation with more dangerous narcotics, and we must steer our youth away from that path.”

The Empire has also declared onionhead illegal, despite rumours that it is imported by the wealthiest citizens for private use. Princess Aisling Duval told the media:

“It was insulting enough that Delaine was allowed into the Galactic Summit, but now he’s peddling filthy drugs and pretending it’s medicine! I only pray that nobody loses a loved one to such poison, as I have.”

The Alliance has not made a broad ruling regarding onionhead, which is illegal in the majority of member systems but available in those classified as having anarchy governments. However, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran addressed the issue:

“As with most trade, we defer to the legislation of local authorities. But we are in contact with the IHO and are keeping a close eye on the situation.”

Onionhead gamma strain remains on sale in selected systems governed by industrial anarchy factions.

Kumo Crew Campaign Starts Drug Production

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The Kumo Crew syndicate has procured enough materials to introduce a new product to the market.

The drug originated with the Blue Viper Club, a piratical travelling community whose dredger is currently in the vicinity of Kumo City station.

It was confirmed that enough shipments of agronomic treatment, liquid oxygen and performance enhancers were received to enable immediate mass production. Pilots also fought to protect haulage vessels from pirate ships, suspected to be Kumo Crew rivals.

The Interstellar Health Organisation has obtained a product sample and confirmed that, despite the name ‘helix’, it is a new variant of the recreational drug onionhead. As such, the product will be legally classified as onionhead gamma strain when it appears on the market.

Despite claims of medicinal and psychological benefits, it is likely to be illegal in most systems. President Zachary Hudson, Princess Aisling Duval and several other political heavyweights have expressed outrage at the open manner by which its ingredients were procured.

Archon Delaine, warlord of the Kumo Crew, responded:

“Every system government generates revenue from the pharmaceutical trade, so the holier-than-thou attitude from these hypocrites turns my stomach. Helix brings happiness, and provides income for my people. I make no apologies!”

Rewards for pilots who contributed to this campaign are now available at Kumo City in the Pegasi Sector PN-T C3-14 system.

Hadrian Duval Refutes NMLA Allegations

ACT has confirmed receiving evidence that NMLA attacks were orchestrated by Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval, who immediately denied the claim.

Landgrave Delacroix of the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid provided details to ACT that the isolationist group Nova Imperium is at the heart of the NMLA. In response, Hadrian Duval made this statement:

“These accusations are completely false. Our political stance is the exact opposite of Marlinism, since we believe in restoring the Empire’s traditions. Nova Imperium forces even fought against the terrorists in Mudhrid, as required by the Treaty of Paresa.”

“As for Lady Astrid being a ‘top NMLA agent’, my wife has been a loyal Imperial Commander since she first piloted a ship.”

Princess Aisling Duval has publicly decried the allegation and offered support to Hadrian Duval. However, Senator Zemina Torval told the Senate:

“Should we be surprised that an extremist organisation performs extreme acts? That this arrogant boy who declares himself ‘Imperator’ should turn to violent rebellion once again? Enemies of the Empire must be punished, even those with Duval blood.”

ACT is fully investigating the Landgrave’s evidence and has asked for patience, despite urgent demands for action from the Alliance, Empire and Federation.

The Wedding of Hadrian Duval

Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval, leader of the isolationist group Nova Imperium, has married his consort Astrid Minerva in a closed ceremony.

Commander Minerva was a young Imperial pilot who aided Nova Imperium at the Battle of Paresa in 3305 and became a loyal supporter. Her official title is now Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval.

Princess Aisling Duval personally attended her cousin’s wedding at a secure location. She referred to it as “a precious moment of joy in these bleak times”.

The Imperial Palace and the Senate have sent congratulatory messages, and the event was covered by mainstream media.

Paresa News Network: “Astrid’s well-deserved rise to nobility has made her fellow Paresans very proud. Everyone at PNN is overjoyed for the happy couple!”

Eye on Achenar: “It’s an insult to the noble Duval bloodline when some trigger-jockey from a gutter system can sink her claws into the Emperor’s own nephew.”

The Imperial Herald: “Hadrian taking a bride at the age of 20 has surprised many. If he becomes the only Duval to produce heirs, it will place pressure on Emperor Arissa and Princess Aisling, neither of whom have consorts.”

In related news, Nova Imperium vessels are participating in the current conflict against the Neo-Marlinists of Mudhrid. Praetor Leo Magnus, head of security, is liaising with the IISS on anti-terrorism intelligence.

The Declaration of Archon Delaine

At the Galactic Summit, the infamous pirate leader Archon Delaine has demanded to be accepted as the legitimate leader of a political power.

A gap in the schedule allowed him to make an address in the main conference chamber:

“Most of you see me as a common criminal, rather than the rightful ruler of multiple systems. That must end now! My efforts to build a Kumo nation deserve respect. I am here to declare my sovereignty and take my rightful place on the political stage.”

This was immediately dismissed by many delegations. Princess Aisling Duval said this was a barbaric mockery of nobility, while Shadow President Winters asked how much bloodshed the pirates had caused to obtain their power. Archon Delaine replied:

“Are you all so innocent, then? Every civilisation begins with barbarism, and maintains authority with the threat of violence. None of you can say otherwise. We all wear a crown of bones.”

There followed intense debate as to whether the Kumo Crew’s territory could be recognised as a new nation-state or was simply a rebranded crime syndicate. There is suspicion that some of the many criminal vessels detected in the Sirius system are from Delaine’s pirate fleet.

The Federal and Imperial delegations have offered to remove Archon Delaine’s retinue, only to be reminded that Sirius Corporation has granted them full diplomatic immunity.

Superpowers Make Progress at the Galactic Summit

Leaders from the Alliance, Empire and Federation have agreed a series of minor treaties at the diplomatic gathering in the Sirius system.

Vox Galactica featured this report from political correspondent Conrad Sterling:

“Following days of heated arguments, temperatures in the conference chamber finally cooled enough for all three superpowers to formalise a raft of agreements. These were ratified in person by Chancellor Blaine, President Hudson and Prime Minister Mahon.”

“The most significant of these treaties is the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, named after its two leading proponents. This requires the Alliance, Empire and Federation to share information on any large-scale threats to civilian populations, including environmental, medical and xenological crises.”

“There has been slow progress on other topics, such as military limitation and border control. Many independent ambassadors are demanding to prioritise debates on the Thargoid issue, and especially the defensive role played by Aegis.”

“Outside the chamber, First Minister Fairfax invited Princess Duval to a small ceremony to honour her late father. Fairfax formally apologised for Prince Harold’s death and condemned the terrorists responsible. Aisling Duval gracefully accepted this, but time will tell if it was an empty gesture or the first step toward Imperial-Marlinist rapprochement.”

Historic Meetings at the Galactic Summit

Alliance, Empire and Federation leaders have held their first ever face-to-face discussions at the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system.

Political correspondent Conrad Sterling published this report for Vox Galactica:

“The Galactic Summit has already made history by bringing together many political figureheads within one conference chamber. Optimistic opening statements from Chancellor Anders Blaine and Prime Minister Edmund Mahon gained applause. President Zachary Hudson was more curt, reminding everyone that billions of people would be affected by their efforts.”

“Agendas and debate topics for the next three weeks were formalised. Much of the work will be done behind the scenes by ambassadorial staff, making big decisions in small rooms.”

“The general tone so far has been courteous, although that may not last. Predictably, interactions between the Imperial and Marlinist delegations have been frosty, with Senator Denton Patreus refusing to even acknowledge their presence during discussions.”

“However, First Minister Jenna Fairfax enjoyed a more cordial meeting with Shadow President Felicia Winters. They were joined by Jasmina Halsey, who has accompanied Winters from Mars in an unofficial capacity.”

“One notable absentee was Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, whose family is under legal scrutiny following the crimes of his older brother Jupiter Rochester. This at least spared Jordan the awkwardness of having to formally greet his ex-fiancée, Princess Aisling Duval. But it’s likely there will be no shortage of tension between other delegates in the coming weeks.”

Galactic Summit Begins with Defence Request

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The Federation is working with Sirius Corporation to offer bounty hunting opportunities to protect the diplomatic conference.

The first Galactic Summit has officially opened at Patterson Enterprise station in the Sirius system. Temporary permits have been issued to all arriving delegates and Commanders for the three weeks of its term, although these do not apply to fleet carriers.

Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

“The data supplied to us in January revealed several unanticipated threats, putting additional strain on our navy and security forces. Working with the generous support of the Federation, we have placed bounties on all wanted ships to ensure delegates’ safety. Pilots defending the Sirius system will be rewarded for handing in bounty vouchers at the Spirit of Laelaps.”

The joint initiative will run for one week, after which Sirius Corporation will partner with the Empire to provide for the needs and security of the conference.

In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are celebrating the political gathering of all three superpowers with a 10% discount on their ships during the next three weeks.

Delegations have begun to arrive and formal introductions are taking place, with much media attention. This is the first time that universally recognised figures such as President Zachary Hudson, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Princess Aisling Duval have been seen side by side.