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Project Seraph Victim Seeks Revenge

The location of an INRA base in the DG Canum Venaticorum system was revealed by a survivor of the notorious Project Seraph.

Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research at Aegis, initially received the tip-off from an anonymous source but has now provided clarification:

“Further communication with my source has revealed that she was once a ‘candidate’ of Project Seraph, a now-abandoned operation run by Azimuth Biochemicals several years ago. At the Oaken Point facility in the HIP 26176 system, scientists attempted to directly interface with Thargoid scout vessels by grafting neural and physiological implants into living subjects.”

“Most of these horrific experiments ended in failure or death, but the subject classified as D-2 escaped from Oaken Point by stowing away on a trader’s ship. Since then she has used her inside knowledge to investigate Azimuth, confirming Aegis’s belief that the corporation is still active.”

“D-2 asked me to make the following message public: ‘Tell the Witch that I remember everything. I want him to know that the truth came from me.’”

The INRA base’s logs suggest that Salvation’s real name is Dr Caleb Wycherley, Azimuth Biochemicals’s vice-president of research at the time of recording. If D-2’s accusation is true, it would mean that Wycherley has survived for over two centuries and was conducting unauthorised xenological experiments under the pseudonym ‘The Witch’.

Many supporters of Salvation believe that the Project Seraph logs were fabricated by Aegis to undermine their rival’s anti-xeno operations. Neither Salvation nor his partners, Taurus Mining Ventures, have yet made an official statement.

Aegis: ‘Arrest Salvation for Murder’

Claims that Salvation was once a senior member of Azimuth Biochemicals who worked for INRA have led to a public outcry.

Political journalist Conrad Sterling reported on these developments for Vox Galactica:

“Information recently uncovered in the DG Canum Venaticorum system has been presented by Professor Alba Tesreau. It suggests that Salvation’s real name is Dr Caleb Wycherley, former vice-president of research at Azimuth Biochemicals. According to Wycherley’s personal logs, his team contributed to the development of the controversial mycoid bioweapon deployed by INRA during the First Thargoid War.”

“Wycherley’s logs also provide evidence that he gained the nickname of ‘The Witch’. This figure has been implicated in the murderous attack on the Alexandria megaship in June 3307 and in Project Seraph recordings found in the HIP 26176 and HIP 22460 systems.”

“Former Aegis leadership has demanded that Salvation be arrested and questioned over his involvement in these events, and that superpower fleet support for Salvation’s work be suspended until such questions have been answered.”

Supporters of Salvation have dismissed the latest logs as fake, pointing out that Dr Wycherley would now be over 200 years old and that the mention of ‘salvation’ is coincidental. But outrage remains high over the unethical activities of both Azimuth and INRA, and Salvation’s growing influence over anti-Thargoid operations has been cast in a new light.

“The Alliance, Empire and Federation have all responded with noncommittal statements that the accusation will be investigated,” said Sterling. “However, since Salvation’s unique superweapons now form the cornerstone of their anti-xeno strategy, his arrest would be a major political and military inconvenience.”

New Discovery Links Azimuth to INRA

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

An abandoned outpost in the DG Canum Venaticorum system could reveal the true identity of the anonymous figure Salvation.

Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research at Aegis, made a public announcement:

“An untraceable source pointed me to the DG Canum Venaticorum system with the question: Who is Salvation? A unique detail caught my attention, so I requested verification from pilots who had supported Aegis. We found a previously undiscovered research outpost once controlled by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.”

“The site contains logs which directly connect Azimuth Biochemicals to INRA’s development of the mycoid virus. As is now known, this bioweapon was used covertly against the Thargoids and drove them away from human space for decades.”

“Most significantly, I believe these logs may finally reveal Salvation’s real name and background. I urge the superpowers to halt their collaboration with Salvation while this new data is verified.”

INRA was a clandestine anti-xeno organisation formed in 3125 by the Empire and Federation. Although its mycoid bioweapon contributed hugely to the end of the first Thargoid war in 3151, INRA’s activities have since been denounced by the superpowers as illegal and unethical.

Azimuth Biochemicals was a pharmaceutical corporation secretly involved in xenological research and weapons development. Aegis has warned that Azimuth may still be active in some form, as suggested by the Project Seraph logs in HIP 22460.

Neither Salvation nor his partners at Taurus Mining Ventures have yet responded to Professor Tesreau’s claims.

League of Reparation Eliminated

The League of Reparation has been dismantled, according to the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the organisation.

Captain Niamh Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service made this statement:

“Following the decryption of the League’s comms network, we have now arrested or eliminated every member of the organisation. The galactic community provided significant support by destroying the League’s strongholds in Federal and Imperial space. Thanks to their efforts, the League of Reparation has been defeated.”

Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt spoke to the media about Riri McAllister, now known to be Nexus, the League’s central coordinator:

“McAllister voluntarily revealed a surprising amount of information during questioning. It seems the League began building its forces a few years ago, recruiting misguided obsessives and mercenaries. They targeted INRA descendants to whom they could gain easy access, murdering dozens of innocent people.”

“After Commander Jameson’s ship was discovered, the League started targeting high-profile individuals and leaving the 'For Jameson' message. This was designed to generate exposure and spread terror to families with an INRA connection.”

“McAllister has confessed to being the original architect of the League. As for her motivation, she insists she is a direct descendant of Commander John Jameson, and that her duty was to avenge his death.”

“In fact, McAllister is registered as an orphan of unknown lineage, meaning that we cannot verify her claim. Our suspicion is that this is a long-held delusion or a product of a psychological disorder.”

Alliance Interpol later confirmed that McAllister had been charged with multiple terrorism-related crimes. Her trial will be held shortly.

Major Victories against the League of Reparation

A series of successful operations against the League of Reparation has led to much of the terrorist group being dismantled.

Captain Niamh Seutonia, a member of the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the League, released this statement:

“Over the last few days, Senior Agent Ramirez and I have led multiple raids against the League of Reparation. We interdicted several of their ships and located many outposts concealed within Imperial and Federal systems. The key to these victories was the decryption of their communications network.”

“Despite meeting fierce resistance, our security forces arrested or eliminated dozens of League members. In some cases, we acted just in time to prevent further murderous acts against those descended from members of the INRA.”

“We believe the League has been dealt a fatal blow, but we are still investigating how they gained access to top-level comms encryption and other restricted equipment, which suggests support from influential individuals. Furthermore, we have yet to identify Nexus, the organisation’s coordinator. We have many fresh leads, however, and expect further results soon.”

Milo Vesper, an editor for The Alliance Tribune, published this opinion piece:

“This may be great news for some, but what about our citizens? The taskforce should be hunting down these animals in the Alliance! We know they’re here, what with Admiral Buchanan at Lave and the trap they set for Chief Inspector Kilbride, whose bravery we will never forget. Why isn’t her replacement out there on raids too?”

Deputy Inspector Klatt was unavailable for comment.

League of Reparation Agents Apprehended

A homicide attempt by terrorist organisation the League of Reparation has been foiled, and the would-be killers taken into custody.

The arrests were made by Chief Inspector Kay Kilbride of Alliance Interpol, who is part of the united taskforce investigating the League. She released this statement:

“I am pleased to confirm that the latest assassination attempt by the League of Reparation has been prevented, and that we have apprehended several of the group’s members.”

“The operation involved revealing the location of one Dinah Law, a descendant of INRA employee Trystan Law. We anticipated that the League would follow its modus operandi and attempt to eliminate Ms Law, so with her cooperation we placed taskforce agents at her home. Fortunately, there were able to overpower the terrorists.”

“The captives have been transported to a secure Interpol facility for interrogation. Our primary aim is to establish the identity of Nexus – the entity that provides the organisation’s members with their instructions. I have already conducted preliminary questioning of the prisoners and have acquired some significant facts.”

“I’m confident that this is the beginning of the end for the League of Reparation, and that the taskforce’s efforts will soon pay off.”

League of Reparation Implicated in Historic Deaths

A recent report suggests that terrorist organisation the League of Reparation may be responsible for many more deaths than previously suspected.

Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse shared his theories on the Rewired newsfeed:

“We know these League guys are wiping out people whose grandfolks used to work for the INRA, and it seems like things started when they poisoned that Imperial senator. But what if that wasn’t their first murder, merely the first time they claimed responsibility? What if they’ve been active for years and nobody noticed?”

“I’ve been digging through old records of unsolved homicides. There’s a dozen in the Federation alone where the cause of death was some kind of ‘nerve agent’ – just like with the senator and a few others. Not all the victims were identified, but I found four who definitely had the INRA in their past. These people didn’t die recently but between one and five years ago. Coincidence?”

“The League also likes to blast its targets out of the sky. Think of all those unexplained shipwrecks found drifting in space over the years. How many were because one of the crew had some long-forgotten INRA connection? Dozens…hundreds? How long has the League been hiding among us, silently taking out ordinary people? And who’s next?”

Chief Inspector Kay Kilbride of Alliance Interpol responded on behalf of the united taskforce investigating the League:

“We cannot verify that these cold cases have any link with the League of Reparation. We’d also like to caution against this kind of baseless conjecture, which only serves to spread confusion. We are still pursuing more concrete leads, and hope to make a breakthrough very soon.”

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

A descendant of Amaro Hem, one of the INRA’s senior members, has been murdered by terrorist group the League of Reparation. The murder recreated the circumstances of Commander John Jameson’s death, and has been interpreted as an act of poetic justice by the League of Reparation. Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez said that the League was using theatrical tactics to ensure its message reached the media.

In other news, Princess Aisling Duval met with not one but two of her suitors over the weekend – Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester and Senator Caspian Leopold. The former was invited to a function at the princess’s palace on Emerald, while the latter made an unofficial visit the following day.

Meanwhile, the Lave Radio Network has announced plans to broadcast its annual conference from the Diso system. To ensure they can share the event with the entire galaxy, the Network has placed an open order for various commodities. But the Lave Jet Family has responded with a rival campaign designed to undermine the Lave Radio initiative, inviting pilots to liberate commodities from those supporting the Lave Radio campaign.

Two initiatives to restore starports damaged by the Thargoids have reached successful conclusions. Hundreds of pilots supported the campaigns by delivering construction materials to Dantec Enterprise in the Socho system and to The Oracle in the Pleiades.

Finally, a valuable work of art has been stolen by a mysterious and highly skilled criminal. A spray-painted graphic of what looked like a winking cat was discovered at the scene of the crime, which took place in the Garden City Gallery on Turner’s World in the Alioth system. Garden City security forces are investigating, but as yet have no leads.

And those are the main stories this week.