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Senator’s Death Raises Questions about INRA

The murder of Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has led to widespread public speculation, along with an increased interest in the activities of the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.

Dr Oskar Kincaid, an Alliance historian, examined the backdrop to the case:

“The INRA has always been viewed with suspicion. Contemporaneous records suggest that it was involved in biochemical warfare against the Thargoids during their original incursion in the 3100s. There were even rumours of experimentation on live Thargoid subjects, but at the time many saw this as the only way to halt a superior hostile force.”

“Why this shadowy operation from one and a half centuries ago should now result in an Imperial senator’s death is a matter of conjecture. But there are many documented cases of retroactive retribution, where one family – or its followers – seeks atonement from another. History’s course is often diverted by the flow of bloodlines.”

Jast Fernández, chief editor of an independent media outlet, made more candid observations:

“It’s clear that the killer was motivated by the recent discovery of Commander Jameson’s ship, and the logs that prove he was manipulated and sacrificed by the INRA. If one of Cartesius’s great-grandparents was responsible, of course that would make him a target. And although it’s hard to condone murder, it’s also difficult not to see this as an ethically grey area. The INRA’s betrayal of Jameson is a monstrous injustice that cries out for redemption.”

Imperial newsfeeds featured an appeal from Senator Pal Vespasian:

“The loss of my friend and colleague in the Senate is a terrible tragedy. I ask that Nestor’s family be given space to grieve.”

Captain Niamh Seutonia, who is leading the IISS investigation, also released a brief statement:

“Assumptions regarding Senator Cartesius’s death are unhelpful at this stage. We are currently pursuing forensic leads from the crime scene as well as undertaking background research. I will keep the public apprised of the facts.”

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. His death is being treated as a homicide. A note found at the crime scene and believed to have been written by the murderer read: ‘For Jameson’. It has been confirmed that Cartesius was descended from a senior member of the INRA and it is assumed that the motive for the killing was revenge, driven by perceived misconduct on the part of both the INRA and the senator’s ancestor.

Independent journalist Chukwuma Grant has published an article on peace activist and former Federal President Jasmina Halsey. In the article, Grant is open minded about Halsey’s claims of encountering super-intelligent beings, while suggesting that her statements might be designed to cultivate a following among the disenfranchised. Grant concludes by saying: “Whether she is a visionary, a lunatic or a brilliant political manipulator remains to be seen.”

Meanwhile, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has announced plans to build a Bowman-class science vessel. Once complete, the megaship will research life on Earth-like worlds and allow the organisation to increase the biodiversity of its crops. In support of this goal, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has placed an open order for various commodities, and placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing to the campaign can do so safely.

Finally, the Rind Gold Electronics Org has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of research materials and mined resources were delivered to Wegner Market over the past week, allowing the Empire to proceed with the construction of a new pilot-training centre. A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org said: “As the dangers facing humanity become more potent, we must seek to cultivate the human mind, and unlock its boundless potential.”

And those are the main stories this week.

Imperial Senator Murdered

Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. Regional media streams have confirmed that his death is being treated as a homicide.

Captain Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service conveyed the facts at a press conference:

“The body of Senator Cartesius was discovered in the early hours of this morning. There were no signs of a struggle, but we did discover a note that we assume was deliberately placed there by the murderer. The note read: ‘For Jameson’.”

“As is well known, last year the ship of historical figure Commander John Jameson was located, following his final mission on behalf of the now-defunct Intergalactic Naval Research Arm. Presumably, this is the Jameson to whom the note refers.”

“IISS analysts have confirmed that Nestor Cartesius was directly descended from a senior member of the INRA. We therefore believe that this crime is connected to the recent rediscovery of INRA outposts. Our working hypothesis is that the motive was revenge, driven by perceived misconduct on the part of both the INRA and Cartesius’s ancestor.”

Captain Seutonia concluded by saying the investigation was ongoing.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a brief statement:

“The Empire has lost one of its staunchest champions – one whose name will never be forgotten. Rest assured that we will do everything in our power to find those responsible and bring them swiftly to justice.”

Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Condemn INRA

Following the discovery of further INRA outposts, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon have issued statements denouncing the now-defunct INRA.

Speaking from the Imperial Palace on Capitol, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

“What the INRA records underscore is that even when faced with dire threats, we cannot abandon our principles. Evidently, the INRA crossed ethical boundaries in its pursuit of victory. Defending civilisation cannot come at the cost of our humanity.”

Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon added the following:

“While the INRA records are indeed disturbing, it was the account of John Jameson that troubled me most. Here we have a man – who evidently did a great deal to defend civilisation from the Thargoids – who was deceived, manipulated and ultimately murdered by the INRA.”

“I am aware of concerns that Aegis could continue in the same vein. Fortunately, Aegis is bound by the strictest possible codes of conduct. We will not make the same mistakes.”

Meanwhile, the descendents of those affected by the INRA’s activities are reportedly investigating the possibility of legal action. Legal experts have advised that such efforts are unlikely to yield results, however, given the amount of time that has passed.

Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful

A number of the galaxy’s most powerful figures have commented on the current galactic landscape, addressing issues such as the return of Thargoids and the recent discovery of outposts formerly occupied by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.

At a society event in the Cubeo system, Princess Aisling Duval said:

“I read the INRA records, and frankly I was sickened. How could they treat living creatures that way? I’ve heard of governments inventing threats to support their military programmes. Maybe that’s what the INRA was. A smokescreen.”

Duval was ushered away from reporters by her publicist before she could say any more.

Senator Denton Patreus, who has spent little time in the public eye since his defeat of the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn, made the following statement on the ‘Galaxy Now’ programme:

“I have reviewed much of the available intelligence on the Thargoids, and it is clear that we are facing a formidable threat. Granted, we do not know the reasons for their hostility, but in my experience such details are rarely important – what’s important is knowing where and when to strike.”

“The formation of Aegis is in my view a sound strategy, and represents a sensible response to this threat. Furthermore, I know Aden Tanner well, and I wholeheartedly believe he is the right man to be guiding Aegis’s military strategy.”

Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation, also offered an appraisal of the situation:

“If there’s one thing these INRA logs make plain, it’s that humanity is capable of defeating the Thargoids, especially when we work together. And remember, most of the galaxy is functioning exactly as it always has, despite the presence of these alien aggressors. So let’s maintain some perspective, shall we?”

Galactic News: Analysis from the Galaxy’s Most Powerful

A number of the galaxy’s most powerful figures have commented on the current galactic landscape, addressing issues such as the return of Thargoids and the recent discovery of outposts formerly occupied by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm.

At a society event in the Cubeo system, Princess Aisling Duval said:

“I read the INRA records, and frankly I was sickened. How could they treat living creatures that way? I’ve heard of governments inventing threats to support their military programmes. Maybe that’s what the INRA was. A smokescreen.”

Duval was ushered away from reporters by her publicist before she could say any more.

Senator Denton Patreus, who has spent little time in the public eye since his defeat of the insurgent organisation Emperor’s Dawn, made the following statement on the ‘Galaxy Now’ programme:

“I have reviewed much of the available intelligence on the Thargoids, and it is clear that we are facing a formidable threat. Granted, we do not know the reasons for their hostility, but in my experience such details are rarely important – what’s important is knowing where and when to strike.”

“The formation of Aegis is in my view a sound strategy, and represents a sensible response to this threat. Furthermore, I know Aden Tanner well, and I wholeheartedly believe he is the right man to be guiding Aegis’s military strategy.”

Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation, also offered an appraisal of the situation:

“If there’s one thing these INRA logs make plain it’s that humanity is capable of defeating the Thargoids, especially when we work together. And remember, most of the galaxy is functioning exactly as it always has, despite the presence of these alien aggressors. So let’s maintain some perspective, shall we?”

Galactic News: Further INRA Bases Discovered

Further abandoned Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm outposts have been discovered in systems throughout the core.

Records from the sites have shed additional light on the INRA’s activities, and indicate that the mycoid fungus, which was instrumental in countering the Thargoid incursions of the 3100s, was an unplanned by-product of the organisation’s research.

The records also indicate that the INRA tested the mycoid on living Thargoid specimens – a revelation that has already prompted censure from ethical groups.

The following text is taken directly from one of the INRA logs:

“I know there are some who will condemn me for my part in this project. Let them. I harbour no remorse. The Thargoids understand only one thing: destruction. They will not stop until every last one of us has been reduced to dust. We have created a weapon that can prevent such a catastrophe. We have a moral obligation to use it.”

Others employed by the organisation, including the researcher whose work led to the development of the mycoid, took a different view:

“To the public, the INRA is a symbol of all that is possible when superpowers set aside their differences and work together. Well, it might have started off like that, but it’s something very different now. Progress at any cost, might makes right – all our worst impulses channelled into an unaccountable organisation focused solely on making bigger and more powerful weapons.”

Response to the accounts has been mixed. Some commentators have suggested that the INRA’s actions were unethical, while others have opined that it took appropriate measures to defend humanity.

Nestor Cartesius, an Imperial Senator, said:

“It is true that the INRA operated covertly, but there is nothing in the organisation’s past of which we need feel ashamed, and I see no reason for its work to remain secret. The INRA achieved the objectives it was created to fulfil – very successfully, I might add. The pertinent question is if its work can be of value to us now, in the wake of the Thargoids’ return.”

Galactic News: Abandoned INRA Outpost Discovered

A number of media feeds in the core systems have reported the discovery of an abandoned planetary outpost in the Hermitage system.

The reports, together with images captured by independent pilots, indicate that the outpost was controlled by the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm (INRA), a joint Federal-Imperial initiative established in the 3100s.

Very little is known about the INRA, but reports from the time assert that it was established to address Thargoid incursions into human space, and that it developed a chemical weapon designed to target Thargoid technology.

Reports that the site contains logs describing INRA research are currently being corroborated.