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Arissa Accepts Marlinists’ Independence

Following a referendum by the Marlinist Colonies, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has formally recognised their autonomous status.

Prime Consul Kayode Tau of the Marlinist Consulate reported on his latest meeting with the Emperor:

“Her Majesty was clearly uncomfortable with the democratic way in which the ex-Imperial citizens in the colonies now govern themselves. But she gracefully acknowledged that the Marlinist population had declined her invitation to become an Imperial protectorate, and would thus remain independent.”

“However, there was a proviso to Emperor Arissa’s acceptance of the decision. She insisted that the Marlinist Colonies must work with the Empire’s intelligence agencies to prevent any resurgence of the NMLA or similar terrorist groups.”

It has since been agreed that Imperial Intelligence and the Marlinist Constabulary would collaborate on identifying Neo-Marlinist extremists. Colonel Saskia Landau and Major Milo Castile, both former co-leaders of ACT, have agreed to work together once again.

In recognition of the minority who voted to rejoin the Empire, dedicated customs and immigration channels for registered Marlinist citizens will soon be established.

Marlinists Hold Public Referendum

The population of the Marlinist Colonies will vote to accept or decline the offer to become an Imperial protectorate.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s proposal aims to build links between the independent colony systems and the Empire, from where the Marlinists originally fled as political refugees in 3306.

The Marlin Standard ran an editorial summarising the situation:

“Should the Marlinist Colonies remain an isolated republican society, or should we move beneath the Empire’s protective wing? It’s a question that most of us never expected to be asked.”

“Many expressed fierce anger that Emperor Arissa has dared to ask for our allegiance. In her desperation to hunt down the NMLA she persecuted all believers in Marlinism, arresting thousands and displacing millions of her own citizens. Can we now trust her to welcome us back?”

“Others are concerned that the Marlinist Colonies remain vulnerable, claiming that becoming a satellite nation of the Empire would provide military defences as well as economic boosts. And for those still holding on to their past lives, the attraction of reconnecting with friends and family in the Empire is strong.”

“Whatever the outcome, First Minister Octavia Volkov’s swift decision to put this issue to a referendum is a splendid example of Marlinism in action. Votes are already being cast, and the result will be revealed at the end of this week.”

Empire Reaches Out to Marlinists

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has outlined a plan for the Marlinist Colonies to be officially reconnected with the Empire.

The Marlin Standard published an exclusive report from Prime Consul Kayode Tau, after he attended a diplomatic meeting on Capitol:

“The essence of Emperor Arissa’s proposal is a pledge to grant the status of Imperial protectorate to the Marlinist Colonies, in return for swearing allegiance to the throne.”

“In practice, local government would remain autonomous but the Imperial Navy and security agencies would have a permanent presence. There would be investment in trade, with Empire-based companies as preferred partners. New channels of transportation and communication would be opened between Marlinist and Imperial systems.”

“Emperor Arissa and I discussed the issues at length. Following her experience with the Lords of Restoration, Her Majesty now accepts that most believers in Marlinism are not terrorists or revolutionaries. She has, however, insisted that the Empire must be watchful for any Neo-Marlinist resurgence.”

“When I broached the topic that some senators had suggested absorbing the Marlinist Colonies by force, the Emperor assured me there would be no military action. She spoke of her ‘need to cleanse the wounds left by the NMLA’, and I believe this is a genuine sentiment.”

The Marlinist Parliament has received full details of the proposal and is preparing a response.

Imperial Guard Defends Duvals

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has ordered the Imperial Guard to provide increased security to surviving members of the Duval dynasty.

Many Imperial Family members, including Prince Harold, were assassinated by the NMLA. Sources close to Emperor Arissa state that she is determined to preserve the remaining Duval bloodline as well as deter any future attacks.

The Imperial Guard is a legion of elite warriors under the direct control of the Emperor. Although typically seen performing ceremonial duties, they are a highly trained fighting force. It is understood that their numbers have been boosted by a focused enlistment drive from other areas of the Imperial military.

A cohort of Imperial Guard has been placed at the service of Princess Aisling Duval. She has gratefully accepted their presence and integrated them with her existing security team.

Similar squads have been posted to the households of Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval and Lucretia Roche-Duval, both of whom are descended from the siblings of Emperor Hesketh. Legionnaires were also assigned to direct relations of Emperor Arissa, including her prominent cousins Admiral Lucius Lavigny and Countess Guinevere Lavigny.

Only Hadrian Duval declined the offer of additional protection, stating that he will rely on his Praetorian Guard. He reassured his followers that a hand-picked corps permanently surrounds his infant son Hector Duval.

ACT Disbanded Following Defeat of NMLA

The Alliance, Empire and Federation, have agreed to close down the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit.

A joint statement from all three superpowers stated: “ACT’s primary mission to locate and destroy the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army has been successfully accomplished.”

ACT was formed in March 3307 following the Nine Martyrs attacks, when the NMLA simultaneously bombed multiple starports. The independent taskforce rapidly took the lead in investigating the terrorists, calling upon the resources of many agencies, specialists and freelance pilots.

The co-leaders of ACT have now returned to their respective security services. Captain Saskia Landau was personally awarded the Achenar Service Cross by Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, in recognition of her key role in identifying the Lords of Restoration. Landau has now accepted overall command of Imperial Intelligence, reporting directly to the Emperor.

Captain Milo Castile, Inspector Mara Klatt, Praetor Leo Magnus and Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez have all been similarly commended for their successes. The joint statement also paid tribute to those members who lost their lives in the fight against terrorism.

ACT was formed under the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, which was ratified at the Galactic Summit. The treaty requires governments to cooperate against large-scale threats to civilian populations, and is now commonly viewed as a historic achievement. Since it remains in force, ACT could be reformed in future if a similar threat to the NMLA arises.

Battle of Summerland Ends NMLA Threat

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Empire has carried out reprisals against the rogue faction Darkwater Inc in the Summerland system.

The private military firm had trained NMLA terrorists and held Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval captive, on the orders of a cabal of senators named the Lords of Restoration.

Darkwater mustered an impressive armada, but these were no match for a combination of superpower forces and independent pilots. Colonel Ronan Brock, the mercenaries’ leader, was killed during the fighting when he fled from the Onyx Storm megaship and was shot down by Imperial auxiliaries.

Emperor Arissa praised all those who helped destroy Darkwater, and declared: “Let the Battle of Summerland mark the victorious end of our bitter war against both the NMLA and the traitors who sought to destabilise the Empire.”

ACT clarified that “Although there may always be Neo-Marlinist extremists, the large-scale threat of the NMLA has finally been nullified.” All data obtained from the terrorists’ Omega Grid network has now been shared with the relevant security agencies.

With Darkwater eliminated, the Empire has installed a new controlling faction into the Summerland system. The Praetorian Vigil will report directly to the Emperor and govern in her name.

The Summerland Patron’s Party will redeem combat bonds and provide other rewards at the starport Henry O’Hare’s Hangar. A permit exemption allowing all independent pilots to enter the Summerland system will remain active for the next two weeks.

Further Omega Grid Secrets Revealed

ACT has released details about a plan by the Lords of Restoration to frame Hadrian Augustus Duval as the leader of the NMLA.

The information was extracted from the NMLA’s Omega Grid network and published by Captain Saskia Landau:

“It was Senator Ursula Torquatus who devised a scheme to undermine the Imperial Family and turn citizens against them by ‘exposing’ a Duval as the NMLA mastermind. Hadrian Duval was seen as the logical choice since many viewed him as an extremist through his prior association with Nova Imperium, though Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval officially pardoned him in 3306.”

“The Lords of Restoration used a virtual doppelganger of the Emperor, indistinguishable from authentic transmissions, to convince the Senate that she was communicating from a safe location. A similar doppelganger was developed to replicate Hadrian and was used to send orders to NMLA allies such as the Landgrave of Mudhrid.”

“This is how they planted evidence, discovered in April 3307, that Hadrian had converted to Neo-Marlinism and was determined to wipe out all other Duvals. Yet, despite triggering an unsuccessful Federal attack in the Paresa system, the accusation was not verified or widely believed.”

“Months later, the Lords of Restoration tried to kill Hadrian and Lady Astrid before their son Hector could be born, fearing the continuation of the Duval dynasty. But other senators moved the family to a secure location, beyond the reach of their agents.”

Hadrian Duval has publicly thanked ACT for uncovering this information and officially absolving him of all suspicion in this matter.

Empire Declares Reprisals Against Darkwater

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Darkwater Inc in the Summerland system has been declared a hostile military target for its role in abducting Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.

The private military firm, led by Colonel Ronan Brock, was secretly hired by the Lords of Restoration to train and equip the NMLA. Darkwater troops also kept the Emperor imprisoned in a concealed bunker for over a year.

Once their involvement was revealed by ACT, Darkwater’s forces regrouped around the megaship Pearl Mandate. Colonel Brock led an attempt to gain control of Summerland as a defensive measure but was unsuccessful. The mercenaries have now been branded as wanted criminals by the system authorities.

The order to strike against Darkwater came directly from Emperor Arissa:

“I call upon my loyal servants and all other warriors of honour to wipe out this nest of traitors. We remember the innocent victims of the NMLA by punishing those who enabled them.”

The Summerland Patron’s Party will redeem combat bonds for destroyed Darkwater ships at the starport Henry O’Hare’s Hangar. Although the Summerland system is typically permit locked, the Empire has arranged a total exemption for independent pilots for a three-week period.

To guarantee that Darkwater is thoroughly eliminated, the Empire is offering a range of incentives to pilots. These include awarding the rank of Master in the Imperial Navy Auxiliary, discounts on Imperial ships and weapons in the Summerland system, and Imperial Hammer railguns for the ten pilots who achieve the most combat bonds.