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Theta Seven’s Identity Discovered

ACT has revealed the background of the man known only as Theta Seven, the NMLA’s de facto leader who recently died in the Mudhrid system.

Captain Saskia Landau gave this statement to the media:

“A combination of investigative work and interrogating NMLA survivors has allowed us to confirm that Theta Seven’s real name was John Tyburn. He was born and raised in the city of Fontaine on the planet Baltah’Sine, where he was a munitions technician constructing demolition charges for commercial mining.”

“There is evidence that Tyburn was always a vocal believer in Marlinism, and became a pro-democracy campaigner. This eventually caused him to lose his job and serve a prison sentence for sedition. His Imperial citizenship was revoked, his marriage annulled and his children taken into state care.”

“Upon release, Tyburn was contacted by the NMLA and radicalised to the Neo-Marlinist cause. He produced portable explosives for terrorist actions, and rose rapidly in their ranks.”

“It was Tyburn’s proposal to develop caustic enzyme bombs capable of damaging a starport, but his experimentation on these weapons resulted in injuries and corrosive scarring. They only became a reality following a workable design commissioned from the engineer Liz Ryder without her knowledge of its purpose.”

First Minister Octavia Volkov of the Marlinist Colonies commented:

“It’s unsettling to learn that this arch-terrorist grew up in the same place as I did and had similar experiences. John Tyburn might easily have been my fellow refugee from the Empire, or perhaps helped us form our republican society. This does not excuse his crimes, but it’s all too clear how political persecution can give rise to monsters.”

20 Dec 3307

NMLA Megaship Becomes Marlinist Flagship

The megaship Steel Majesty has travelled from Mudhrid to the HIP 22550 system and been renamed as Fairfax Vision.

The Wells-class carrier was originally owned by the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and used as a base for the NMLA terrorist group. After a military defeat, the vessel’s crew sought political asylum in the Marlinist Colonies.

The Steel Majesty later became the hub for Minister Aaron Whyte’s followers during the Marlinist Civil War. More recently, NMLA activists retook the ship and unsuccessfully tried to rescue their leader Theta Seven.

The Marlin Standard published this statement from First Minister Octavia Volkov:

“I am delighted that the Marlinist Consulate has negotiated with the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group to arrange for this megaship to be returned to us. We are renaming it in honour of my predecessor Dr Jenna Fairfax, who led millions to safety after our mass exodus from the Empire.”

“The Fairfax Vision is now controlled by the Free Marlinists of Carinae faction, but will represent the colonies’ parliamentary and diplomatic interests abroad. I hope that true Marlinism, and our progressive republican society, can now flourish peacefully.”

16 Dec 3307

The Death of Theta Seven

The NMLA’s de facto leader and his closest followers have sacrificed themselves by destroying the Far God cult’s megaship Sacrosanct.

The hijacked vessel had been taken to the Mudhrid system by the remaining members of Theta Group, aiming to reunite with the NMLA. After this failed, ACT forces surrounded the Sacrosanct in the hope of rescuing the several thousand cultists being kept as hostages.

Theta Seven broadcast a short video message, where he uttered a single phrase:

“The future will remember us.”

He was then seen to manually detonate a series of bombs, which ruptured the Sacrosanct’s hull and split the vessel in two. It is believed that the weapons also distributed Thargoid caustic enzymes throughout the megaship, thereby killing its entire population.

ACT has released a statement from co-leader Captain Saskia Landau:

“Tragically we were unable to save the lives of the Far God worshippers, despite several attempts to negotiate their safe conduct off the ship. Captain Castile’s commando unit could not gain entry to the Sacrosanct in time, and we had no success trying to hack into its onboard computers.”

“We can confirm that the most wanted terrorist in the galaxy is dead. But ACT’s task is not yet complete, since there is much we still don’t know about the NMLA. Our investigation will focus on learning more about their background, as well as targeting any surviving cells of activists.”

Tributes Gathered to Honour Duval Heir

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The birth of Hadrian Duval’s son has been celebrated in grand fashion in the Paresa system.

Praetor Leo Magnus, the new leader of Nova Paresa, publicly thanked pilots for delivering Chateau De Aegaeon, HR 7221 Wheat, Indi Bourbon and Yaso Kondi Leaf to support these highly exclusive proceedings. Payment is now available from Dyson City starport.

Political journalist Cassia Carvalho discussed the arrival of Hector Mordanticus Duval in The Imperial Herald:

“As Emperor Hengist’s illegitimate grandson and former enemy of the state, Hadrian Duval has always been the outsider. Indeed, his newborn son’s middle name seems deliberately chosen to remind the Emperor that she ordered Hadrian’s mentor, Imperator Mordanticus, to be shot in cold blood.”

“But over the last two years, Hadrian’s position has gradually shifted from isolationist rebel to legitimised ally. He appeals to citizens who are unhappy with a female monarch, even more so now that he has a male heir. And he remains closest to the Imperial bloodline, with most other Duval family members having been assassinated by the NMLA.”

“Therefore, unless Arissa Lavigny-Duval or Aisling Duval produce children, it’s entirely possible that Hadrian’s child might inherit the throne. Despite only being a few days old, Hector Duval’s impact upon the Empire could be measured in centuries.”

Standoff for ACT and Theta Seven

Terrorist ringleader Theta Seven is defying capture by holding thousands of Far God cultists hostage in the Mudhrid system.

Vox Galactica published an on-the-scene report from freelance journalist Redmond O’Hara:

“Although the NMLA has been defeated in Mudhrid, the Theta Group bomb-makers remain in control of the Sacrosanct megaship. With so many lives at stake, ACT has focused all its efforts to resolve this tense situation.”

“We’ve heard that Senior Agent Ramirez and Inspector Klatt have both tried to open negotiations directly with Theta Seven. It is hard to imagine what they might offer him in terms of clemency, but they’re obviously determined to prevent further deaths at the NMLA’s hands.”

“After speaking to one of ACT’s tactical advisors, I can reveal that Captain Castile’s commando unit tried and failed to board the Sacrosanct as it did the Steel Majesty. This is apparently because the vessel is specially modified to prevent external access, in order to provide the Far God cultists with a sanctified environment during their pilgrimage.”

“Speaking of the cultists, they may not have accepted their predicament quite as passively as expected. Internal power failures detected within the Sacrosanct’s hyperdrive systems may well be a result of sabotage, and would explain why it hasn’t left the Mudhrid system. Perhaps in their own way, the Thargoid-worshippers are seeking justice for those murdered by Theta Seven’s appropriation of their deity’s ‘holy’ caustic enzymes.”

Battle of Mudhrid Ends in NMLA Defeat

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid has been defeated by the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group in the Mudhrid system.

With the aid of many independent pilots, the Imperial faction outmatched the NMLA-supporting forces who were attempting to rescue their leader Theta Seven.

Captain Saskia Landau provided an update from ACT:

“Using the fierce fighting as cover, Captain Milo Castile led a commando unit made up of specialists from Alliance, Federal and Imperial security forces to gain access to the Steel Majesty. After freeing and arming the crewmembers that were being held hostage, they overpowered the NMLA troops and retook the megaship.”

“We have successfully prevented Theta Seven and his followers from rejoining their fellow terrorists. But the Far God cult’s vessel, the Sacrosanct, is still in the system under his control. Until the man responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths has been captured, our victory over the NMLA remains incomplete.”

The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group stated that those who supported its campaign can now receive their rewards from Payne-Scott City starport.

The Imperial faction also agreed that independent pilots who fought for the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid will be permitted to collect payment from the Steel Majesty, which has been transferred to their ownership.

The Battle of Mudhrid

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group have declared war in the Mudhrid system.

The Steel Majesty megaship is serving as the base of the Neo-Marlinist forces. These include many surviving NMLA terrorist cells that gathered to overtake the vessel from the Marlinist Colonies.

Also in the system is the Far God cult megaship Sacrosanct, where the NMLA’s de facto leader Theta Seven and the remnants of Theta Group have been in hiding for months. They recently took control of the vessel and are holding thousands of cultists hostage.

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid have offered a uniquely augmented enzyme missile rack to its highest contributors if certain objectives are met. Margrave Corentin Delacroix broadcast a call to arms:

“All those who seek to topple the Duval dictators must fight alongside us here and now. Neo-Marlinism has no future unless its believers defend it.”

The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group is orchestrating its campaign from Payne-Scott City starport. Senator Denton Patreus has requested that Imperial auxiliaries provide the faction with combat support.

ACT’s co-leader Captain Saskia Landau stated:

“The NMLA clearly places huge value on Theta Seven’s ability to produce caustic enzyme weapons, and has risked concentrating in large numbers to defend him. If he can transfer to the Steel Majesty and escape, the threat of further atrocities like the Nine Martyrs bombings will remain high.”

Far God Megaship Hijacked by Theta Seven

NMLA figurehead Theta Seven has taken control of the Sacrosanct megaship and redirected it to the Mudhrid system.

Several months ago, the leader of Theta Group and his closest aides evaded capture by posing as members of the Far God cult. One of their pilgrimage vessels, the Sacrosanct, has now bypassed its scheduled flight plan and jumped to Mudhrid.

ACT’s joint leader Captain Milo Castile broadcast an emergency statement:

“We can confirm that despite being few in number, the terrorists are in command of the Sacrosanct. Since Far God worshippers are pacifists and fatalistic in nature, it’s likely that they offered little resistance.”

“Theta Seven has stated that he will wipe out the vessel’s entire population if any attempt to seize the vessel is made. Our intel suggests he possesses caustic enzyme explosives of the type used in the starport bombings, making his threat credible.”

Also in the system is the Steel Majesty megaship, recently overtaken by the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid. ACT believes that the NMLA is regrouping its forces and aims to provide protection for Theta Seven.

Mudhrid’s ruling faction, the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group, has ordered system security to shoot down any vessels attempting to pass between the two megaships.