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Federal Election: The Allied Perspective

The Alliance is observing the Federal president election, but expects little will change in relationships between the two superpowers.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon delivered a formal address on the topic before the Assembly:

“The Alliance continues to enjoy stable relations with the Federation. Our recent anti-xeno coalitions, including the reformation of Aegis, show how we can benefit from maintaining such cooperation. I am confident that the new president, whoever it may be, will respect the status quo.”

Councillor Nakato Kaine gave a more direct statement to the press:

“I cannot ignore how the Federation has become more authoritarian under Zachary Hudson’s Republican government. It has also coped poorly with internal pressures: the Starship One conspiracy, Jupiter Division’s attempted coup, the secession crisis triggered by the Proactive Detection Bureau’s operation… the list goes on. And yet, Federal democracy is now empowering every individual to elect their leaders. That, at least, is something we in the Alliance should admire and consider adopting.”

Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:

“Most Allied politicians are too diplomatic to openly express a preference between the two candidates. Privately, councillors like Kaine are hopeful of a more nuanced relationship with Winters, who lacks the hawkish rhetoric of Hudson. However, others believe that Archer’s focus on military spending and domestic security might prove more practical in the face of the Thargoid invasion.”

The latest voting polls from Federal systems show that Jerome Archer has overtaken Felicia Winters, albeit by a narrow margin. The voting window ends on the 15th, with the results verified by Monday to determine the victor of the 3309 Federal presidential election.

Sol Celebrations End as Election Begins

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Federation has begun voting to decide its next president, as a week of festivities in the Sol system are concluded.

Congress confirmed that any pilots who supplied rare goods for the celebratory events can collect payment from Li Qing Jao starport. All temporary system permits for Sol remain suspended for Pilots’ Federation members for a further week.

The 3309 presidential election has now officially begun. More than one trillion Federal citizens are expected to submit their votes, which will be recorded and collated over the next four days via secure digital systems.

Vice President Jerome Archer is the Republican Party candidate, who is widely perceived as the political heir to President Zachary Hudson. His running mate is Congressman Niko Shirakawa, who has strong connections within the military.

Shadow President Felicia Winters, leader of the Liberal Party, is the rival candidate and a proponent of more humanitarian-focused policies. She is on a presidential ticket with Congressman Isolde Rochester, matriarch of the famous Rochester dynasty.

Sofia Trevino, political correspondent for The Federal Times, commented:

“Following months of delay, logistical issues caused by the Thargoid war, plus the drama surrounding Zachary Rackham, voting is finally underway. Analysts believe this could be one of the closest-run elections in the Federation’s history, reflecting the polarisation that has taken place in recent years.”

“Support for the Republican Party has been bolstered by its increasingly successful handling of the Thargoid menace during the past six months. But Archer’s flagship creation, the Proactive Detection Bureau, remains highly divisive – something the Liberal Party has found success in using to frame its opponent as increasingly authoritarian. How these primary points will ultimately impact the outcome of the vote remains to be seen.”

The new president will be announced on Monday 16th October. President Hudson will remain in office as caretaker president until the official inauguration of the election winner, expected to take place in the new year.

Celebrations in Sol for Federal Election

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A series of public events to celebrate the forthcoming presidential election are being held in the Sol system.

Congress approved a request by President Zachary Hudson to finance a range of festivities, concerts and shows across the home system of the Federation.

Billions of people are expected to attend, leading to a request for supplies of Crystalline Spheres, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Indi Bourbon, LTT Hyper Sweet and Pantaa Prayer Sticks to be delivered to Li Qing Jao starport in orbit over planet Earth. Congress also agreed to authorise a temporary two-week permit for all Pilots’ Federation members to access the Sol system.

President Hudson announced the events across all Federal news channels, where he said:

“Now we approach the time, as determined centuries ago by the Federal Accord, of our civilisation’s most profound tradition: the peaceful transfer of power. I have been deeply honoured to serve as your president for the past eight years. And you, the people of the galaxy’s largest ever democracy, deserve to celebrate all that we have accomplished together.”

Vox Galactica’s political journalist Conrad Sterling observed:

“This is clearly a high-profile attempt to boost public morale, one that allows President Hudson to leave office on a positive note. Political critics are viewing it as a way to distract the citizens from the prolonged Thargoid war, the recent Rackham scandal, and various other challenges besetting the Federation. But the eagerness of most citizens to embrace the sentiment proves one fact remains true: everyone loves a party.”

Voting will open next Thursday for Federal citizens to choose either Vice President Jerome Archer or Shadow President Felicia Winters as their next president. The election winner will be announced at the start of the following week.

Cultists Blamed for Dedicant Tragedy

President Zachary Hudson has accused the Order of the Far God of being directly responsible for the fate of the Dedicant megaship.

“Our assessment of these Thargoid-worshipping extremists has been proved correct,” he told The Federal Times. “Hijacking the Dedicant to deliver it to their alien gods is an act of treason and mass murder.”

“I have ordered the Proactive Detection Bureau to root out every deluded individual with sympathies for this twisted cult. Automatic life sentences will ensure that these traitors never again put innocent people at risk.”

The declaration brought political pressure on all three presidential candidates to state their intentions for the Far God cult should they be elected.

Vice President Jerome Archer: “I will be pleased to continue President Hudson’s policy on dealing with these religious fanatics: stricter controls, increased surveillance and tougher sentences.”

Shadow President Felicia Winters: “Regardless of their misguided beliefs, thousands of former citizens also lost their lives during this Thargoid attack. I am lobbying for an independent security review into these tragic events.”

Zachary Rackham: “Hear me out. There’s a simple solution to all this. When I’m president, only criminals will pay tax. That’ll be a far more effective deterrent than imprisonment!”

Dr Alfred Ulyanov, an expert on the Order of the Far God, observed that the cultists had no way of communicating with the Thargoids: “The deeply distressing logs found on the Dedicant prove that the arrival of the Thargoids was unexpected, and certainly not the rapturous experience they believed it would be.”

The Federal Intelligence Agency is continuing to investigate the Dedicant in the HIP 19600 system. The Alliance’s amnesty programme with the Federation has been officially halted, but the Far God religion remains legal in most Allied territories.

Presidential Candidates Hold Live Debate

Vice President Jerome Archer, Shadow President Felicia Winters, and entrepreneur Zachary Rackham have exchanged political views in a live debate.

The Republican, Liberal and independent candidates came together for an event that was broadcast across all Federal media networks. The event provided a platform to outline each candidate’s manifestos for voters, and engage in discourse on key issues.

The debate began smoothly, but did not continue in that vein as the three strong personalities clashed just a few questions in. Shortly after the broadcast, ICE channels began circulating a particularly popular segment in response to a question about Federal policy on public safety:

Archer: “Vigilance will be our watchword, and I aim to continue President Hudson’s excellent record on security.”

Rackham: “Oh, is that a fact? Lost any megaships recently, Jerome?”

Archer: “It’s hardly appropriate for me to comment on an ongoing FIA investigation. Although I realise that ‘appropriate’ may not be part of Mr Rackham’s vocabulary.”

Winters: “Perhaps it is appropriate, Mr Vice President, when the Dedicant situation is a direct result of your party’s repressive policies on religious expression.”

Rackham: “Woah there, ma’am! Is it any less repressive than all the tax hikes your fanciful friends will bring in?”

Winters: “Our marginal increases in taxation, mostly aimed at interstellar corporations, will result in significant reinvestment – ”

Rackham: “Listen, hear me out. What our people need – what they deserve – is to pay zero civil taxes. That’s right, no tax at all! What’s more, I’ll make sure the government co-funds every single business enterprise, large or small.”

Winters: “And after the economy collapses, how will you achieve that? By selling off the treasure you stole during your pirate days?”

Rackham: “Now that’s cold even for you, Ms Winters! Firing off ICE rumours is not a good look on an elected official.”

Despite impressive viewing figures, many political commentators considered it to be ‘unnecessarily personal’ and ‘portraying the Federation in a poor light’. A second debate is being scheduled, which promises to address these criticisms through close moderation.

Far God Deportation Programme Approved

The Federation has agreed to the expulsion of all adherents of the Order of the Far God to the Alliance.

President Zachary Hudson issued a statement alongside the government decision:

“Any ideology that worships the Thargoids is destructive and treasonous, especially now we are at war with that species. I believe that rather than waste taxpayers’ money keeping these deluded individuals incarcerated, the Federation is better off without them.”

“This morning I accepted Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal. All former citizens known to have pledged themselves to this toxic religion will be transported beyond our borders and into the care of the Alliance.”

Security services have prioritised the True Chapters cultists currently imprisoned in the Popontia system, labelling them as high-risk compared to orthodox Far God followers. They will be escorted to Alliance space aboard the Dedicant, having agreed to provide full access to the megaship’s databanks and the Order’s sacred texts for Federal assessment. The Dedicant will then collect cultists held in other Federal penal facilities, ferrying them to Allied systems.

Political correspondent Sofia Trevino wrote an opinion piece for The Federal Times:

“Could there be an ulterior motive to this unexpected decision by the President? Perhaps Hudson is mindful of his legacy, with his term of office approaching its end. By tempering his ‘strong man’ reputation with a degree of leniency, he can better portray himself as a firm but fair leader in the Federation’s history books.”

Presidential Campaigns Target Federal Voters

Jerome Archer, Felicia Winters and Zachary Rackham are lobbying for public support as the Federation prepares to elect a new president in August.

Political correspondent Sofia Trevino covered the race for The Federal Times:

“With Zachary Hudson’s eight-year term approaching its end, citizens must decide who will be the president of the Federation by the year’s end. The electoral machines for all three candidates are in full swing, with campaign slogans appearing at all Federal starports.”

“The Republican Party has pinned its hopes on current Vice President Jerome Archer, who hopes to reassure Hudson loyalists with his similar leadership style and focus on interstellar security. Shadow President Felicia Winters, head of the Liberal Party, is promising a more humanitarian approach to government policy. And the wild card is independent candidate Zachary Rackham, whose wealth and notoriety afford him a fighting chance against the political heavyweights.”

“Congress has confirmed that, with many government procedures impacted by the Thargoid war, election day has been delayed until later in the year. President Hudson is expected to remain in office for the interim period before the victor's official inauguration.”

Vox Galactica reporter Patricia Chen analysed the media coverage:

“Typically, Federal newsfeeds focus more on character than policies. The Federal Free Press obtained in-depth interviews with Winters and Isolde Rochester, while Sol Today published souvenir editions celebrating Hudson’s presidency as a ‘golden age’. On the fringes are those such as ICE-caster Sura Oyekan, who promotes voting for Rackham as a way to revolutionise society.”

“What is not typical is that this election is being held during wartime. The ongoing Thargoid conflict has cast a shadow over voters’ optimism for the future. Some are even wondering if this might be the last president they ever elect, should the alien invasion of the core systems prove unstoppable.”

Rackham Fundraiser Secures Political Backing

Independent presidential candidate Zachary Rackham held a gala ball for some of the Federation’s wealthy and influential elite.

The Federal Times published a report from political correspondent Sofia Trevino:

“The extravagant gathering at Fort Rackham (formerly Fort Falkenrath) on Taylor Colony felt more like a party than a fundraiser, but its ambitions were clear. Campaign finance laws forbid Zachary Rackham from using his own wealth to pay for his presidential bid, and so connections are being forged to entice donations and other types of support.”

“Mr Rackham’s campaign manager – and the originator of his ‘Just Like Me’ slogan – was revealed to be celebrity PR consultant Anya Blackriver. She organised many famous attendees including media barons Elias Metaxas and Neive McFarlane, the youthful but popular ICE-caster Sura Oyekan, and flamboyant business magnate ‘Sir’ Randolph Plaskett of the Knights of Enterprise.”

“The biggest surprise was the announcement that Congressman Harlan Turk, the highly respected representative for the Duamta system, has resigned from the Republican Party to serve as Mr Rackham’s running mate. Four independent congressmen also declared that they are joining his campaign, giving the entrepreneur some genuine political clout.”

The newsfeed Sol Today published a related editorial:

“President Hudson has served with honour, and deserves our respect for keeping citizens safe in recent years. But perhaps it’s time for some fresh blood at the Federation’s heart? Could Zachary Rackham’s infallible business instincts be what’s needed to boost our economy to new heights of prosperity?”