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Winters Condemns Oppression of Thargoid Cult

The Popontia conflict and the mass arrest of Far God cultists have received civil and political criticism across the Federation.

Shadow President Felicia Winters delivered a statement to The Federal Times:

“It is logical that any organisation supporting the Thargoids should come under scrutiny. But this does not justify the harsh and oppressive treatment of our own citizens for their religious beliefs. The Federal Accord safeguards their right to worship, as long as no laws are transgressed.”

“The Federal Navy Intelligence Office has accused the cult of disseminating classified material and damaging anti-xeno operations. I demand that their evidence be shared with the High Court, so that a legal ruling can be made.”

“I also call upon Congress to reject the secretary of state’s proposal to outlaw the Order of the Far God. This is nothing more than a blatant effort to prop up President Hudson’s waning powerbase.”

A multiple-choice survey held by Sol Today resulted in the majority selecting ‘traitorous cowards’ to describe cult members, showing that Hudson’s order is not without support. However, a Federal Free Press opinion poll suggested that many citizens are uncomfortable with hostile acts against ‘deluded but essentially innocent people’.

The Perdition and Testament megaships have now withdrawn from their standard patrol between the core system and the Pleaides, presumably to avoid further acts of hostility from the Federation. Dr Alfred Ulyanov observed that Federal citizens of the cult, along with the few remaining True Chapters adherents, were now concentrated aboard these megaships. Orthodox Far God hive-chapels are believed to still operate in Allied and independent systems.

Defeat for the True Chapters

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A battle in the Popontia system has ended with Federal forces overwhelming defenders of the True Chapters sect.

The newly risen sect of the Order of the Far God was being protected by the Workers of Popontia Free, which was ultimately defeated. Governor Nadia Machado of the Popontia Incorporated announced:

“With the welcome support of auxiliaries and independent pilots, armed resistance in this system has been quelled. As per President Hudson’s orders, the Thargoid worshippers will be detained and the megaship Dedicant seized for Federal investigation.”

Governor Machado added that all pilots who took part in the operation can now collect their rewards from Ryman Market. Despite its failure, the Workers of Popontia Free is also offering payments from Ryman Market.

The two remaining Far God megaships, the Testament and the Perdition, have abandoned their scheduled itineraries and jumped to unknown locations to avoid further strikes by Federal forces. Prior to this, the First Apostle transmitted a message from the Testament:

“This attempt to conceal the truth is doomed to fail. The Far God’s harbingers blaze in our skies, growing ever nearer. We await the time of humanity’s unavoidable extinction.”

Militaries Prepare for Further Thargoid Strikes

The prospect of more systems being invaded by Thargoids has placed the Alliance, Empire and Federation on high alert.

Ernesto Rios, field correspondent for Vox Galactica, summarised the situation:

“Following the Battle of HIP 22460, there was anticipation that the Thargoids would expand into neighbouring regions. Swarms of hostile vessels did indeed arrive in the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems, although – in a notable change to their former tactics – no starports suffered a direct attack.”

“The Federal Navy quickly responded by deploying Farragut-class battle cruisers. President Zachary Hudson proclaimed that these successfully drove out the invaders, but many observers suspect that the Thargoids’ withdrawal when the fighting remained fierce was intentional.”

“In the Empire, Senator Denton Patreus considered these events ‘an indication that the Thargoids are probing humanity’s defensive capabilities’. But details of the Imperial Navy’s anti-xeno strategy remained confidential, a sign of the Empire shift away from military coordination with other superpowers.”

“The Alliance has claimed to be in a position of readiness. Admiral Nikolas Glass reported: ‘Operation Tyndareus, backed by Sirius Corporation, is now active. The Alliance Defence Force is ready to deploy anti-xeno taskforces, should the Thargoids dare to launch an assault within Allied space.’ Meanwhile, critics of the strategic defence pact have observed that only two megaships currently possess AX weaponry, casting doubt over the ADF’s effectiveness.”

“Elsewhere, many independent systems are doing whatever they can to bolster their local security forces. Too many worlds are acutely aware that should Thargoid fleets darken their skies, they would be forced to rely on mercenaries and independent pilots for protection.”

“Popular opinion on continued military actions against Thargoid vessels remains primarily favourable, but the ‘xeno-peace’ discussion continues to grow. In the Aiabiko system, leading ICE personality Joy Senne has released a ‘beacon drop’ package in an effort to promote the idea of peace to independent pilots. Ships scanning the beacon will receive a xeno-affirmative ship nameplate set and decal - paid for by Senne - along with clips of a recent discussion with Sovereign Times anchor Heimar Borichev about the so-called ‘Thargoid Advocacy Project’.”

Federal Forces Target the True Chapters

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Conflict has erupted in Popontia as the Federation seeks to apprehend True Chapters cultists of the Far God cult.

The Workers of Popontia Free, which is sympathetic to the sect’s right to practise its religion, was outfitting the Dedicant megaship for the chapter’s use. Federal ships have been deployed in the Popontia system with the intention of detaining all cultists and seizing the megaship.

Governor Nadia Machado, representing Popontia Incorporated, declared:

“By order of President Hudson, all Thargoid worshippers are under suspicion of espionage and abetting our alien enemies. The True Chapters group is ordered to surrender for lawful questioning.”

Popontia Incorporated has been tasked with overseeing this mission. Payment has been authorised for Federal auxiliaries and independent pilots willing to pledge their support in subduing True Chapters supporters.

From the Testament megaship, the First Apostle of the True Chapters delivered a broadcast across public channels:

“The Dedicant will be a new home for us to await the Far God’s arrival. We are prepared to die to defend this holy calling. Our recognised patrons in the Workers of Popontia Free will fight to protect us and reward those who aid our cause.”

These unprecedented hostilities were commented on by Dr Alfred Ulyanov, an academic authority on the Order of the Far God:

“This is the first time that members of this faith have not calmly accepted their own fate. According to my research, the First Apostle preaches that the Far God will transform her followers upon Its manifestation, allowing them to survive while the rest of humanity is extinguished. This has evidently motivated True Chapters adherents to abandon their wholly passive stance.”

Both campaigns are being orchestrated by contacts in the system’s primary starport, Ryman Market.

Federal Crackdown on Thargoid Worshippers

The Federal government has declared the Order of the Far God to be a potential enemy of the state.

The following press statement was delivered from the White House on Mars:

“The Federal Navy Intelligence Office has uncovered sufficient cause for concern to suspect the Far God cult of treason. They are believed to be responsible for leaking classified audiovisual data from the HIP 22460 system, while sharing other sensitive Thargoid-related material internally. Due to this, the risk that they will frustrate anti-xeno operations is deemed considerable.”

“President Hudson has therefore ordered military units to take control of all hive-chapels in Federal systems. Their inhabitants will be placed in detention facilities and subject to questioning.”

In related news, Secretary of State Lana Berkovich has sponsored a resolution petitioning Congress to make the Order of the Far God illegal. She has cited constitutional amendments that prevent citizens from providing aid and comfort to an enemy of the state.

The civil rights organisation Advocacy, the Galactic Interfaith Commune and the Spiritual Freedom Movement have all condemned these actions. However, political opinion polls suggest that a majority of voters are in favour of banning the Far God cult in the Federation.

Shadow President Felicia Winters issued the following response:

“I understand there are concerns regarding a Thargoid-based religious order, especially at this time. But there must be concrete evidence supporting these allegations before we treat our own citizens as enemies. It seems to me that Hudson’s administration is desperate to appear ‘tough on Thargoids’ after the debacle in HIP 22460, and has found an easy scapegoat to generate popular support.”

A Day of Remembrance for HIP 22460

President Zachary Hudson has announced that today is a Federal day of remembrance for those lost in HIP 22460 on August 9th.

In a public address, the president formally acknowledged the recent tragedy:

“The Battle of HIP 22460 is a dark day in our interstellar nation’s history. The crews of the FNS Bombardier, FNS Fortitude and FNS Varian Scott gave their lives with dignity and honour, as did many other courageous individuals. They will never be forgotten for as long as the Federation endures.”

“We recognise this massacre of defenceless crew for what it was: the latest example of unrelenting hostility by our Thargoid enemy. Another event which leads me to believe no peace can be brokered with that species. I promise, under no uncertain terms, that the loss of over fifty thousand naval personnel will be avenged.”

Shadow President Felicia Winters provided a statement to The Federal Times:

“I wholeheartedly support the creation of this day of remembrance. But we are not entirely blameless in causing the disaster. If not for an ill-considered commitment of Federal Navy resources to Salvation’s banner, this misguided project might never have been realised.”

“I might add that President Hudson fails to explain precisely how we will enact revenge upon the Thargoids. Now that we appear to lack further superweapon technology, our conventional forces will be severely challenged if the conflict escalates.”

Superpowers Commit to Salvation

The leaders of the Alliance, Empire and Federation have publicly confirmed their support for Azimuth Biotech’s anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon reiterated his position during an interview with the Old Worlds Gazette:

“It is our duty to protect the peoples of the Alliance. Since we currently lack a dedicated naval fleet, we must rely on partnerships with key military providers. With Salvation’s advanced weaponry and Sirius Corporation’s large-scale logistical might, Allied worlds have never been safer from Thargoid attack.”

The Imperial Senate discussed Professor Alba Tesreau’s accusations of criminality against Azimuth Biotech, to which Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval responded:

“Professor Tesreau remains a respected member of the Achenar Research Council, but a single viewpoint cannot eclipse the strategic significance of the Proteus Wave project. Our military experts are confident that, should the weapon deliver on the promises Salvation has made, the Thargoid threat will be diminished. A review of the situation will then be conducted.”

During a promotional tour of marine training centres in the Eta Cassiopeiae system, President Zachary Hudson told reporters:

“Director Rademaker is absolutely correct: those who deliberately sabotage Azimuth Biotech’s operations are only helping the Thargoids, which is tantamount to treason. The Federation’s citizens have the right to live without fear of alien invasion, and Salvation’s ingenuity will help us preserve that right.”

One Allied megaship, three Farragut-class battle cruisers and three Majestic-class interdictors are currently deployed in the HIP 22460 system to defend the Proteus Wave against the Thargoids.

Leaders Respond to Azimuth Initiative

The anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460 involving Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers has drawn comments from prominent political figures.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: “I agree with Senator Patreus that supporting Azimuth’s proposal remains our most practical course of action. However, alternative options for tackling the Thargoid threat are required.”

Princess Aisling Duval: “Salvation is clearly a master of self-promotion and public manipulation. I only hope that the Empire does not regret associating with this distasteful individual.”

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon: “Our military presence in HIP 22460, coupled with the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation, shows that the long-term security of Allied systems remains our priority.”

Councillor Nakato Kaine: “Two ruthless corporations with disreputable histories, and the Alliance is now collaborating with both. This a deeply regrettable chapter in our history.”

President Zachary Hudson: “I have every confidence in the Federal Navy to protect Salvation while the Proteus Wave is prepared. This is a long-overdue reprisal against an intractable and relentless enemy.”

Shadow President Felicia Winters: “Azimuth’s superweapon is effective, I’ll admit. But I’m unhappy with relying on this clandestine organisation, rather than an accountable anti-xeno agency.”

CEO Li Yong-Rui: “Sirius Corporation is observing activities in HIP 22460 with great interest. I am keen to explore cooperation with Azimuth Biotech on developing new products using Proteus Wave technology.”

Simguru Pranav Antal: “The advanced electromagnetic sciences developed by the Guardians over a million years ago remain poorly understood, even to Utopia’s keenest minds. The safety and effectiveness of Salvation’s device cannot be guaranteed.”