Logbook entry

Unseen Eye 16 : Waterloo

17 Jun 2022Lambast Mercy
A concussion grenade would give Silas enough time to throw off the arms and legs of Soaks' oversized suit. He was just about to prime his charge when something bounced off the wall and almost hit Silas in the chest. The shape of it told him whoever was around the corner had the same idea and got there first. Not knowing what type of grenade had been thrown, Silas risked rounding the corner to escape the blast.

He reached for his carbine as he pushed himself to safety, magnetic boots leaving the floor. The grenade in his hand knocked against his weapon, and Silas only just managed to twist out the way of a fist that came for his face. Instead of a gun to settle the argument, Silas had a weighted fist of his own and swung wide, using the momentum of flying around a corner to add more force to his swing.

His opponent leaned back avoiding the blow and placed his foot on Silas just as the concussion grenade went off behind him. The force of the explosion was contained in the tiny space of the chamber outside the Cockpit, and waves of explosively compressed air battered both men. The accompanying flash blinded them for a moment too, but thanks to the ill-fitting suit, Silas came off worse.

He was trying to get his senses back when he was struck in the gut and slammed into the wall. Napoleon didn’t waste a split second and followed up his kick with a flying knee to the invaders' head. To the High Guardians' surprise, the man rolled aside and got to his feet, though clearly punch drunk from the knee. Here was another person that had taken two of Napoleons' best and managed to stay upright, it was especially impressive after a stun grenade had gone off right behind the man.

Reaching across to a controller on his wrist, Napoleon upped the dose of combat drugs being fed into his system. He didn’t have time to play with this guy, and being jumped had knocked Napoleons’ pistol out of his hand. He didn’t mind, Napoleon had always preferred a hands-on approach to his work. Silas saw the tall scrawny-looking man stalking toward him through a dizzy haze of rolling lights.

Instinct took over letting Silas defend himself from an onslaught of attacks. The strength of the man laying into him was inhuman; he hit Silas with such power, Silas regretted every block and felt the pain of each defection as he was relentlessly beaten back. Now his heart was racing, and it was clear Napoleon wasn’t going to stop until Silas was dead, adrenalin had helped sharpen his senses.

One of Napoleons’ arms was locked up, followed by the Guardians’ retaliatory leg. Silas landed two kicks of his own in the man’s ribs, but that didn’t stop him. He left Napoleon an opening that was taken without hesitation. Releasing the leg Silas snagged an incoming arm and used the leverage to give Napoleon a rising headbutt to the chin. Switching his grip on the way back down, Silas took hooked his foot around his attacker's heel, then forced his knee down hard on Napoleons' shin.

Instead of the man's leg snapping, it felt like he had just smashed his kneecap into a wall; while Silas was regretting his decisions, he noticed a bio-readout on Napoleons' arm. Soaks' oversized suit slowed Silas just enough for Napoleon to catch him as he tried to dodge the Guardians' revenge attack. Silas was having his head bounced off the wall so hard, Soaks' helmet cracked like an egg. Seeing that he had beaten all the fight out of his victim, Napoleon pulled the rest of the helmet off Silas and closed his long gnarled fingers around his neck.

The rolling lights were back as Silas tried to fight his way out of Napoleons’ incredibly strong grip. He could see the tall thin man talking to him with a rictus grin on his face, but Silas couldn’t hear a single word. At first, he thought it was because of his heart pumping in his ears, furiously trying to get blood up to Silas’ battered brain, but it was more likely the shock grenade earlier that had damaged his hearing.

Just as Silas was about to pass out, the ship rocked and the doors to the cockpit were pulled into their frame, straining under some unknown force. Napoleon stumbled back loosening his grip a little, but he quickly took hold of Silas with his other hand and stabilized himself. It was time to wring the life out of this Willingly Blind and then get to his masters' side. Napoleon gleefully looked into the face of the man he was about to kill; instead of the red mask of breathless fear with bloodshot eyes he was expecting to see, Napoleon was looking at a strained smile, and Silas was trying to laugh.

“I see you have accepted your end Blind One. Truly I will be blessed..”

Napoleon had just noticed Silas' finger tapping the contact screen on Napoleons' suit control.

“Enjoying that high, eye-fucker?” croaked Silas as he spammed dose after dose of combat stimulants into Napoleons' system.

It felt good, but it also terrified Napoleon. His head felt like it was inflating and he could feel each ridge of his fingerprints rubbing against his gloves. Hot sweat erupted from every pore on his body, and he imagined he could hear the ship ripping through space. What he didn’t feel was the bullet entering his eye and bouncing off his inner skull. He was too busy trying to turn off his drug port to die.


Kaisla was pissed off. She’d just got the ship back under control after making some cowardly man lock himself in the pressure suits closet, and now some other arse holes were trying to break into the damn cockpit. The big hole she had made in the canopy couldn’t be sealed, so she’d have to depressurize the chamber outside to open the door to open it and take care of whoever was trying to get in. After a couple of failed command returns from the stock computer, it accepted her button mashing, and the door opened.

A purple man with a jet of blood shooting from his head silently roared at her from a gaping maw while he shook uncontrollably. The unexpected vestige of the druged-up Napoleon frightened Kai so much, that she vaporized his head with one shot from her charge pistol while screaming, and then she tried to run away. Silas, barely holding onto consciousness or his breath pushed himself off the wall and drifted over to the door control while Kai darted around the cockpit like a woman running away from a wasp, and close the door so he could breathe again.

After a few deep breaths, and some moments drifting peacefully, he pressed the boor bell to the cockpit. Kais’ Face appeared on the little screen, her eyes were squeezed tightly shut.

“Kai, what are you doing here?” Asked Silas, after all, it had been a year or something like that since he’d last seen his so-called girlfriend. “And I really need a pressure suit .. And medical treatment”

Kai opened her eyes glad for the familiar voice of someone she trusted to protect her from Pink and Purple People-Eaters.

“SILAS! Thank god it’s you. I opened the door just now and there was this THING just floating there, all purple and bloody. Then it tried to spry me with some shit and I just freaked you know? So I was all “not today shit-for-brains!” BLAM!. And then… . “

Kai continued as if they had just talked yesterday, and her being on the ship should be no surprise at all. It was good to see her again, Silas had missed Kais’ chaotic energy, but right now, he just wanted a pressure suit and a shot of Old Sol.
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