Logbook entry

First Impressions

01 May 2024Lambast Mercy
Following on from Favours Part 1

Witchspace looked very different in a carrier. It felt different too, more intrusive and violent. Small ships punched a hole much like a scalpel making a cut, but carriers reneded space, and forced their way into the other place, dragging the mighty bulk of the ship slowly to its destination.

Lambast imagined personal ships were like moles leaving little heaps on the lawn of Witchspace. That would make carriers bulldozers tearing up the grass, leaving deep ruts in their wake. If that's what was getting the Thargoids all worked up, then humanity was in the middle of telling them, we don’t care even a tiny bit.

Lightning wreathed clouds parted, and Thunderchild rumbled to a halt in Summerland. Safety systems disengaged and the mighty FSD drive slowly wound down as the background noise of the carrier returned to normal.

“Jump complete madam. Thunderchild is only two hundred meters off projected arrival point. Shall I raise the Anansi”

She reached for the replay screen, but remembered she had to get used to using the neuralwear processor she had installed. If she didn’t train her brain to use it, it would be an egregious waste of a few billion credits for what was turning out to be a fancy hands-free set.

After a few moments of concentrating, the intercom blinked. She was getting better with the neuralwear processor, this time she hardly had to squint at all.

“Yes please captain. Invite Mr Hooder aboard and see if you can contact Kai and Phresh also. May as well have everyone present for the strategy meeting”

“Very good madam”

Lambast busied herself with her own preparations. Her ship, Hand of Mercy was combat ready, but it had been quite a long time since Lamb had taken part in a breaching operation. With a document to secure, there was very little chance that Destinies Jester was not going to be boarded. Privateers that happily intercepted, and fort raiders and slavers would not surrender easily.

The Captain's voice interrupted Lamb as she hefted her old suppression shield and power cleaver in the privacy of her office.

“Privet message for you madam, from Vasil Vasilescu. Shall I send it to your station?”

“Yes, please do captain. Text or recording?”

“Recording Madam, should be with you now”

After reading to see the message was unopened, and on her screen alone, Lambast concentrated once again. It would be easy to take a few steps and press the damn screen, but the doctors had impressed upon Lambast the importance of training her mind to get used to the interface. After a short but intense staring contest with the screen, the message played.

“Lady Lambast, I believe the Jester is within 10-15 LY of CPC 22 212, probably in one of four Imperial systems. I am heading to the general area to try and find the Jester and gather more info. From what I have found, they are acting within the limits of their Marque, so I expect that system authorities may assist the Jester if it is attacked. The Jester has been attacking illegal slavers, and, curiously, most of the illegal slaves they are liberating have been supplied by a single, unknown group. That seems suspect, but I don’t know if it has anything to do with your pirate. Regardless of what happens, I’ll be standing by for repair and recovery support”

Lowering the volume by hand, Lambast let the message play again. She leaned back in her seat, stroking her hair back into shape. The short transmission gave her plenty to think about. Going against Zemina Torval security didn’t bother her personally, but it would land her father in hot water, and damage the Mercy family's already poor standing in the eyes of the empire.

“Holly, record a message with the same level of security for Mr Vasilescu please”

“I am grateful for your diligence and studious investigation. Should you make contact with Destinies jester, please inform me of your interaction, and, if you would be so kind, your personal opinion of the flotilla's people. Whatever is going to transpire, I feel it will be instigated within an Earth standard day”

“Transmit as soon as you are satisfied the communication is secure. Thank you Holl”

Floating over to a mirror in the corner of her office, Lambast carefully inspected her appearance. She was a great believer in making a clear statement with her aspect, and the crisp lines of her white and blue frock coat flowing around her long-booted knees spoke of no-nonsense military discipline coupled with old Empire style.

Just as she was about to touch up her makeup that perfectly complimented her clothes, the captain of the Thunderchild interrupted her once again.

“Madam, Mr Hooder has emphatically invited your party to visit the Anansi”

It was going to be like that, was it? Very well. If the raider wanted to play host, Lamb would enhance her uniform with a good blade and a side arm.

“Very good captain. Tell me, is the Merciless armed and ready to fly?”

“All your personal battle craft onboard are combat ready madam. I thought it prudent to have them prepared”

“Thank you, captain. Have Holly installed in the Merciless, then send a message to Kai and Fresh telling them to meet at the Anansi”

The Hand of Mercy was a heavy shielded Cutter, and a good choice for engaging a large fleet of hostiles, but a corvette simply had better firepower. If she had to visit Vodan in his house, she was going to do so in a battering ram, not a ship good for running. First impressions matter.
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︎9 Shiny!

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