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Elite Is Dangerous Episode 1 - Re-upload with Images

31 Jul 2022Vodan
“Why do I do it? To teach I guess. I mean I’ve done it all you know? You name it son, I’ve mined it, traded it, smuggled or fought for it. Er, forgive the hat partner, it helps me feel the mood you understand?”

“If there was a good thing, I was on it building the best ship for the job and engineering the crap out of anything that could be modified. Weather it was stealing data from a drone swarmed moon base, or fillin cabins with thrill seekers that had more credits than sense, I’ve been all over it”

“So here I am, years later. A carrier commander with more ships than I can count, and I got valuable knowledge to pass on to the next generation of commanders”

“I mean come on, it’s tougher out there today than it ever has been. You got Goids tearin down everything human in their path, and a bunch of dumb shits tryin to stop the one guy that’s standing in the Goids way. The Feds take every opportunity to turn people against the Imp, as if ya need another reason to hate those slaver bastards, and the alliance is baying for blood like a rabid hound. I mean shit!”

“So here I am waitin for an opportunity to pass on my expertise. With a short demonstration, I can let the new guys know what’s what, and help them face life in the black. Ok, I know how it looks sittin here in an Eagle, but she’s a good ship. There is a reason security use Vipers and Eagles, ya understand?”

“Hold on now, that flash right there is a potential student. Let’s hop on to the target panel and see if I’m right”

“Yep, looking like a green horn. Cobra Three, a few As and Bs, but he's’ still packing Es here and there. Let’s see if our ‘mostly harmless guy’ has a profile. .. Ur huh, there he is, oh sorry, our pretty little missy dose have a profile, and now she’s landing I can see she’s still got the factory standard paint job. That there is almost a guarantee, ya dealing with fresh meat”

“She’s gonna be a while figuring out what to do, so we got time to see what she says about herself right here. Oh how about that? She’s been asking what to do now shes’ got some credits. Well I can’t say they told her wrong, but tellin ain't the same as teachin, and I’m all about teachin”

“It takes time for the people here to work their magic. I’ll just be keepin an eye on her pad for now waitin for her to launch. Ya’all come back is a spell ya hear?”

“Ok, her pad is commin up. So this is the hard part, the introduction. Now my Eagle is packing, so I have to sacrifice a few creature comforts to get her presentable, and Life Support is one of those comforts, so I’ll just tip my hat to the lady so’s my helmet can deploy and wait for her to clear the security zone... ”

“Now I’ve pulled the trigger, a lil hollow triangle should be on her scope but she don’t know what that means. My first shots took her shields and most her hull, and this’en .. . has finished the job.”

“Well ok! Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner, there’s an escape pod. I’ll just pop a heat sink or two, those Rail Guns run pretty hot. She’s lucky I didn’t have space for cargo racks; I happen to know some fellers that’ll pay well for a pretty lil thing like her. Incidentally partner, don’t try sellin slaves in Imperial space, those guys come down hard on ya; they only like to make slaves of their own people. Independent or Federal space gives the best price on, shall we say, missing persons.”

“Well, I got a few seconds before the FSD comes back online so I’ll wrap it up. Now that young lady knows you gotta keep ya wits about ya when ya visiting engineers bases. She learned that the galaxy is a ruthless place full of assholes that’ll cut ya down just cuz they can. An once I let her know about the cargo situation, she’ll have learned how quickly a commander can go from a free spirit, to a captive. I’ve generously taught her a valuable lesson.”

“It’s Dangerous out here”
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︎6 Shiny!

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