Logbook entry

Title of Marque Part 3

05 May 2024Vodan
Follow on from Favors Part 2

Kaisla was great. Vodan rested his arms on the table drinking from his flask, staring at her face and cleavage. He listened to the women explain how she got her FDL snagged up on an Omnipol Python while she was trying to steal the red and blues off the police ship. She was lying, or at the very least exaggerating, but it didn’t matter; she could spin a great yarn. Kaisla was hot AF too, so that was helping Vodan focus. Something about her little button nose and the way her whole face smiled when she laughed and her perky little tits made him wish he was at least ten years younger.

In stark contrast to Kaisla’s long wavy while hair, the guy called Phresh had thick black, slightly curly hair that he’d let grow out some. His lanky frame looked uncomfortable folded into a chair, and his face showed mostly disinterest in everything around him except for Kaisla. He was very much the typical spacer pilot. Not physically intimidating, but you did not want to be in his weapons range when he was in the cockpit.

Thankfully, Kaisla was keeping the rest of the guests entertained while they waited for Lambast. The conference room was full of wing leaders and their pilots. Two other raider Captains and their first officers were also growing impatient, wanting to get down to the business they were called here for. At last, the door opened and one of Vodan’s guys escorted Lambast into the room.

Lambast wasn't tall, but her thin build covered with a brilliant white uniform accented with blue, made her appear greater in stature.

“Fuck me!” said Vodan standing up “You look like .. . One of those long-necked ducks. A pair of orange boots would really bring the look together” he said with a smug grin.

The Imperia woman didn’t react until she had taken a seat between Phresh and Kaisla making a point to carefully keep the narrow sword on her hip from getting in the way of her graceful decent.

“A swan you mean Mr Hooder, the grown form of the unliked duckling from the children's story. Perhaps one day, you too will mature into something.. .. more” she answered with sharpened politeness.

Kaisla was used to this shit with her sister Lambast. She touched Lambast arm and the girls exchanged a quick smile before Kai slid her mag-chair back a bit, in case her sister needed space to joust.

“Yeah yeah, ok. Fuck you too, but thanks for coming. Ok, so now everyone is here, let's get down to it” Vodan clapped his hands and massaged his palms together.

“So, we got wing leaders here, guys and girls with boarding experience there, and leaders of carriers from my organization that have agreed to lend their fleets to this operation" he said pointing to people around the room "Welcome everyone” said Vodan with a bow, showing respect to the other raiders that, like him, lead fleets for their master Vengerfield.

“And our guest pirates here, Kaisla, and the dude is Le Phresh. They are our ringers that’ll be taking on the hardest jobs. And lastly, Lambast. She’s supplying ships and boarding expertise for the final push”

Lambast gave Vodan a harder look. He hadn’t seen her look anything but pissed off, but maybe she was more pissed off right now, because Vodan had done his homework.

“Yeah, I do know a bit about you, Warrant Officer Mercy. Take it you got no problem with boarding?”

The rest of the raiders looked uncomfortable, or even pissed off. The unmistakable noise of weapons being handled softly rippled through the room.

“Er, that's Ex-Warrant Officer Mercy, everyone. Come on. Really? Chill the fuck out” said Vodan in a commanding tone. “Ok, once I know what you're bringing to the table Lambast, we’ll get down to brass tacks”

“And I want to know how much I’m getting paid on top of my Vinyard and Bakery” added Phresh with a sideways smile to his friend Lambast.

Looking around the room at all the strange faces as if submitting them to memory, Lambast paused before she answered.

“I bring twenty-five various combat ships divided into five wings capable of any task, but they do have specializations" Lambast took her holo-computer out its pocket "May I?” Asked Lambast tilting the device to the carrier Captain.

Vodan nodded and cleared Lambast’s connection to his computer. The details of the five wings appeared on his screen.

“I also have fifteen marines, all have seen boarding operations in many forms, that I will be leading it seems" she added, clearly peeved "fully equipped and ready for action”

No names were given, but Lambast furnished Vodan’s computer with a rundown of the kit her marines would be bringing to bear on Vodan’s problem.

“Finally, I have four wings of support ship that will be on hand to retrieve ejected crew and support crippled ship. These are the ships I can commit to that task right now, but I may be adding one or two more; pilots willing that is. And yeas, Phresh, I will be paying your reasonable fee, including travel time”

“Bon!” said Phresh letting his native language win over. He’d travelled here from Colonia, so that was going to be one hell of a pay day.

Phresh couldn’t remember how long ago it was, but it must be on the way to ten years by now. Back then, Creamy had financed a business opportunity Lambast had brought to him, and they had hired Phresh to fly escort for their cargo runs. They had spent long, dangerous months together, transporting Alloy's during the Meta Alloy rush. Creamy and Lambast had helped Phresh earn his first billion, and now they needed help, it was the least he could do. Getting paid for it was the cream on top.

Vodan inspected the assets Lambast was offering and factored them into his plan. The other the raider captains were also doing fleet calculations. They may be on the wrong side of the law, but they were still capable commanders in charge of large fleets of their own. They may not wear uniforms, or adhere to military discipline, but they were no less leaders of men that knew how to navigate battles.

“Right right, good, that’ll work great. Ok, so what about your carrier?” Asked Vodan.

“That will be sitting a jump or two away. My ships are all using personalized transponders, but one cannot disguise a fleet carrier, so it will not be directly involved in the conflict”

That hurt. Vodan didn’t let it show and he kept his eyes on the screen as if he was still thinking about the operation. He wanted to keep the other raider captains' carriers out of the direct conflict. With a fleet carrier, and all the ship it held at their back, either of his allies could fall prey to the temptation of snatching the letter of marque from under his nose.

He turned to look at Lambast chewing on his cheek. The only hold he had over her now was his link to the man she was looking for, Creamy Goodness. He could take Kaisla captive and force Lambast to bring her carrier into the fray, but that was no guarantee she would do her best to get Vodan what he wanted. Besides, with what he had found out about Kaisla, Phres and Lambast, fucking with them would be a very bad idea.

Something he had found in Lambast’s background surface. It was a flimsy thread, but it may be worth tugging on.

“Lady Mercy, could we have a privet word?” asked Vodan with strange politeness, walking towards the door to the hallway.

Outside the room, Vodan waited for the door to close before he asked Lambast “So I was wondering, why does the Robigo Cartel want you dead?” he watched Lambat’s face for a reaction. Nothing “There is a fair sum to be had if you have an accident that can’t be traced back to the Cartel”

Vodan pictured Ortega, the public face of the Robigo Cartel. The man he'd given Vodan lots of problems when he needed to work in Robigo space. He used to be a very big deal in the underworld, but then he had an accident and lost the use of his legs. Seeing Ortega in one of his mobility chairs, or those clumsy remote-control legs he used, pleased Vodan. Ortega was a powerful man, but now he had put on some pounds and couldn’t stand up, he’d lost some of his presents.

“Ortega” Said Lambast as interrupting Vodan's thoughts. “He is somewhat vexed with me for interrupting an investigation he was involved with a number of years ago”

“You dropped him in hot water with the cops?” That would give him something to work with.

“No Mr Hooder, I dropped him through a floor and crippled him permanently. He was lucky, but he doesn't see it that way. I was in a hurry; if my blade work hadn’t been so sloppy, he would be dead”

Lambast looked to Vodan as if she was enjoying a happy memory that he’d awoken in her. It was clear she didn't have any fear of the Cartel even though her some of the business were based in Robigo. He was still trying to find an angel when Lambast spoke up.

“Mr Hooder, I will pay you twice the credits Mr Ortega is offering if you see to it I survive this conflict. Also, I am willing to offer you four times Mr Ortega’s current bounty for my accidental demise, if you would care to take a selfie with me while we jump, or run together. Anything that involves the vigorous use of our legs would service”

Laughing out loud Vodan took a moment to compose himself. “Shit man, you are cold. The name Mercy isn't you at all is it? Yeah, I’d love to see his face if he gets an eye full of a pic like that, but I have to stay on the good side of the Cartel. Master's orders. Guess I'll just have to get this done without the Thunderchild"

It was a let down, but her fleet and the pilots she brought with her were still a boon. With them and the people he had in the Jesters fleet sleeping in slave pods, his force should be enough to get what he wanted.

After a few hours of strategizing with the other captains and wing leaders, they had a solid attack plan. Two carriers would jump in next to the Jesters fleet along with all the big combat ships to absorb the initial retaliation. While the smaller fighters launched, Kaisla and Phresh would lead the attack against the Jesters defences, and more importantly, anti personnel measures.

".... so, when you've finished assessing the best place to breach" Vodan explained to Lambast "Fresh and Kaila'll wreck all the defences in that area for you. I'll have your boarding team covered, like big.."

The door opened and a guy swung into the room hurrying to Vodan.

"Sir, its Bell. Live" he said handing his captain a ships com.

Something was wrong. Belladonna, Vodans first office was stowed away on a ship in the Jesters fleet. The only reason she'd risk being discovered by sending as live transmission, was if the situation was really bad.

Hissing crackly static accompanied with whistling filled Vodan ear. Bells voice was droned up by it, and he couldn't make out what she was saying. People we're beginning to chat and whisper to each other making it harder for Vodan to focus on Bell.

"Ya'all shut the fuck up and listen" yelled Vodan patching the coms to the rooms speakers.

... ... .. rimised .. .. aning som...ing.. ... ady to mov...... soon... .Repeat.. .they are ...ing out soon... WAI.

The static stopped. The signal was gone.

He knew it was pointless, but Vodan spammed the receiver over and over. Bell was a back stabbing bitch, but she was Vodan's back stabbing bitch, and he wanted her where she should be. On the bridge of the Anansi, where he could see her.

"Ok, we got enough of a plan. Two attacking carries, one reserve, and one support in near by systems. I want Red Jade, and I want Belladonna off the Jester alive and well. Everyone back to your ships, we move out now"
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︎7 Shiny!

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