Logbook entry


01 May 2024VerbatimCat
Commander: VerbatimCat
Date Plotted: 2/18/2024
Date Completed: 4/30/2024
Ship: N/A
Jump Distance capability at time of Departure: N/A
Mission Name: Sur De Espana
Objective: Relax with my wife and her parents as we travel through Madrid, Grenada, and Portugal for two weeks.

Route: Two days in Madrid, 2 in Grenada, followed by a week in Portugal.
Estimated Jumps: N/A

Starting Credits: $6,882,690
Ending Credits: N/A
Profit: N/A

Commander's Notes:
Vacation was lovely and it was so good to see the family! We traveled and saw a lot of Spanish and Portuguese history and culture, but most importantly we tried a lot of very VERY good food and wine. But two weeks was a very long time away from the commander's chair and I kept up on the news of the Galaxy during my liesure time. Not that I know what a lot of it meant, but it was a connection that spurred my desires to get back out the in Lagata Ciega and begin my next adventure.

I have two goals currently, one is to purchase an ASP Explorer to begin outfitting for deeper exploration missions. The other is to finally get Ms. Farseer those Meta-Alloys she requested in exchange for some help with tinkering on my FSD, again in service of exploration. With great haste, I've set off to MAIA in search of the goods required and will be making my way back to Farseer soon!
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