Logbook entry

Forging a Path

19 May 2024Xochitl Khae

Forging a Path
Colonia Region

Noise from the ongoing frame-shift drive module swap reverberated through the crew conference room aboard Ryuko’s Krait Mk II. Tara looked across the table at Yazaira Boone and Georgia Levine, the capital ship’s black marketeer and bartender, respectively. Ryuko busied himself with typing on his data tablet, keeping his eyes on its display, to heighten the annoyance both felt being summoned, like pets, to be at their master’s feet.

“Zaria and the captain of this vessel have both advised that you two would be assisting me with whatever it is I need to be done,” Ryuko said, continuing to type. “Towards that end, I have quantities of items I need to place in your care while I arrange for paying clientele.”

“Clientele,” Yazaira scoffed. “That’s rich. Pirate scum infesting these corridors, all so you can make a shiny credit.”

Ryuko smirked, keeping his focus on his tablet. “And you, taking pay without anything to show for it. Wonder which is most needed aboard this vessel, the earner or the leech?”

Yazaira stood up forcibly, but Tara matched her, kicking the table at Yazaira, striking her solidly. Georgia fell backward in her chair. Ryuko looked up slowly from his tablet as Tara leered, ready to pounce. “You can either sit down, shut up, and do as you have been ordered, or I will have most of your bones broken and then make you the star attraction of a new brothel. Granted, a person such as you wouldn’t gain much, but some do enjoy the more… how is it, ah yes, the recently flexible and exotic.”

Georgia remained on the deck, looking around with a terrified expression as Yazaira, curled into a ball on the plating, grabbing her midsection, nodded painfully.

“You see, my dear, some of the more excitable can be reasoned with,” Ryuko said, looking up at Tara, who continued to glare at the woman.

His gaze shifted to Georgia, still in her chair, flat on her back, eyes wide in terror. “And as for you, Georgia, I will have plentiful commodities for you to fence. Aside from your usual cut, they should make a nice profit for both you and your mistress. What’s best is that most of your clientele will be honest commanders, looking to better their equipment.”

“I like your plan,” she said, her voice shaking, as Ryuko stood up, closing his data tablet. “And Miss Boone, which position would you prefer?”

Yazaira had moved herself onto her knees, still grabbing her tender midsection. “I will fence whatever it is you bring me,” she said, pain evident in her voice, as Ryuko raised an eyebrow, looking once again at Tara.

“Then we have an accord. I look forward to each of us earning a healthy profit during this venture. Until then, you can get your asses off my ship. I have work to do.”

Georgia stood up and positioned herself to help Yazaira, pausing to look at Ryuko, who nodded, as she grabbed the injured black marketeer, helping her to her feet.


Zaria’s holographic image nodded while proceeding with her report.

“Both have maintained their course, even when free of constraints. Stepping up the pressure while positioning them in the locale, which prompted the anticipated emotional response, the same as that leading up to the initial encounters with the courts, then ceased.”

The man nodded, looking to either side of him, outside of the holograph’s viewing area. “Do you believe he has adjusted and adapted?”

“Yes. It appears he has learned from his prior mistakes. After his initial attack on the faction’s transport, he has ceased interdictions and is now focusing on their planetary assets. He has favored Scyles for these actions, alternating raids between the both of them.”

“He is letting the raider run loose, to see if he can contain his passions,” a voice said from outside of the holograph’s viewing area.

“That would be my assessment,” Zaria replied, looking down at the data tablet in her hand. “Additionally, he has solidified his control over his operations, revisiting his piratical tendencies while doing so. There is a concern in his demonstration of capability to maintain order and enforce discipline. While I am concerned, it's evident that he has learned from his previous error that landed him in front of the courts.”

“I concur,” the man nodded, looking off to one side. “The concern remains with the Xihe biomorph, Tara, and her well-being. Her bond with Ryuko has led to the programmed mimicry of emotions evolving into genuine emotions. This development has sparked mutual feelings between them. Maintain a loose observation and protective posture as we monitor this unique evolutionary progress and its potential implications. However, we must be cautious of her becoming too comfortable with the pirate way, as it could complicate her development.”

He turned his head again as someone out of the viewing area was speaking with him.

“Any reemergence of the ghost ship?”

“Since its encounter with them on the distant moon, no. An unknown bio-electric signature was detected from Tara after the encounter, then ceased. We have been unable to ascertain its cause or if it was due to any internal or external factor.”

“That’s the same time we recorded an increase in her evolutionary development,” a female voice stated.

“No indication as to why?” he asked someone off to his side.

“None that we have been able to ascertain,” a separate female voice answered.

Zaria glanced at her data tablet again, hesitating for a moment before continuing. “It’s worth noting that Tara’s development appears to be accelerating. Her emotional responses are becoming more nuanced and complex, especially in her interactions with Ryuko. This could have significant implications for her overall functionality and our understanding of Xihe biomorph capabilities.”

The man nodded thoughtfully. “Keep a close watch on her. Any deviation in her behavior could provide valuable insights. And what of the rival group? How are they responding to Ryuko’s renewed focus on their assets?”

“They’re struggling,” Zaria reported. “Ryuko’s strategy of alternating raids with Scyles has kept them off balance. They haven’t been able to mount an effective defense or counterattack. However, they’re becoming increasingly desperate. We’ve intercepted communications indicating they might be seeking outside help.”

“Desperation can lead to recklessness,” the man observed.

“Indeed,” the man agreed. “Continue to monitor the situation closely and keep me updated on any significant developments.”

Zaria nodded. “I will. Is there anything else you require at this time?”

The man shook his head. “Not at the moment. Continue with your observations and report back with any new findings. And Zaria, be vigilant. We’re entering a critical phase.”

“Of course,” Zaria replied as her holographic image vanished.

The man thought in silence for a moment before turning to look at his companions. “Send a coded message to Zaria. Tomorrow I will take the boys with me and depart. I am curious.”
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