Logbook entry

My journey to "finish" Elite Dangerous - Part 2

23 May 2024sauceSoja
Previous log entry

A week ago, I started my (very) long journey toward "mastery". And somehow, I managed to make some really good progress already, so let's dive into it.

No progress in my Elite ranks, but a few awards progress on Inara.

Here's the report:

The Traveller The Explorer The Exobiologist The Soldier
✅Tier 5 ✅Tier 5 ✨ ✅Tier 5 ✅Tier 5
Done Done Done Done

The Hunter The Mercenary The Xeno-Hunter The Trader
✅Tier 5 ✅Tier 5 ✨ Tier 1 ↗️ Tier 4 ↗️
Done Done Next Tier Requirement
Thargoids killed:
Last Tier Requirement
Commodities traded:

The Miner The Samaritan The Captain The Decorated Hero
Tier 3 ↗️ Tier 1 ↗️ Tier 2 ↗️ Tier 0 ↗️
Next Tier Requirement
Minerals refined:
Next Tier Requirement
Items and civilians rescued:
Next Tier Requirement
Passengers delivered:
First Tier Requirement
Tier 5 medals gained:

Not even Tier 3 | At least Tier 3 | At least Tier 4 | Tier 5 achieved

For the summary:

- I finished The Explorer tier 5
- I finished The Mercenary tier 5

Which are huge. But that itself doesn't justify a full new log entry, so let me explain what happened this week.

  1. I checked every single ship I had, and made the decision to keep / sell / enhance them. I also created new ones that I wanted for a while. I even created an Excel spreadsheet. Yes, I'm this crazy
  2. I enhanced my Inara CMDR profile page. I took a screenshot of every single ship in my fleet and added it to their Inara's entry.
  3. I broke my joystick, so after 3 years of HOTAS/Joystick usage, I'm back to good old keyboard and mouse, and it's painful

And that's all for today. I'll keep updating regularly throughout the process.
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︎0 Shiny!

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