Logbook entry

My future as a Commander (continuation)

14 May 2024sauceSoja

Original post: link

I lied. To you, who read my previous post, for sure, but to me also. I said I would make a decision in a few days or weeks, at most. But then I just realized that it has been months since then.

So now it's time to conclude my "spiritual hindrance". I thought about my squadron, our allegiances, Pranav Antal, the power I'm supporting, and other shallow things. But at the end of the day. all of this is not important. So what do I want to achieve now? Well, I thought a lot about it, more than I should have, but at least, I've found the answer.

I want it all! All of it. I want to "finish the game", as we say. So what does it mean, exactly? Well, there are two things that'll drive my journey:

- My ranks into the universe
- My medals on Inara

Elite V in all ranks: combat, trade, explorer, Mercenary and Exobiologist. CQC is not a thing for me, so we'll see, but it's not 100% excluded.

Plus, I want at least one tier 5 medal for each award, here, on Inara. That means The Traveller, The Explorer, The Exobiologist, The Soldier, The Hunter, The Mercenary, The Xeno-Hunter, The Trader, The Miner, The Samaritan, The Captain and, of course, The Decorated Hero, which will be completed by doing the other ones, eventually.

I also want the last ribbon missing on my page: The Writer. So I'll try my best to document my journey in the process. I have to practice the few languages I know, or at least, the ones I'm trying to acquire and in which I can already express myself a little. English is one of them, since I'm French. It'll be a fun way to practice them too.

This will keep me busy, for sure, and with a real long-term goal, nevertheless.

I'll keep updating.

Fly safe (unless you prefer not) o7


원로그: link

나는 내 지난 로그를 읽은 분들에게 거짓말을 했고, 놀라게 나에게도 거짓말을 했더라. 내가 며칠이나 여러 주 안에 결정해야 된다라고 했었다. 결국엔, 벌써 수개월 지나갔군.

이제는, 내가 필요없는 생각을 잊어야 하고 진실 목표를 가지고 싶다고. 그래서, 그 목표를 찾았다.

다 원한다! 그 시**ㄹ 게임을 끝내고 싶다고. 근데 어떻게 하지?

일단은 모든 계급, 모든 업적을 얻고 싶고, 게임 안에 것들과 이 웹사이트의 것들도 말이다.

모든 엘리트V 랭크를 원하고 있다. 모든 INARA의 훈장도 받아야겠다.

그리고 내 지휘관 개요에서는, 마지막 작가라는 리본만 있으니까, 이제부터 내 여정을 기록할 것입니다.

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