Logbook entry

More than it appears

14 Jun 2024Xochitl Khae

More than it appears

Standing behind and to one side of Madam Contessa Svetlana, Jabir’s facial muscles twitched as a cool and clammy feeling washed over him. The concierge recorded the names of the clientele, working their data tablet as the person of their choice was summoned to lead them to the area of their desires.

The decorum was business professional, with lighting casting soft glows around the borders of the ceiling and floors. The business suit made Jabir feel out of place, never having worn one before. Contessa was dressed, as all her staff were, in a well-adorned and regal fashion. Their movements were graceful and purposeful, with large, well-dressed, and groomed human and android guards maintaining a watchful presence.

This was not a lewd station brothel but one where only professional clientele of the commander’s choosing were allowed to attend. Improprieties and uncouth behavior were strongly guarded against, with none powerful enough to break the rules. The visible security presence made it clear that even if someone thought they could, they were most certainly mistaken.

Svetlana turned her head to look at Jabir out of the corner of her eye. Her sweet, accented voice was soft and direct. “You see, Mr. Jabir, that each client is registered and accounted for. Their desires are catered to by either human or android, as they so desire. Take note of this lesson you are witnessing. Not all who come here want to indulge the more carnal desires of their nature. Several want a simple companion, within an environment that does not require commitment to anything other than their own relaxation.”

She turned her head back, maintaining a watchful eye on all who were present, her face as stoic as a mask as her eyes followed those items that interested her.

“This bothers you,” Svetlana asked with a soft accent, her eyes never leaving the larger scene.

Jabir shifted his posture nervously. “Where I am from, prostitution is unclean.”

The corner of the Contessa’s mouth lifted as she looked back over her shoulder at Jabir. “These are consorts, not prostitutes.”

“They are one and the same,” Jabir replied in an uncomfortable stammer.

Svetlana motioned with a graceful hand at the scene surrounding them. “A prostitute has one objective, sex. I do not see any sex taking place here. What you see are consorts. They are a companion first. A comforter with an ear to listen to that which others cannot say elsewhere. A soother of worn nerves and tired souls. They are paid for their time, but sex is never an objective, though sometimes required to put a spirit at ease.”

Jabir glanced around at the serene, professional atmosphere as Svetlana turned to face him.

“Each client here is a professional businessman or woman. They are chosen by your mentor and the commander of this vessel. As his reputation increases with the surrounding systems, so does the caliber of our clientele. They generate revenue, but more importantly, they generate intelligence. We are the keepers of their secrets, and his.”

“Then this is all dishonest,” Jabir countered in a firm tone, his eyes shifting from discomfort to annoyance.

Svetlana shook her head slowly. “No, Jabir, it is not. Pirates, bandits, and raiders are a necessary evil, as are all parasites. They provide solutions where no other recourse exists. At the same time, those like your mentor, who provide this service, are useful in keeping their growth in check, balancing the scales.”

Jabir's frown deepened. “Balancing the scales? By exploiting people’s weaknesses?”

Svetlana's gaze softened a hint of understanding in her eyes. “It is not exploitation, Jabir. It is a symbiosis. The clients come here willingly, seeking something they cannot find elsewhere. In return, we gain knowledge and resources that can be used to our advantage. It is a delicate balance, one that requires understanding and finesse.”

Jabir crossed his arms, still skeptical. “And what about the people you’re gathering intelligence on? Don’t they deserve to know they’re being watched?”

Svetlana sighed. “This is the nature of our world, Jabir. Information is power. Those who hold it can shape the destiny of entire systems. We are not here to harm; we are here to survive and thrive in a universe that is often harsh and unforgiving. Your mentor understands this, and so must you.”

Jabir remained silent in the realization that this world he was learning was far deeper than he could have realized as Svetlana placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You have much to learn, Jabir. Keep an open mind, and you will see that what we do here is more than it appears.”

Ryuko watched as a new symbol appeared on his display confirming the transfer of funds as the last of the cargo was transferred out of his Python’s hold.

“Not bad,” Tara commented as she closed the cargo bay doors.

Ryuko smiled, looking over at his companion. “Who says you can’t profit both ways when laundering commodities?”

Tara chuckled. “Indeed. 3,232,675 credits from the sale of the original 191 pirated imperial slaves, then buying back 191 plus 1 for 2,886,336 credits. Then you flipped what is now a legal commodity for 3,475,104 credits, profiting a tidy 588,768 credits at the merge, through arbitrage. When you combine that with the initial sale, you netted 3,821,443 credits.”

Ryuko’s smile widened. “The best part is, we improved our reputation with the locals, meaning we get first pick at their best legitimate cargo and business passenger routes, which means more pay for us.”

A wicked smile appeared on Tara’s face as she leaned across towards Ryuko. “Sure you don’t have a cybernetic implant hiding behind those devilish horns appearing on your head?”

Ryuko burst out in laughter. “Something has to keep my halo in place.”
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