Logbook entry

Quid Pro Quo

02 Jul 2024Lambast Mercy
Continued from Favors and Profit Potential

She sat down looking as if she was elegantly settling into an expensive sports car. Belladonna had come back with Lambast, and some of the team that had breached the Jester also accompanied the white-haired Imperial women on this visit with Vodan. The pirate carrier services station, Syma Bay was a good place to meet someone like Lambast, especially as Vodan had to decline their deal.

He knew she had chosen to live on a station with people that wanted her dead, but somehow, she had stuck a balance meaning neither side could touch the other. Vodan knew the Cartel she was at odds with well; they were not reasonable people, so Lambast had to be at least on their level. To him, she was the sort of person that just kept coming if she was after you. She’d never run, but she would just, keep, coming, no matter what distance or obstacles you put in the way.

“Hey Mercy, glad you put in an appearance this time. What do ya want?” asked Vodan feeling pretty safe in a bar full of Vengerfield’s raiders. All of them were looking at Lambast’s party. They were definitely the odd ones out in this situation.

After taking a seat beside Vodan, belladonna lit up a cigarette, and helped herself to Vodan’s drink.

“I came to keep your first officer out of my crew berths, mister Hooder. I will also be collecting my payment for assisting your endeavors against Destinies Jester” answered Lambast sitting upright, keeping her eyes fixed on Vodan, showing no regard for a station full of criminals.

“Yeah well, you didn’t exactly hold up your end of the deal, did you?” said Vodan holding his hand up, then pointing at the empty place in front of him to asking for another drink.

“Mister Hooder..” started Lambast

“No no no. I wanted your carrier in on the action, you declined. I wanted you to lead the boarding party, and you weren’t even in the area when the fight started. You didn’t even show up until the fight was pretty much over. To my way of thinking, you did fuck all, so you get rewarded in kind. Understand?”

“Hm. Your salvation did come in the form of two wings of FDLs lead by Kaisla and Phresh, that were part of my forces. On top of that, you have your ..”

Lambast paused, glancing at Belladonna with the same look most people gave road kill.

“.. first officer back thanks to the diligent work of my team. On top of that, my ERV’s brought in almost two dozen of your people. I think you’ll find I assisted you far more than your own allies, mister Hooder”

“Yeah, I mean I get that, but none of that was exactly what we talked about, was it? I wanted you because of you boarding, and extraction skill. Instead, you sent Jonny Cheekbones here” said Vodan nodding at the big guy next to Lambast. “I needed you to get me Red Jade, and I don’t have Red Jade, do I?”

“No, but that doesn't change the fact that I lent more effective ships to the encounter than anyone else. With out me and my forces, you wouldn’t have a carrier to bring here for repair”

“Yeah, ok. I’ll give you that, and I’ll pay you more than I would for merc’s that were useful. But you didn’t help me get what I wanted, so all of this was for noting”

“Whether you achieved your objective was not dependent on my attendance, mister Hooder. It was your plan, and I supplied hardware and personal capable, and pivotal, in the execution of your machinations. Mister Hooder”

“but you were not there Lambast. You didn’t show up. If I wanted mercs’, I’d have got mercs. I wanted you because of your record. You..” said Vodan pointing at Lambast “..didn’t, show, up. No show, no pay. Simple as that. Deal is a deal, Mercy”

Irksome as it was, Lambast had to admit, Vodan had a point. If she was in his place, Lambast wouldn’t pay the man. In the right or not, Vodan held the key to unlocking the barrier in the way of her building her own town on Cubeo three.

“Mister Hooder, given the state of the Anansi, would it not make more sense to simply give me an introduction to the esteemed mister Vengerfield, instead of paying me a silly amount of credits?”

“Fuck no!” answered Vodan quickly. Leaning forward, he lowered his voice “Jumping through all the hoops I’d have to, to get you an intro, would firmly put me on his radar, and I just got my carrier fucked with fuck all to show for it” he almost whispered across the table. “Fuck that noise”

Sitting up again, Vodan took his drink from the waiter and took a swig before offering Lambast something to get her out of his hair.

“What I can do is promise you no one from our collective will knowingly bother your ships any more. And if they do, you let me know and I’ll have you reimbursed for any losses. Thats a pretty good deal for lending me a few ships, while you put ya feet up or some shit, don’t you think?”

That was a good deal. It did nothing to keep Count Goodness off her back about his missing son, but Lambast had looked in to the reach of Vengerfields’ people now she knew they were connected. Having that many raiders and pirate off her back was a boon not many business owners could boast.

Even without an introduction to mister Vengerfield, Lambast now knew he existed, and she had plenty of information about a few people that knew how to find Vengerfield. It was more than a good start.

“Fine, I understand your position mister Hooder, and I would be a fool to reject your offer. I am disappointed of course, but I respect the compromise” said Lambast extending her hand to Vodan.


On her way to her ship, Lambast checked her messages. There was a few intriguing lines from Vasil.

Lady Lambast,

I believe I have something that may be of use to you. I’d be happy to meet and discuss the details of a transfer at a time and place convenient for you.

Vasil Vasilescu
Emerald Repatriation Society

Taking some time to type up a response, Lambast leaded in a doorway while her escort kept their eyes open for her.

Very well.

I have need to visit Ciit Gateway once again. Shall we meet in the Galactic?
I’ll be there tomorrow, all things being well.

Kind regards

After answering Vasil, Lambast used her neural-link to type out a message for Maul. Thinking of what he must be doing, Lambast remembered she was supposed to be practicing with the nural-link.

I’m leaving now, do you need more time, mister Montresor? I can find some way to entertain myself if required
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︎4 Shiny!

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