Logbook entry

Sheep of War

22 Aug 2024Argon Shadowstar
With every passing day, it becomes more obvious that our leaders cannot be trusted with the power they have. They squander it on personal gain and threaten us, the people, with it, when it is we who gave it to them in the first place. I know what you're thinking: "But the superpowers saved us from the Thargoids.". And I say to you: "No, they did not. It was we who saved ourselves from the war they dragged us into!" It was not the superpowers who developed the weapons that win this conflict, it was independent engineers and teams of scientists who did that. The superpowers realized this quickly and hurried to throw money at them in order to claim the credit, but they do not deserve it. It was not the standing armies and navies of the Federation and the Empire who fought back the Thargoids as they razed planet after planet, abducting our people by the millions for their own unfathomable goals. It was the legions of heroic independent pilots, displaying skill and resourcefulness beyond what the lazy superpowers could muster, who saved the day. This has always been the case, though the powers would have you believe otherwise. They have always needed us, the people, and they fear us because of it. It is we who have the power, we need only take it back from those who are no longer deserving of it.

Admittedly, the leaders of the Empire and the Federation are not quite as absurd and childish as leaders of the past. You need only look back roughly a millennium to see how far we have come from the ridiculous antics and on-stage melodrama reminiscent of preparatory school squabbles that once decided the leaders of nations on old Earth. But when I say "how far" I mean to measure that distance and I am disappointed to find that it is quite a short one. In one thousand years, it should shame all of us to see that our leaders are barely any more mature than screaming spoiled children in an overcrowded daycare. It is a wonder we somehow made it off our mother Earth without destroying ourselves in the process.

It is clear to see that change must happen, and it is we who must make it. But it is not simply enough to remove the ones at the top. Another corrupt politician will merely take their place, for their organizations are large and well funded. No, we must tear down the whole thing. We must disband both parties and rebuild from the ground up. The Federation and the Empire must both be dismantled before humanity can truly be free. And the Alliance will likely fall shortly thereafter, for I suspect the rats running the show will simply abandon their respective sinking ships and hop on board the S.S. Mahon when faced with oblivion. I know that I ask much, but I know that you, the people of this galaxy, are capable of it. You are each heroes in your own right, whether you have realized it yet or not, and the power is in your hands, if you would take it back from those who do not deserve it. You who would be sheep, powerless in the service of unworthy masters: Rise up! There is power within you that your foolish masters fear. Use it to tear them down and pave the way for a new chapter of humanity, a free chapter where we can achieve our greatest potential together.
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