Logbook entry

Aitvani Rebellion: Week Two

06 Oct 2024Argon Shadowstar
"As Imperial forces continue to battle pro-Independent extremists, rebels under the command of The Northern Culture have captured a majority of the military facilities across the system. With the Order of the Imperial Knights busy fighting the rebels, the League of Aitvani Focus and the HIP 34961 Empire League have fortified their positions and are currently attempting to devise a strategy for dealing with the situation. Both of these Imperial groups have petitioned the Emperor for assistance. In response, she has dispatched a small contingent of her personal legion to assist in crushing the rebellion, and they expect to be able maintain control of Potocnik Platform, a minor civilian orbital and the apparent target of the New Aitvani Green Party, who have replaced the Northern Culture in spearheading the insurgency. This is part of a tag-team tactic the rebels are employing to disrupt the Imperial defense and keep them guessing. It appears that the Northern Culture is still involved in the conflict, but they are utilizing the other independent groups in the system in a joint effort to remove Imperial control. This effort, despite its initial success, seems to currently be stalled due to the successful entrenchment of Imperial command forces in the system. However, with pro-sedition sentiment at an all-time high across the system, it remains to be seen whether this stalwart Imperial defense will be able to withstand a prolonged campaign."

The above is from a local news report by the Aitvani Herald regarding the rebellion. As truth is my weapon, I share this information with the galaxy at large, so they they may know that our struggle continues. We will not rest until every system has been liberated from the oppression of the powers.

Do not take this to mean that I agree with everything in the report. They report what they know, and like all media, are biased, despite their attempts at neutrality. They are also inclined to report the news in a way that keeps readers coming back for more. This does not always lead to the truth. However, they are correct when they question how long the Empire can withstand this conflict. The rebel forces in Aitvani are well supplied and supported thanks to my efforts, and thus are fully capable of sustaining this conflict indefinitely. The Empire's size, their greatest asset, can be used against them here. They should not be willing to commit their forces long term to the defense of this system, which is, in the grand scheme, a minor frontier system with little value compared to other fronts under threat. If they do, it will prove to be a mistake as they then lose ground elsewhere, only to be continually harassed by rebel forces until the system is so devastated that they finally realize there is nothing left to fight for.

Of course, I admit that my immediate concern is the removal of the Order, as has been elsewhere in this theater of operation. Once that is complete, I will likely move on. However, I do not expect the Northern Culture to let go of the opportunity that I have inadvertantly created for them. As an active faction, they will continue to pursue the independence of Aitvani for as long as their resolve holds out. I cannot predict that outcome, however, as it does not directly involve me. But what I have learned in my time here is that these insurgents are exceptionally spirited and have been oppressed for so long that they are willing to die for their cause. It was not until I attacked the Order and created this opportunity that they had a real chance at making a difference, and now have taken hold of that opportunity like a Betel Hound with a piece of bloody meat.

If nothing else, I can guarantee that Aitvani will be a source for mercenary employment for as long as the Empire's willingness to fight for it lasts.
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