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About Infernal Squadron

Name: Infernal Squadron
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERelaxed/casualFamily/mixedOpenPrivate groupExplorersMentorsMinersTraders

In-game name:

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: shuffleQ
Members: 16
Supporters: 7
Squadron age: 1335 days

In coalition with:
91st Intergalactic Corps
Welcome CMDRs! The Infernal Squad is a group of explorers mainly centered around the Infernal Expeditions, a series of deep space exploration missions based on the fleet carrier D SCAN WILL SOON B OVER, organized by our captain Infernal Mousse.

There is no need to be a member of the Infernal Squad in order to participate in any activities of D SCAN! All operations of the fleet carrier are public and available to everyone. The aim of this group is to support our captain and engage in a variety of activities, extending the engagement of our carrier fleet beyond the direct operations.

We are dedicated to help new players from the first day to elite on their voyage through the galaxy. Online everyday or once a week, old and young, from around the globe, all CMDRs are welcomed by the Infernal Squad.
Feel free to visit our Discord server at any time, prior to joining or even if you don't want to join at all.